International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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The American pilots who mistakenly killed four Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan were drugged- up "guinea pigs" at the time of the bombing, one of their defence lawyers said yesterday. "This was an Air Force science project using AF pilots as guinea pigs," Charles Gittins, lawyer for Major Harry Schmidt, said in an e-mail interview with The Globe and Mail yesterday. This fall, a U.S. military investigation criticized the force's use of amphetamines, but found that the drugs used by Major Schmidt and Major Bill Umbach were simply "not a factor" in the pilots' fateful decision to drop a 225- kilogram, laser-guided bomb on Canadian infantry soldiers. Eight were wounded a…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Source: Hamilton Spectator Any move to relax Canada's marijuana laws inevitably runs into a whirlwind of controversy. For all of the problems created by the criminal conviction of people with small amounts of marijuana, there is still widespread reluctance to do anything that runs the risk of encouraging more consumption of the drug. If a parliamentary committee chaired by Burlington Liberal MP Paddy Torsney carries the day, Canada will break new ground by decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana. Possession of up to 30 grams would be subject to a ticket and fine, rather than a criminal record. In the committee's view, it's more sensible to redirect police reso…
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Source: Beacon Herald The Americans are pointing the finger at us again. Most recently, we have been charged (and convicted) of being a sanctuary for terrorists, being an inadequate military ally and having loose- lipped prime minister’s assistants. But now as we move towards a more liberalized take on marijuana use, Canada has been called a threat to young Americans. A report by the special parliamentary committee on the use of non-medical drugs released last week recommends decriminalizing the possession and cultivation of up to 30 grams of marijuana for personal use. Possession would still be illegal but would not result in a criminal record. Instead it would b…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Edmonton police say the launch of an Internet-based home-delivery service for medicinal pot users has left them in a quandary. Marc-Boris St-Maurice, head of the Marijuana Party of Canada, announced the service after a Quebec Court judge said depriving medicinal pot users of a legal source violates their right to life and liberty. The decision isn't binding in Alberta. Charges of trafficking or possession will still be prosecuted here, said Janet Henchey, director of federal prosecutions for Alberta. But a veteran member of the city police's anti-cannabis Green Team said uncertainty over pot laws has left cops in a difficult position. "If it was brought to our at…
Last reply by boulder, -
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(3) COURT RULING PROMPTS POT-DELIVERY SERVICE Medical Marijuana Club Activists Launch Order-By-Web Site After Judge In Quebec Stays Possession And Trafficking Charges MONTREAL -- Pot in Canada may soon be a click away with the launch of a home-delivery service for medical marijuana over the Internet. Marijuana activists in Montreal announced the start-up of shortly after a Quebec judge threw out possession and trafficking charges yesterday against two volunteers at a medical marijuana club. Quebec Court Judge Gilles Cadieux said authorizing those who are ill to use marijuana in Canada while depriving them of a legal so…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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Four arrests in raids on cannabis cafés By Chris Gray 19 December 2002 Police have arrested four people in a crackdown on Amsterdam-style cannabis cafés. Scotland Yard made the arrests at two cafés in Camden, north London, after keeping them under surveillance for nearly two months. Police said the cafés, Amsterdam of London and Ian's Hemp Bar, sold legal paraphernalia associated with cannabis but officers suspected drug dealers were operating at both. About 25 officers raided the cafés and seized 14 wraps of marijuana, two marijuana grinders and a small amount of cannabis resin from Amsterdam of London. Two men, aged 29 and 38, and a 21- year-old woman were arr…
Last reply by pipeman, -
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Murdering activists, smuggling drugs, unseating governments and impregnating hippie girls is all in a day's work for members of America's elite intelligence organizations. These agents of America's secret government use drug war as an excuse to sabotage democracy in foreign countries and assassinate political opponents, using tactics perfected in their own nation. FBI . political police With the US Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) accusing the world's marijuana cultures of collusion with terrorists, it's instructive to look at times in the past when the US was faced with foreign threats, and the role of its intelligence organizations during times of cris…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Police from the United Nations Mission in Kosovo recently detained and questioned the prioress of a Serbian Orthodox Church monastery, for suspicion of growing marijuana. In early August, UN police officers noticed pot-like plants in a field where they had been landing their helicopters. Since the field belongs to the monastery, UN police took the monastery's 70-year-old prioress Mother Efrosinia to police headquarters, for several hours of questioning. The plants in question were indeed cannabis, but hemp, not marijuana. Father Sava Janjic, speaking for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo, explained that cannabis hemp grows wild in Serbia. "Hemp is a plant here in …
Last reply by boulder, -
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Source: Austin Chronicle On Dec. 4 the Marijuana Policy Project -- the advocates behind a number of November's failed drug-reform ballot initiatives -- filed a formal complaint with the federal Office of Special Counsel, calling for the ouster of drug czar John Walters, head of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. In the three-page complaint, the MPP alleges that Walters was in "gross violation" of both federal and Nevada state law when he traveled to the Silver State in October to campaign against Question 9 -- a sweeping drug-reform initiative that would have both decriminalized marijuana possession and provided for the drug's legal sale. The MP…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Pot in Canada may soon be a click away with the launch of a home-delivery service for medical marijuana over the Internet. Marijuana activists in Montreal announced the start-up of -- http:// -- shortly after a Quebec judge threw out possession and trafficking charges Thursday against two volunteers at a medical marijuana club. Quebec Court Judge Gilles Cadieux said authorizing those who are ill to use marijuana in Canada while depriving them of a legal source violates the right to life and liberty under the Charter. Judge Cadieux stopped short of invalidating Canada's pot laws, saying such a decision is up to higher courts. But he orde…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Internet sales not seen as panacea Muscular dystrophy patient says many who need drug are on welfare, fixed incomes to enrich dope peddlers, not help sufferers. Claude Messier applauded the new Web site launched by the Marijuana Party of Canada yesterday to sell pot over the Internet. But, he admitted, it will do little to answer the problem of accessibility for those in need of medicinal marijuana. Messier, 36, is a muscular dystrophy patient who lives in constant pain. He smokes on average about 3 grams of pot a day - roughly $800 worth a month. While Messier, who was a defence witness at the drug-trafficking trial of Marc St-Maurice and Alexandre Néron, was happy…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 07:44:09 -0800 From: "D. Paul Stanford" <> Subject: 006 CA: Marijuana As Mitzvah Newshawk: Jane Marcus Pubdate: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 Source: Los Altos Town Crier (CA) Copyright: 2002 The Town Crier Company Inc. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Cynthia Marshall Schuman / Special to the Town Crier Bookmark: (Cannabis - California) Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal) MARIJUANA AS MITZVAH Local Temple Supports Drug's Therapeutic Use Susan Gaskill had many of the things that her fri…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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Montreal — A judge has halted the drug-trafficking trial of two marijuana activists who were involved in a club that dispensed the drug for medical use. A lawyer who represented the federal government at the trial said Thursday's decision amounts to an acquittal for the accused. "When the judge orders a stay of proceedings, that is tantamount to an acquittal," Robert Marchi said in an interview. Marc-Boris Saint-Maurice, director of the Compassion Club, and Alexandre Neron, who worked at the club, were accused of possession of marijuana and trafficking the drug. The case was watched closely by pro-cannabis and law-enforcement groups because of its implications for …
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