Cannabis Grow Rooms
Information and discussions on grow room construction, lighting, ventilation and security
Hey there, thinking of setting up a little number in my cupboard at home and dont have any cash to buy a proper setup and was wondering if you guys saw any merit in using normal household lamps, like a desk lamp or bed lamp in there on a timer?? Thanks for your help have a good weekend, Chingy
Last reply by Nath, -
Hi, everyone. I have a closet which is about 46cm by 77cm by 168cm tall .I'm wonder which HPS light's would be best for this space.400w or 600w thanks
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Q: Can I let my seedlings stay outside in sunlight during the day and take them in during the night under flourecsnt? Extra... I know that there is a transition period from transfering to both, but i dont know if u can use both. Thanks!~ Okay, i put my seeds in water for about a week, i gave up on them so i put them in dirt in buckets and left them in my room. Then abou 5 days later i check up on them (by accident) and 2 had sprouted! One was a little bit streched but the other still has the shell on the leaves (5 i used, 2 have sprouted so far). Anyways, i left them both outside, but considering were still in winter i brought them back inside and ran out and bou…
Last reply by BigggScrOG, -
My New Light
by Nath- 6 replies
Are these any good? JB Ballast HPS400 Reactor Control Gear for 423W Son T Agro or LU400 Lamp ----------------------------------- JBL E39 PULSE RATED 4KV ------------------------------------ Sunmaster SL400W U15VRD Venture Lighting Hungary The kit puts out a shitload of light, PISSES on my crappy fluoros.. cant wait to see the results. Also Ill be getting another one definately, probably a 600w this time, the 400w is a little dull But Im thinking of getting a large MH, as apparently the plants grow better under that spectrum and the buds may be better in the end.. I see so many HPS grows with stretchy plants.. Seems they are $170 with the SonT globe.. apparently the…
Last reply by Mr Nice Guy, -
Exhaust Fans 1 2
by racked-
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
Need a bit of advice on exhaust fans. I want to start flowering in a coup weeks so i will be extending my GR to 8ft x 4ft and hanging up a second 600hps. The room is not sealed. ( 12 inch gap around top) For the time being i have a 250mm intake fan pulling fresh air from window and a crappy 250mm exhaust, works fine at the moment but i want to update the exhaust and this is what im looking at. 250mm hydro turbo 800 odd cubic meters hour (220lps) $115 200mm inline (apparently very quiet) 110 lps $180 (would run a second 150mm passive intake from window to shades). Im wondering if the inline fan and duct would pull the heat from the back of the shades better or if …
Last reply by Nath, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
I cant get the humidity to rise highier than 30% its horrible dry!!! The temp is around 100 degrees. I put a jug of steamin hot water in and it only went up around 5% the temp stayed the same. Anyone have any ideas what i could do to lower the temp and rise the humidity without a humidifer? possibley more exhaust????
Last reply by Roadblock, -
- 1 reply
Hi, evereybody,I've tried the rubber matting from "Crazy Clark's",cut the rubber matting into strip's and glue around the door.The light is still showing through ,please I need a better idea thanks.
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Have placed 4 4ft fluros underneath facing upwards , in an attempt to fill the bottom out a bit more , I have never tried this before , its only been a couple of weeks but the bottom is looking good with nice growth and no dying of in the middle , the top of the grow is very dense so there is very little light penetration , I dont know but so far this looks like it is worth doing , I dont think you need much light down below if you got plenty up top , even in full sun in the middle of a plant the light is only about fluro brightness , the fluros just seem to keep the bottom of the plant nice and healthy . Have any of you guys done this and if so how did work for you …
Last reply by Nath, -
- 5 replies
Ok,here is the story.I had a conversation with another grower on adifferent site about HPS and fluoro lighting. He told me that he had a fluoro capable of putting out 66 000 lumens. My 400 watt HPS puts out 50 000. I can hold my hand under a fluoro for ever,can't do that with my HPS. Everything i have read has told me to use fluoro's for veging and to convert to HID or HPS to finish the plant off. I haven't been doing this for long and am not quite sure if the info he gave was correct or not,could one of you seasoned/experienced growers shed some light(no pun intended) on this matter for me,as i am some-what confused now ! Cheers.
Last reply by Nath, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hey all, thinking of giving this years crop a headstart inside but don't want to lash out on big fancy lights are fluro tubbes any good?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 4 replies
hi is it ok to use a ducted air-con house for growing? i have heard problems about mould? Any tips or ideas? thanks
Last reply by jackfrost, -
exhaust fans 1 2
by Pure-
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Ok I have been offered a pretty damn good price to get one of the fans pictured bellow BUT I was told that you can go to far with the power of your exhaust fan . What I want to know is how much is too much ? is there a formula I can use to figure it out or is it trial and error ? the room I am getting the fan for is 4.3 m3 I will be using a carbon filter and will run eigther 2 or 3 600w lights so I need a GOOD fan for cooling otherwise it's gonna get too hot for the girls the fan pumps roughly 2000m3 per hour is that TOO much for my needs ? and also what happens when you go overboard …
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 11 replies
Got up early this morning to go have "brekkie",and heard the exhaust fan for my chamber still going,an HOUR after it was supposed to stop. Checked the timer and the white pin thing was missing,do not know how ! Anyways,my question is,will this affect the plant as it "was" going real good in the flower cycle 12/12,as far as i am aware this is the first and only time that this has happened. Any "enlightenment" to this problem will be very appreciated. Cheers.
Last reply by novice grower, -
- 8 replies
hey, Just wondering if anyone knows where i can source the 4" glass tubes for the globes as used in the omega garden etc.. They are for sale on ebay in the USA but im looking for a local supplier or a cheaper alternative... Any thoughts will be appreciated
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 3 replies
So, what exactly do you use to measure lighting. Apparently HID lights are the go for growing.. but what If i compared a 600w hps HID.. to say.. 10x 48w CF's.. thats incandescent equiv of 2,400w, yet are only using less than 500w's of power. Thats a hell of alot.. and I have two 48w fluoros on my seedlings at the moment, and they are going just fine.. although the light could be a bit stronger. How can I find out what is stronger than what.. Im thinking of buying a 400w metal halide light second hand for $85, and keeping a few cf's in the growroom. Then, in four weeks at the latest, get a new 600w hps and have the 600hps+400mh in the growroom for a nice flowering stage.. …
Last reply by Nath,