Lighting and Ventilation
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- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hi im purchasing some hps gear in the next couple of days and was going to order digital ballasts until reading some threads with people reporting shorter bulb life. The guy at hydro center reckons the 1000w lumatek ballasts can only use the lucagrow bulbs or they'l blow up . So im holding back my purchase on them ftm. I'm getting a consensus that the 600w digis are more forgiving on bulbs. Heat issues aren't important too me as i keep ballasts outside the growroom. Can you turn digital ballasts all on at once unlike magnetic which you have to stagger because of the spike in power on startup? Anyway Id really appreciate some long term reviews . Are they worth th…
Last reply by falconcobra, -
- 7 replies
Gday fellas, i got a cooltube with a reflector attached over the top of the tube. I reckon i lose some reflectivity bcos of the gap between the lamp and the reflector I wanted to use some reflective material inside the actual tube itself and was wondering the best shit to use... Strips of silver stickytape stuck inside the tube? or thin sheet of aluminum cut to size and bent into a half pipe and attached inside or over the top of the tube, many ideas not sure which way to go?.. cheers FC. Btw, this is a kick ass forum, my beverage stomach has grown about 6 inches cos i dont get off the comp much anymore.
Last reply by gitm69, -
- 3 replies
Hey everyone, Just need a bit of help concerning intake with some ducting. My grow area is 2.7 high, 1.2 wide and 1.2 deep. The thing is that i cant knock any holes in the brickwork at the bottom so im going to have to have my intake from the celing (seperate area from the exhaust is vented). I was planning on putting a fan at the top and having ducting run down to the bottom of my grow room. I was looking at a150mm fan. Do you think that will have enough power? For exhaust i was going to use a Cann filter with a 150mm fan.. Will this be enough ventilation? And one more thing. Six sativas would be ok in that space wouldnt they? Thanks for all your help! Adam
Last reply by gaotattack, -
- 9 replies
I'm blowin more than I'm suckin and have been doing a bit of that wor-w-wor-wor, oh you know, stuff and some extra bucks should be headin my way shortly, so I thought I'd ask a question. Flowering: 860*560*1600mm Vegetative: 860*560*1000mm 2 old wooden cupboards stand side by side and as of a few days ago an IXL 55L/s fan is suckin air into a (no fan) 150mm duct at the top of the flo box into the bottom. More duct then connects the two boxes, including a light trap made with an S bend and some cardboard, coming out the top of flo and feeding into the bottom of the veg area. Exhaust from the top of veg hits the fan and is blown outside. 6M of duct in total. Fan runs …
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 4 replies
hey i was thinking of getting anather small grow going and seen some small grow tents called budboxes and was wondering if anyone has tryed putting a 250w hps light in it will have 2 4 inch fans also how many plants do you think i could fit in it if i went 12/12 from rooted clone, i will be growing in 6lt pots and the plants are white widdow from nirvarna
Last reply by vaughn, -
- 1 reply
am i the only person in the world that uses hepa filter fans in there grow area. from my experience they keep things just right with the air quality and take care of the odor great.
Last reply by Dillan, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
g'day i was wondering what the best amount of plants for 2 600w lights the room is 1200x2400.. there is probley room for another light but i want to get things going first before i put in the other light!! i was thinking 6 plants!! is this too many would i loose yield? and what amount of space should i have between the 2 lights? also how close should it be to the wall before you start loosing the light? i have put this foil stuff up to help reflection and where its not foiled up ive just paintd white! thanks for your help guys!!
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk, -
- 11 replies
I was informed today. There are several reasons why there may be such 'unusual smell'. The soundproofing of the front few rooms which are too freakin close to a busy road and are also mainly places of slumber includes blocking the vents most rooms have and windows which are normally closed 24*7. Stale air and a degree of damp smell is normal. The 18yr old cat that was put down some time ago has left his mark. He was a tidy little rascal when he was younger but as age caught up with him he sometimes forgot tidiness, quite often sometimes in fact. and a rather large wardrobe full of (so far not very good) dope. I did make some small attempt at getting a description of…
Last reply by Innocent criminal, -
- 4 replies
mmm thinking about getting some tracks as 2 600w is heating up the room too much so i was thinking if i use a track and just use 1 600w will it still do the same area as 2 600w.. but it will just lower the heating!!does anybody have these or know anything about them?
Last reply by peyotedub, -
- 6 replies
g'day!! just wonderin best ways on making carbon filter? for a room 1m by 2m ? and also im thinking of putting in demostic fan on th roof any thought on other out fans i can use? also do i need to use a fan to get air in or can i use vent so it sucks air in?
Last reply by peyotedub, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hi all Does anyone use, or know anything about running a couple or 3 x 600 watters off of those power inverters that you hook up to a bank of car batteries? Thanks aussie
Last reply by aussie1, -
- 7 replies
Just in the process of rigging up some ventilation for a mate happy with the job i had ta show yas I`ll get more pics when its all done Cheers
Last reply by aussie1, -
- 420 Crew
- 64 replies
Mirrors reflect close to 100% of 'Wasted' Light .............You know when ya spend 30 minuted to do a post and then press the wrong ficken button eh? Just happened to me....... Ok take two Being a newbie to hydro gardening I've made a significant discovery that others seem skeptical of - Compact fluros + Mirrors Because I like to 'fuck with stuff' (how I learnt to build computers) I did away with the 'tried and tested' methods of hydroponic lighting. Everybody seems to go for the more expensive option of HID lighting - HOT and POWER HUNGRY - After finding a basic set-up at a 'Hydro Super Store' in Brisbane's South side (where I paid $129 for a compac…
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 2 replies
How much would I expect to pay for one of these?
Last reply by flatcat_auz, -
- 1 reply
can i use sylvania lighting metal arc M59R to grow plants with???and what type of light is it???
Last reply by doctor_grow,