International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
I have put the first part of the huge report online here: Part 2 will be on tomorrow. Nol.
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
- 1.1k views Press Releases: Health Warning: Marijuana poisoned by police may be offered for sale About MarijuanaToxic spray program shows police have forgotten the aim of drug laws is supposedly to protect people NORML has received reports that cannabis poisoned by police has been offered for sale, and is advising consumers to beware of cannabis that has a copper-blue colouring. The police seem to not care that the poisoned cannabis is being consumed, and that this could have severe health effects. Their spokesperson said only that "If you are going to buy or consume illegal drugs that is the risk you take." The Police's cannabis "hel…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 0 replies
Our webcam is aimed at the preparations for tonight's Harvest Party... The party stars at 21.00 GMT. Have a look here.... Dressed up smokers smoking huge bongs, Space Cake Biting, Bong Making contest, Joint Rollong Contest, Lottery, Stripshow: Male and Femal performer.... Check it out!
Last reply by nolvanschaik, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
I am forwarding this link to lightly and effectively bring home the significant difference between the US and Canada/the rest of the world: Gone Hollywood Pictures is giving away ONE POUND OF BC MARIJUANA to the winner of their Make-My-Marijuana-Commercial contest to promote the release of their new movie, The Passion Of The Reefer. Full disclosure, I am the foreign markets licensor for Gone Hollywood Pictures, the producers of the film.
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
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Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
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Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 6 replies
Ashcroft resigns today, but don't who will replace him. i'll up date this as soon as I know.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
I'm sorry to say Bush wins another long 4 years. My opinion, shit, fuck, damn Not all the votes have been counted yet. But measure 33 is failing in Oregon. this was expected to pass. I'll update this as soon as I know the results.
Last reply by TYO84, -
- 3 replies
High all, I found this on Several States, Cities To Vote Tuesday On Marijuana Policy Washington, DC: Voters in three states and numerous municipalities will vote Tuesday on a variety of marijuana-law reform proposals. Below is a summary of these pending state and regional ballot initiatives. MEDICAL MARIJUANA MONTANA: The Montana Medical Marijuana Act (I-148) allows qualified patients to possess and cultivate marijuana for medicinal purposes under the authorization of their physician. Patients registered with the state are afforded protection under the act, which allows individuals to possess up to six marijuana plants and one usable ounce of marij…
Last reply by loves420, -
hi yal. i dont know how much of you are up to date with the weather in the USA but in the last month florida has been hit with 4 hurrican's and 2 made a direct hit on my house, Frances and Jeanne. WEll your house sustained a little water damage but the crops and all dead- Dame hurrican's :yingyang
Last reply by TYO84, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
In December, the U.S. Supreme Court will answer,"Can the government prosecute sick people who grow marijuana and it on the advice of a doctor?" This should be an easy answer....NO The U.S Supreme Court is finally going to put a leash on asscroft....I mean Ashcroft when it comes to medical marijuana. If their vote is like mine. I think it morbid that Ashcroft wastes his time by trying to people in prison when they trying to relieve their pain. The last time I looked, Bin Laden and his group were still free, and there are violent crimes that Ashcroft can work on. According to the Mail Tribune," The case of John Ashcroft vs. Angel Raich may determine the fate of the …
Last reply by loves420, -
- 0 replies
Hey Ozstonerites, haven't been on much lately, busy busy busy with work, but thought I'd mention that Shanti get's released into the free fresh aired world this Sunday October 3rd at 8am Swiss time, which is 4pm Sunday arvo here. So arc one up as a toast if you're so inclined. Stay well V
Last reply by wassily, -
- Admin
- 2 replies
He got out yesterday, Sept. 1, 2004. He was picked up at the Madrid airport when he arrived four months ago. The Spanish government suspended all rescent international laws when the Crown Prince Felipe and the Princess Letizia were married. This meant that they scrutinized everybody that entered and exited the country, especially Madrid. Nol had an old charge for smuggling 400 kg of hash through France 14 years ago. The Spanish government wanted to wash their hands of the matter so they extridited him to France, where he was held virtually incumunicado for 4 months. He had a trial hearing yesterday and during the proceedings his lawer pointed out that he had never en…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 0 replies
Cannabis plants growing in palace park AFP September 09, 2004 OSLO: A number of cannabis plants have been found, and destroyed, in the park surrounding the Norwegian royal palace which is home to King Harald and Queen Sonja, official sources said on Wednesday. "There were some hash plants. We have no idea who might have put them there," palace spokeswoman Wenche Rasch told AFP. The palace said it was still unknown whether the illegal growths had simply been planted as decorative greenery or if they had been snuck in and planted by an outsider. The city of Oslo is responsible for looking after the relatively small park in the centre of the capital. The plants were …
Last reply by risingsun, -
- Admin
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Marijuana Party president Marc Emery has been sentenced to three months in jail in Saskatchewan for drug trafficking. Emery had pleaded guilty to passing one marijuana joint to someone else in a downtown Saskatoon park back in March. He has 10 previous marijuana-related offences on his record. Many are for trafficking in connection with his marijuana seed business. But in the past, Emery has only be fined. Provincial Court Judge Albert Lavoie said he is sending Emery to jail to send a message. The judge said Emery's crime was clearly a political act – but said Emery had flaunted the law, and there was a need for a stronger deterrent. Emery's lawyer, Lianne Johnson, sa…
Last reply by Oz, -