Cannabis Grow Rooms
Information and discussions on grow room construction, lighting, ventilation and security
- 12 replies
I just brought some refelective film,that dropped the temperature in my room buy 5 degree's.The film reflects 90% of the heat.So rather everything in the room absorbing the heat,the heat is reflected and gets blown right out the exhaust fan.It also reflects 95% of the light.But the most amazing thing is that it reflects the signal from infrared cameras.It cost me $12 a metre by 1.25m.Its called ADF Foil,and its from Holland.The hydro shop guy said its just arrived and is being sold already in some shops in Sydney.Its really good shit.
Last reply by Roadblock, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
hi all i have my 1000w hps lamps @ 50 cm from the plant tops (scrog method). the temperature at the plant tops is @ 30 degrees. there is no signs of light bleaching or leaf twisting from heat would i be better off lifting the lights to @ 60 cm from the plant tops and therefore reducing the temp at the plant canopy to @ 28 degrees? or is it better to have the lamps as close as possible for maximum light penetration - despite an increase in temps thanks
Last reply by keepleft, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I have done a bit of a search and haven't been able to find to much about this stuff. Basically what I am after are the following items. - Those retractable light raisers / lowerers - A centrigugal fan (150mm/6" intake and outlet), made of metal, with some sort of mount allowing it to be fixed to a wall or similar I'm having trouble finding such things at my local stores. If anyone knows of any shops in oz that sell these things, could you please let me know. Thanks.
Last reply by flipster, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hey all.i went out and bought me self two 250mm lenco ceiling fans.i want to change one to a intake fan is there anyway it can be done i dont really want to mess around with wires untill i know what i'm doing.thanks for any info
Last reply by staunch_1, -
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
Hi all Can I use an A/C with a digital thermostat setting (split system type) 1kw to cool a 3 x 3m grow shed running a 1000w MH? Can I use the A/C as the only source of air with NO intake or outtake fans? treestump
Last reply by Pa-uul, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
hi ive got the luxury of dedicated HPS 1000 watt globes/ballasts and also MH 1000 watt globes ballasts. traditionally, ive used the MH in veg then as soon as they go 12/12 i switch the globes and ballasts to HPS. ive been told the following: 1. use Metal Halide lights until the start of your 3rd week of flowering to control your node lengths (hieght) 2. finishing with halides for the last week or so >icreases the density 3. HPS lighting is more absorbed by plants and gives a quicker growth rate but at the expense of internodal stretching. If using HPS right through i would advise to clip out your centre lead stem to encourage lateral growth and a shorter str…
Last reply by keepleft, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
I was just reading a post by "Weedman" in grow room design and set up. Instead of hijacking his, I've decided to start my own here. This topic would relate to everyone here this time of year "How do I deal with the colder temperatures?" as we are heading towards winter here in Oz :scratchin . One advantage that we have going for us HID users is that our lights create allot of heat already which is a problem in summer; which, in turn is handled buy adding more fans and more air circulation. We could use this in winter, but in reverse. Too a certain extent. The plants need a minimum amount of Co2 to survive. So we have to at least draw in some air. But what if that a…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 28 replies
last crop i accidently left the pump off!!! didnt feed for 3 days. grodan tried up and plants wilted. stressed but they yielded more than ever! could it be that stressing your plants at the end by not watering leads to increased resin production or something??? any thoughts?
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk, -
Heavy Duty Timers 1 2
by Tom- 12 replies
Found a place to buy industrial timers on-line, some knowledge of electrical wiring would be needed to use them as they are not the plug-in type. Acecorp This place at ebay has a couple of the same ones a fair bit cheaper too.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
well ive read and googled and called my auntie and well im looking at a 400W hps for my first project involving indoors and pot. i have only ever grown hydroponically outside with decent yeilds on my fruits and vegtables. so i am now going to try dope indoors. i was just gunna go outdoors but housemates tend to be out in the pool alot so its not really a goot idea. my room /a converted shed. is insulated and such but it still gets rather warm. my grow space is 800*800*1800 1850 is the roof height (my room was made for hobits!!) i can pick up from some place down on beach rd in malaga a 400W hps kit for $210 ballast shade and lamp. is this a good price and should …
Last reply by busta lynez, -
- 9 replies
LEDs continue to develop and get cheaper. You can improve the light coverage, reduce the distance between plant and light, slice your power by 3/4, lengthen the time between trips to the hydro store, and reduce heat by using LED grow lights. The only problem right now is with the high start-up cost. Imagine this system in your cupboard (costs US$299): This star trek-like technology is here today: Photos copyright, There is a great advantage in spectrum efficiency:…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
its a sylvania 1000w MH lamp that has been floating around my house for the past few years it has finally come to some use as i just picked up a deal on ebay and all i need is the lamp how old do u think this one is by the pictures? im thinking not very old but could be wrong
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Hi can any-one tell me where I can get envirolights in Australia or any kida grow lights which do not kill my power bill? Thanks
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
24/7 vs 18/6 1 2
by Mushaman-
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
I've been using 24/7 on my seedlings in a nutritec cloning chamber until they were 3" and then moving them to a 400w HPS multi spectrum light, also 24/7 - I have a max grow height of about 4feet and I am wondering if using 24/7 will give me too much height before flowering, or doesn't it make much difference? any advice would be appreciated
Last reply by Nath, -
- 4 replies
have some old sunmaster 1100 watt MH ballasts that run the large warm deluxe globes. anyone know if it is possible to run other sunmaster 1000 watt globes on these ballasts?
Last reply by keepleft,