710at420 THC Extraction
710at420 concentrating forums for information and topics on the extraction of THC and other associated cannabinoids within cannabis
Discussions and topics specifically about using medical cannabis tinctures and other extract formulas for medical cannabis use, dosage rates, which strains work best for what etc.
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236 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
ive never done this extraction,but i was wondering something. Has anyone out there kept the pvc closed and let the material extract in the butane? does it darken after time? let me know
Last reply by Buddy, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
I have just started trying to make honey oil. It didnt work out so well, not sure what the problem is. I have about 20 pounds of leaves, I am using a pvc pipe, gold star butane, and 70% Isopropanol( rubbing alcohol). Went through the whole process of squeezing the butane bottle into the pipe, and watching it drip out at the end of it. The end result was a messy greenish looking goo =(. Does the leaves have to be from the bud it self or could it be from the cutting? Does it have to be dry before I start extracting it?
Last reply by pipeman, -
Hash oil solvent
by Guest justin- 8 replies
Hello. I'm looking for a non toxic solvent for the oil that you extract from bud using l.p.g. Can anyone help. Ta.
Last reply by indooraussie, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
a couple times we have discussed whether you could do further extraction from hash bag waste. I tried this tonight, here are some pics. the material used went through 2 runs in the hash bags. I spread it out on paper to dry for a couple days then gave it a short stint in the oven to finish it off. Crumbled it up by hand. The extractor is a glass vase I got from Myers for $24. Its about 1.5inches across and 30cm long. It was an absolute bitch to drill through that thick base, took me ages. And then just as I was about to poke through the bit brok in the hole. Took ages to get out. coffee filters & rubber bands were used at the other end.
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 11 replies
1. Get a shitload of trimmings (eg, tip leaves, shade leaves, crappy little kiff buds, etc) For most purity..Try to kill off as much clorophyl in the plant matter as possible. This can be achieved by leaving it in a dark plastic box with an airtight lid, and letting it soak for about 1 week in complete darkness....Then dry it till it is crispy...but don't OVER dry it or too much of the THC will oxidise (into CBH I think) 2. Put your trimmings in a large pot 3. Get a bottle of 100% ethanol (Metho works just as well) 4. Soak the trimmings evenly with the ethanol and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Give it a good mash also before letting it sit. 5. Once you have le…
Last reply by Dirty_Deed, -
- 7 replies
I have read around the place, particularly at overgrow, that extracted butane honey oil does not carry any of the mould spores of the original material. So get yourself some copper tube and cans of butane and turn the bad stuff into gold!
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Butane extraction 1 2 3
by Rattdogg- 26 replies
Here's what i ended up with from the 1lb of leaf/tip and stem from last grow, netted myself 4 double o caps of sticky oil using butane extraction. I do this every grow as i prefer to smoke spots of this on the stove than joints of bud. Dont throw your cabbage, butane extraction is the shit
Hash Oil?? 1 2 3
by Guest Urbanhog- 24 replies
I am just curious about these Hash Oils, how are they made from Hash Powder??? As I just recently brought Distiller and now I can produce my own 70% enthoal/grog, and no more visits to the bottleshops, since I now buy cheap high-quailty wines with no labels online, and get discount beers from a "mate" and I was curious as I have never tried this or heard, as I am still bit of a "newbie" in the Hash area.... lets say a I made/got some nice balls of hash and if I put the hash inside a bottle of a 70% grog, will the hash "melt/disolve" in the grog?? or what?? and will that "hash-grog" will be extremely potent and only small amounts needed?? I guess it will be pretty potent…
Last reply by porkchop, -
- 19 replies
Am posting this on behalf of blueit. Don't ask. It was just easier this way. Click on the attached image below:
Last reply by SicKo, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, I was sick of getting the sticky fingers while manicuring so i decided to try an experiment. I decided to use a small coffee jar with Metho (not recomended) and dip my fingers in this while rubbing them togeather. This worked well as while i'm busy manicuring is when the action starts, (I need to have a leak and my fingers get stuck to it or phone rings etc). When i finished manicure i noticed a lot of crystals on the bottom of the jar, I put the lid on and put away for future use. Anyways, I was desperate last night and decided to try my fingerbowl oil, I started to evaporate the metho and when it was nearly all gone i threw in some powdered male tops and continu…
Last reply by Paranoid, -
- 7 replies
How does alcohol separate the oil from the vegetation? How do ice bags do the same thing? And butane? To make cannabutter you simmer the plant for a few hours. Seems like there are 101 ways to extract the stuff.....whats the simplest method for non cooking?
Last reply by BlackBeauty,