International Cannabis News
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Source: Edmonton Sun Pot shops where smokers could buy and toke marijuana might be set up in major Canadian cities within six months, says a cannabis advocate in Vancouver. "We're trying to open a marijuana-selling operation in the city, and the reason for that is that there's so many people from out of town who come to Vancouver and there isn't a respectable retail outlet to send an out-of-towner to," said Marc Emery, president of the Marijuana Party of B.C. "We end up having to send them to the sleazy part of the downtown east side to buy from all the crack, heroin and pot dealers, and people who sell anything illegal. It's always a discouraging experience to se…
Last reply by boulder, -
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UK: Let Them Smoke Dope URL: Newshawk: JimmyG Webpage: Pubdate: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 Source: Sunday Mail (UK) Contact: Copyright: 2002 Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd. Website: Details: Author: Derek Alexander LET THEM SMOKE DOPE Scots Police Forces Stop Arresting Cannabis Users POLICE officers have been told not to arrest anyone caught with cannabis for personal use, the Sunday Mail can reveal. All eight Scottish forces adopted the secret policy because they were…
Last reply by Tom, -
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Sault Ste. Marie’s senior drug prosecutor is awaiting word on what happens now with marijuana possession charges after a potential landmark decision Thursday in a southern Ontario courtroom. Wayne Chorney said he is expecting instructions from the federal department of justice within a day or two. “I suspect they will tell us to stay charges in the interim or adjourn them for the next month or so,’’ the federal Crown said. An Ontario Court judge in Windsor threw out a marijuana charge against a teenaged boy Thursday after his lawyer argued there is effectively no law in Canada prohibiting possession of 30 grams of pot or less. Chorney estimates there are probably 7…
Last reply by boulder, -
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San Luis Obispo - Donovan No Runner walked out of the San Luis Obispo Police station all smiles Friday, holding the bag of marijuana authorities had returned to him. A local Superior Court judge had ordered the city to return the marijuana it confiscated from No Runner last summer, ruling the 23-year-old Grover Beach man had a valid doctor's recommendation. But police were concerned that handing the pot over to No Runner would violate a federal law prohibiting the distribution of controlled substances. As a result, the City Council considered appealing the court's ruling during a last-minute meeting Friday, but instead it decided to give up the fight. "The city i…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Ottawa is appealing a ruling that found Canada's marijuana-possession laws are no longer valid. In a notice filed Friday, the Crown says it will try to show an Ontario judge erred when he concluded that a 16-year-old broke no laws when he was caught carrying five grams of marijuana this spring. "Because the decision created so much public interest, we thought it best to quickly deal with the issue and clarify the law as quickly as we can," said Jim Leising, director of the Justice Department's prosecution service in Ontario. He announced the decision to appeal yesterday, one day after Judge Douglas Phillips in Windsor dismissed possession charges against the teen. …
Last reply by boulder, -
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Vancouver, B.C. -- The door-kicking has stopped, as have the asset forfeitures and harassment. Chris Bennett hasn't been arrested in weeks, nor have any of his friends. Yet, the 40-year-old Bennett isn't inclined to say the battle is won. He's seen the police relax before. He's seen pot achieve a tenuous level of respectability when a more liberal-minded mayor or police chief takes over. And he's seen the subsequent backlash. "Every time we talk to the press, something happens," he said, sitting in the store he manages, The Marijuana Party Headquarters. The store is three blocks from one of Vancouver's toniest shopping districts. While Bennett talks, he selects a h…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Jerusalem -- A driver speeding past two dozen cyclists from the pro-marijuana Green Leaf Party shouts, "Hey, you giving out free samples?" A bus driver gives a wave and a honk. The cyclists, wearing T-shirts emblazoned with a marijuana leaf, pedaled through the city to draw attention to one of their many tenets, ditching cars for bicycles. It was part election campaign, part environmental activism and part lark. A month before parliamentary elections, Green Leaf is among several fringe parties competing for the protest vote from Israelis unwilling to choose hardliners but frustrated by dovish parties after more than two years of fighting with the Palestinians. They…
Last reply by boulder, -
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In Pakistan, cannabis use has reached alarming proportions among young people, particularly in the urban population. In large cities such as Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, smoking a "joint" for relaxation is considered "fashionable and the in thing." Parents from the upper social classes, if not encouraging its use, do not care if their children smoke hash off and on, during weekends or at parties. About 80 to 90 per cent adolescents and young college students in most of the elite schools have tried hash. Although most young people use cannabis in adolescence without apparent harm, clinical research studies over the last decade clearly indicate that a number of vulnera…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Windsor, Ont. — An Ontario Court judge threw out a marijuana charge against a 16-year-old boy Thursday in a decision lawyers say could soon spell the end of Canada's prohibition on possessing small amounts of pot. Justice Douglas Phillips dropped the charge after lawyer Brian McAllister argued in court that there is effectively no law in Canada prohibiting the possession of 30 grams of marijuana or less. McAllister warned that even though the ruling could be precedent-setting, anyone possessing small amounts of marijuana could still be charged. "I doubt police will stop charging people for the moment," said McAllister. McAllister had brought forward an applicatio…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Benton - Prosecutors around the country are being urged to take a stand against attempts to legalize or decriminalize controlled substances - in particular, marijuana. “Those who support drug legalization are well funded and highly adept at manipulating the media,” reads a Nov. 1 letter to prosecutors from the president of the National District Attorneys Association, Dan M. Alsobrooks. “And they do not mind deceiving the American public as well.” The letter warns of “incremental victories” by those in favor of legalizing drugs and notes the “key role” local prosecutors play in anti-drug efforts. Included with the letter was an open letter also dated Nov. 1 from Sco…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution We are in the midst of a major national debate on the legalization of marijuana. The outcome of this debate is likely to have profound implications for our society. To make an informed choice on this issue, we need accurate information about these implications. There has never been a greater need for unbiased scientific data on the physical and psychological effects of marijuana use. Unfortunately, there has been more heat than light shed on this issue in the mainstream media. Perhaps with this in mind, the National Institute on Drug Abuse has just issued a major research report on the effects of marijuana. The report may be s…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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hehe,...forgot to put this money trough "money laundering"....
Last reply by Mulcontent, -
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Last reply by Tom, -
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Last reply by Ferre, -
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....all the prove is there to see,...why is politix so damn ignorant??
Last reply by Ferre,