International Cannabis News
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Source: Oakland Tribune It looks like pro-marijuana author and activist Ed Rosenthal of Oakland is headed for trial on federal drug charges. U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer today will hear testimony from Oakland Chief Assistant City Attorney Barbara Parker on whether Rosenthal might have honestly believed the city's policies on medical marijuana use protected him from federal prosecution. But Breyer on Wednesday didn't seem to think what he hears today will lead to him granting Rosenthal's lawyers' motions to set aside part or all of the case. Instead, he ordered that the parties plan to be in court next Thursday to start picking a jury so Rosenthal's trial ca…
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Source: National Post Ottawa - Despite the Prime Minister's misgivings, Martin Cauchon, the Justice Minister, says he intends to pursue decriminalization of marijuana by taking a proposal to the federal Cabinet "in the weeks ahead." Mr. Cauchon heads to Europe today, where he will discuss pot decriminalization with his counterparts in France, England and Germany, which have relaxed their laws or plan to do so. "I want to move ahead as quickly as I can," Mr. Cauchon said yesterday, when asked whether Jean Chrétien's hesitancy will delay legislation. Mr. Cauchon, a 40-year-old who has confessed to smoking pot in his youth, acknowledged that he and his boss may ha…
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Pembroke, Ont. - An Ottawa Valley man who was pulled over while smoking a marijuana joint has been found not guilty of driving while impaired. Rick Reimer, a retired lawyer from Killaloe, Ont., has an exemption from Health Canada that allows him to smoke marijuana to help him with his multiple sclerosis. In February 2002, he was pulled over for crossing the centre line. The officer noticed that he was smoking a joint and charged him with impaired driving. But Reimer, who defended himself in the case, insists that marijuana does not impair his ability to drive. "I know that I'm not guilty, I'm innocent and I hoped that the court would see it that way and I'm glad th…
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Since its inception in January 1995, the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) has devoted substantial time and energy to changing the medical marijuana laws. Over the years, there has been sufficient scientific evidence to establish that marijuana is a safe and effective medicine for some of the people prescribed to it. Two pieces of evidence is that it increases the appetite of patients, which increases caloric intake, and it has preserved their vision for years after they were expected to go blind. September 6, 1988, the Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA) chief administrative law judge, Francis Young, ruled: "Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest ther…
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Source: Canadian Press City officials in Saskatoon have received a proposal to set up a Dutch-style cafe where small amounts of marijuana can be consumed. Mayor Jim Maddin says the city's planning and zoning department received a letter from a person interested in the idea -- provided Canada's marijuana laws change. Few details of the Saskatoon proposal are known. In Holland, over 800 licensed cannabis cafes have been set up where marijuana users can buy and consume small amounts of pot. Saskatoon Mayor Jim Maddin says what has likely prompted the proposal is federal discussions on loosening marijuana laws. A federal committee has recommended de-criminalizing…
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Ottawa -- They inhaled -- and exhaled. Several front-runners in the New Democratic Party leadership race admitted in a nationally televised debate last night to smoking pot at some point in their lives. The question was raised in connection with the candidates' position on decriminalizing marijuana. Jack Layton, a well-known Toronto city councillor, joked that he never exhaled, a reference to the effects of second-hand smoke. "Six or seven million Canadians have tried marijuana. Are they criminals? I don't think so," Mr. Layton said. "What we do need to do is take a sensible approach." Mr. Layton said the federal government, which is planning to decriminalize marij…
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Source: New York Times Ratcheting up the debate over sport utility vehicles, new television commercials suggest that people who buy the vehicles are supporting terrorists. The commercials are so provocative that some television stations are refusing to run them. Patterned after the commercials that try to discourage drug use by suggesting that profits from illegal drugs go to terrorists, the new commercials say that money for gas needed for S.U.V.'s goes to terrorists. "This is George," a girl's voice says of an oblivious man at a gas station. "This is the gas that George bought for his S.U.V." The screen then shows a map of the Middle East. "These are the countr…
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Jaffa — The country is going to pot. No one seems to mind. It makes us feel like we live in a normal 21st-century nation instead of some backward place where two peoples, neither of whom eats pork, kill each other over a piece of scrubby land. We're having elections at the end of this month. You've probably heard more about them than you ever wanted to know. Same here. The TV and newspapers talk about nothing else, except the sunny prospects for war with Iraq. The election issues are clear: peace or war; prosperity or economic collapse; clean government or rampant corruption; legalized or illegal grass. Now, Israelis are pretty smart people . . . except when they v…
