International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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GW hails trials of cannabis MS treatment GW PHARMACEUTICALS, Britain’s only licensed producer of cannabis for medicinal use, has said one of its drugs has been successful in treating multiple sclerosis as it posted slightly wider half-year losses. The firm said tests had shown Sativex had significantly improved treatment of spasticity, or spasms and stiffness - one of the most common symptoms of MS. It added that trials of the drug on 189 MS sufferers had shown an impact "over and above" that of the patients’ existing treatments. GW said the UK regulatory approval process for Sativex, administered as an oral spray, was making progress as it unveiled net loss…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
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World News > England fans free to smoke dope London, June 11 (IANS) : England soccer fans will now be allowed to smoke dope before a crunch clash with France in Portugal Sunday - to keep them calm! Lisbon Police plan to crack down on drunk supporters while turning a blind eye to those smoking drugs, The Sun reported. Drug smoking fans have been assured they will not be arrested, cautioned or even have their drugs confiscated, the paper said. Experts said Lisbon police's policy would reduce the chances of fighting between rival fans. Alan Buffry of the Legalise Cannabis Alliance said: "If people are drinking alcohol they lose control, if they smoke cannabi…
Last reply by free choice, -
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Voronezh city court has ruled that Yukos can legally sell its Cannabis brand vodka, Interfax reports. A case against Yukos had been filed by the State Service for Drug Control on April 21, accusing Yukos of violating the law against propagandizing drugs. The labels on the vodka bottles sold at gas stations belonging to Voronezhnefteproduct, a Yukos subsidiary, said the vodka had been prepared from hemp seed extract. The conclusion of the psycholinguistic expert examination was that that the advertising on Cannabis vodka bottles does not propagandize drugs, but rather, is aimed at improving vodka sales. As a result, the court declared that Yukos was not guilty and closed…
Last reply by livebytheleaf, -
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Prime Minister Paul Martin pledged Friday that he would decriminalize simple possession of small amounts of marijuana if Canadians re-elect his Liberal Party in the coming federal election. Speaking at a day care centre in Halifax, Martin told reporters he remains committed to passing legislation that would bring fines -- not criminal sentences -- to people caught with 15 grams of pot or less. An initial decriminalization bill brought forward under Jean Chretien's government died when Martin took over as PM, but was later re-introduced. That second bill also died when parliament was dissolved last month following the election call. Martin said he planned to "bring…
Last reply by Oz, -
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We encourage all cannabis loving people to get involved in this critical event! The 3rd Annual Drug War Vigil Film Festival by press release (10 Sept, 2004) This year's event will be in a Vancouver theatre The Drug War Vigil Memorial Group is a social justice think tank that was founded in the fall of 2000, dedicated to ending the War on Drugs. We recognize that the militarization of this medical issue and the criminalization of the chronically sick, terminally ill and chemically dependent have resulted in the needless loss of human life, and that this is the true crime. We promoted social justice journalism at the 2002 Cannabis Culture Toker's Bowl Drug War Vig…
Last reply by rxcannabis, -
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Claims cannabis laced with P Jun 6, 2004 A teenage girl who became hooked on methamphetamine, or "P", through her gang associations, says gangs are now lacing cheap cannabis deals or tinnies, with the drug. Crystal, 15, is recovering in foster care from a two-year P habit after running away from home and living with Auckland gang members who control the P industry. She says young people who know enough about the drug to avoid it could still unwittingly find themselves smoking it through the cannabis spiking. Crystal says she is afraid of what will happen when P-dealers she dobbed in get out of prison. But she says she is more afraid of the drug itself, …
Last reply by Quad Damage, -
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Eight arrested in cannabis raid on hydroponics company 02 June 2004 Police today arrested eight people, froze bank accounts and put a restraining order on a hydroponics company after uncovering a major cannabis growing operation in Wellington. More than 60 police searched a hydroponics supply business in Wellington's eastern suburbs, and houses in suburban Lyall Bay, Hataitai and Tawa, in Porirua and Otaihanga, on the Kapiti coast. Police put restraining orders on the business, its directors' bank accounts, and the Otaihanga house, alleging the operation had generated about $350,000. Seven men and a woman are to appear in Wellington District Court tomorrow…
Last reply by Tom, -
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Expert okay's over counter cannabis May 27, 2004 A Dutch expert says providing cannabis through pharmacies for medical use does not lead to increased recreational use. In New Zealand, a select committee recommended last year that the drug be provided to patients for a range of complaints from chronic pain to MS and cancer sufferers. Officials are currently awaiting the results of a clinical trial in Britain. Willhelm Scholten the head of the Office of Medicinal Cannabis at the Ministry of Health in the Netherlands, told Radio New Zealand making the drug available through pharmacies wouldn't have an impact on recreational use. Scholten says medicinal cannab…
Last reply by Tom, -
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A bumper cannabis crop is being blamed for a Wairarapa school recording one of the highest suspension rates in New Zealand. Makoura College handed out the punishment 62 times last year, with 24 students suspended for drugs in February and March when a surplus of cannabis flooded the market, Education Ministry student support manager Peter Norton said. As a proportion of its 402 students, Makoura recorded its highest ever suspension rate last year and the fourth highest rate in New Zealand. The school had since joined a project involving iwi, which had resulted in suspensions dropping to four in the first term this year, Mr Norton said. College principal Chris …
Last reply by Oz, -
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The current and previous presidents of the United States used marijuana. So has presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted to drug use. Conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, who once beat the drums for jailing white junkies, has been through drug treatment. Some 75,000 Californians now use marijuana under a doctor's care. The U.S. Supreme Court let stand an appellate court ruling barring Uncle Sam from punishing doctors who prescribe medical marijuana under state law. A federal district court in California has allowed defendants to introduce evidence that they were growing marijuana for medical purposes. Sa…
Last reply by Oz, -
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A biscuit is not always just a biscuit, as Marion Chitty found out when her home cooking landed her in court on drug charges this week, along with her partner who grew the special ingredient. But it was the age of the offenders ? not their crime ? that surprised New Plymouth police. Chitty is 67 years old, and her partner Ronald John Henry Stratford is 56. They were caught with 6kg of cannabis, some of which was frozen and stored in a deep freeze. Drug squad boss Detective Sergeant Greg Gray said two of the local police's biggest cannabis seizures recently had involved elderly people. "It's not the first time people in the older age group have been caught w…
Last reply by LuvBuds, -
Customs Seize
by Tom- 1 reply
Customs seize £3.5m of cannabis The seized resin has an estimated street value of £3.5m Customs officers have seized cannabis with an estimated street value of £3.5m from a freight lorry entering the UK at Poole ferry port. The vehicle was stopped and searched on Thursday evening after arriving on a ferry from Cherbourg, France. Officers found about 1.3 tonnes of cannabis resin concealed in two commercial air conditioning units. The driver, a 52-year-old UK national living in France, was questioned and later released. Customs spokesman, Bob Gaiger, said: "Poole ferry port should not be seen as a soft touch by smugglers." Inquiries were continuing, he sai…
Last reply by free choice, -
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THE LIBERALS' BILL TO DECRIMINALIZE MARIJUANA WAS BAD POLICY AND DESERVES TO DIE ON THE ORDER PAPER. Barring unforeseen plot twists, a federal election will soon be called and a bill decriminalizing marijuana will go up in flames. As a supporter of marijuana reform, I say, goodbye and good riddance. Decriminalization was not only bad public policy, the bill's production and presentation were deceptive, even fraudulent -- as demonstrated by documents obtained under the Access to Information Act. From the beginning, Martin Cauchon, the justice minister who promoted decriminalization, promised an open discussion, a theme repeated by the throne speech of Sept. 30, …
Last reply by Tom, -
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Marijuana briefing for select committee 13.05.2004 Experts and officials from Government-sanctioned medical marijuana programmes in the Netherlands, Canada and the United States will visit New Zealand this month. Governments around the world have begun legalising the use of marijuana by patients with chronic pain and other forms of suffering. A parliamentary health select committee has recommended New Zealand consider making cannabis-based medicines available to suffering patients, and the Drug Policy Forum Trust has invited the overseas experts to brief it on their programmes. Source.
Last reply by Tom, -
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Potent dope causing problems for Hawke's Bay Hospital 13.05.2004 2.10 pm A particularly potent crop of marijuana has been putting pressure on Hawke's Bay Hospital's psychiatric unit, with unexpected numbers of young men admitted after smoking the drug. Hawke's Bay District Health Board chief executive Chris Clarke told a meeting yesterday the sudden influx of patients was almost entirely due to cannabis use. "Apparently this year's Hawke's Bay crop is particularly potent," he said. The 22-bed mental health unit has a history of overcrowding, with patients in the past often required to sleep on mattresses on the floor. With improved staffing and clinical …
Last reply by F420,