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Source: AlterNet "House Republicans Thursday unveiled a package of bills to combat drug abuse and vowed to make America virtually drug-free by 2002."- Reuters, May 1998 Welcome to America, 2002, Land of the Virtually Drug-Free where President George Bush insists that casual drug users are financing terrorism, while his niece is caught with crack cocaine in drug rehab. Where one person is arrested approximately every 44 seconds on a marijuana charge. Where 77% of Texas drug convictions are found to involve less than one gram of a drug. U.S. fighter pilots in Afghanistan are given amphetamines to stay awake on bombing runs, leading some to question the drugs contrib…
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Source: Oakland Tribune Lawyers for marijuana authority Ed Rosenthal of Oakland argued Monday the federal government has singled him out for persecution and prosecution, a prelude to asking that the drug charges against him be dropped. They'll be back before U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer of San Francisco on Wednesday, and the judge has said he'll rule that day on whether to dismiss the case. Rosenthal, 58, a widely known marijuana activist and author, was among those arrested last February when Drug Enforcement Administration agents raided his home office and other Oakland sites, as well as the Harm Reduction Center medical marijuana club in San Francisco an…
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Source: Kitchener-Waterloo Record Waterloo Region -- It's been a long time since Kitchener-Waterloo MP Andrew Telegdi smoked a joint. But that doesn't mean he has anything against people who do choose to use marijuana. Telegdi supports the movement to decriminalize the use of moderate amounts of marijuana. He would like to see it made an infraction punishable with fines or community service rather than an offence met with harsher punishments and a criminal record. So many Canadians are using pot, he says, it's silly to consider all of them criminals. Plus, he believes police resources are wasted on trying to bust marijuana users when there are more serious crimes…
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Frequent cannabis use increases the risk of developing depression and schizophrenia in later life, according to three new studies published today. Authors of the studies, from Australia, New Zealand and Sweden, all conclude that the authorities should introduce strategies to reduce cannabis use - particularly amongst minors. In one study of 1,601 students from 44 secondary schools in Australia, frequent cannabis use appeared to result in a rise in later depression and anxiety in girls. Daily use among the girls, who were studied from the ages of 14-15 for seven years, was associated with a more than fivefold increase in the odds of later depression and anxiety. We…
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The Guardian Jesus was almost certainly a cannabis user and an early proponent of the medicinal properties of the drug, according to a study of scriptural texts published this month. The study suggests that Jesus and his disciples used the drug to carry out miraculous healings. The anointing oil used by Jesus and his disciples contained an ingredient called kaneh-bosem which has since been identified as cannabis extract, according to an article by Chris Bennett in the drugs magazine, High Times, entitled Was Jesus a Stoner? The incense used by Jesus in ceremonies also contained a cannabis extract, suggests Mr Bennett, who quotes scholars to back his claims. "There …
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The Guardian France is planning to tighten restrictions on the smoking of cannabis in an attempt to curb its steadily rising popularity. Campaigners claim that millions of people are regularly defying existing laws as more plantations of cannabis are discovered, particularly in the south of the country. At normal levels of consumption, up to three million French people will have smoked the drug on Christmas day. France's hardline interior minister, Nicholas Sarkozy, has been consulting cabinet members and government officials on raising the maximum penalties for cannabis use, from the present level of a year in prison or a £5,000 fine. This month the governme…
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The Columbia City Council on Monday will hear a proposal that aims to retool the city's law- enforcement stance toward small amounts of marijuana. The proposal would make the possession of less than 35 grams of marijuana a ticketable offense only, not punishable by imprisonment. Such cases would only be referred to the municipal prosecuting attorney and would not be prosecuted by a state prosecutor. The proposed ordinance would also ensure that patients for whom marijuana has been recommended by a physician suffer no punishment for obtaining, possessing or using marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia. The ordinance would be voted on at the council's Jan. 20 meeting, …
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