International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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On wednesday, 02/03/05, the International Narcotics Control Board issued his anual report for 2004. Basically summarizing the main findings about cannabis: 1) Concerning Europe, 28.8 Million Europeans, which is 5,3% of the total population, consumed cannabis productions within the last 12 months. 2) In America, approximately 2.500 t in form of plants are cultivated per year, accordign to the estimations of the INCB. Moreover it is to be noted that 3,3 million plants were destroyed- most of which were wild weed being found all over the country. 3) Marocco is still the biggest exporter of cannabis resin to Europe, and this year it was estimated that for 2003…
Last reply by Rheinpirat, -
by Guest niall- 1 reply
- 661 views The Supreme Court of Canada is about to hear a thermo-nuclear warhead of a case regarding cannabis prohibition. Cannabis prohibition in Canada was declared null and void several years ago - but was re-instated by the courts. This was an illegal act - only Parliament can make laws. Once the law was struck down as unconstitutional it had no effect on Canadians - in fact all cannabis cases for a period of about 18 months were ignored because of this precedent. Officially the laws are back on the books, but this is technically illegal. Canada currently has no cannabis laws - will the Supreme Court confirm t…
Last reply by Lugen007, -
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Hiya all found this on KK and thaught ya might enjoy. It relates to USA : Ok all, heres a exerpt from an AP news segment, enjoy. The Conventional One Has Been Highly Costly, With Little Return. Making Narcotics Legal -- And Very Expensive -- Can Reduce Addiction And Crime Starting with Richard Nixon, every U.S. President has declared war on drugs. The FBI, CIA, DEA, military, and countless prosecutors have devoted enormous resources to combating narcotics over the past several decades. According to an estimate by Boston University economist Jeffrey A. Miron, federal, state, and local governments have put some $33 billion in resources toward prosecuting the war on d…
Last reply by Shivan, -
- 420 Crew
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From the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, 812-8582, Japan
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
g'day all, wedsite: Another good forum has been shut down by the DEA in the US. These guys used to sell seed and had a decent forum, very similiar to Ozstoners. They got everyones IP's from the LOG file Hope the ozzie seed banks lads dont have the same knock on the door! Keep up the fight boys! Jack
Last reply by Chev, -
- 420 Crew
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A garage fire caused by faulty wiring led to the discovery of $2.2 million worth of marijuana plants in a home in the Sunset District, authorities said. The incident began when firefighters, summoned to the residence at 2359 20th Ave. at 11 p.m. Thursday, spotted the operation. The fire was quickly put out. Police arrived and entered the three-story home, which had marijuana growing in every room, said Capt. Tim Hettrich of the narcotics detail. Hettrich said 2,642 plants -- in various stages of growth -- were found. Police also found 14 pounds of marijuana ready for sale, he said. "We figure, on each floor, he had 900 plants," Hettrich said. Five plants will …
Last reply by raverspec, -
Oregon's medical marijuana made it in hightimes. here's the link and enjoy. I hope works
Last reply by loves420, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
A "sophisticated" drugs factory containing hundreds of cannabis plants with a street value of up to £100,000 has been found at a north Shropshire farm. Detectives discovered the crop of nearly 400 plants being cultivated in a disused pig shed yesterday. They believe the building, between Whitchurch and Market Drayton, had been rented out by a local farmer to two men from the north-west of England. The farmer has been spoken to on suspicion of being concerned with the production of cannabis and inquiries are continuing to find the people who grew the plants. Detective Constable Rob McNamara said today: "The building was full of neat rows of cannabis plants abou…
Last reply by Tom, -
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BRITAIN’S only licensed producer of cannabis for medicinal use, GW Pharmaceuticals, has reported further positive clinical trial results for its Sativex treatment and said a UK regulatory hearing on the drug was expected within six months. The company also announced it was looking at an eventual launch in the United States, the world’s biggest drug market. The news emerged alongside results showing an in-line net loss of £13.7 million for the year to September 30. Investors in GW have been frustrated by delays in the UK launch of cannabis-based medicine Sativex, with the shares falling by more than half from a mid-2003 high of 264 pence. GW’s under-the-tongue …
Last reply by Tom, -
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A winner on the Austrian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? has been arrested after he allegedly invested his prize money in a cannabis farm. The unemployed man from Lower Austria won more than £100,000 on the show last May. But instead of going on a dream holiday or buying his own home, the 29-year-old allegedly decided to build on the small fortune by mass producing cannabis. Together with his girlfriend the man, who has not been named for legal reasons, rented a property in the capital Vienna in which to grow the plants. Police, who caught the Millionaire winner as he made a delivery to a customer, said he had managed to harvest at least ten batches wort…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys... Long time not talk... I have been reading a few of the Posts on the Compass Study and Cannasat. Some very exciting stuff happening in Canada that I am proud to say I will be a part of. Having fought for over twelve years in this issue for help because of an excruciating pain in my face 24/7 and having ONLY Cannabis work - some relief is FINALLy on the way. :thumbsup What people I am hoping will understand is that ther is room for EVERYTHING. People like me will STILL smoke, eat and drink Pot. Not everyone will do what I do. Some choose only Pharmaceuticals. We have to make BOTH available. I will fight to my death before I give up my Licen…
Last reply by budsville, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
- 777 views HIGHLAND PARK, Mich. - A man who visited a middle school dressed as Santa Claus on Thursday left with a citation for misdemeanor marijuana possession. The 40-year-old Detroit man faces up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine after a small plastic bag of marijuana was found in the pocket of his street coat, which he left in a school restroom, Wayne County Sheriff's Department officials said. A deputy who works at the school found the marijuana while searching the coat for identification after a teacher found it in the bathroom. The man dressed as Santa approached the deputy a short time later and iden…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
MONTREAL, 8 December 2004 -- A first-of-its-kind study of safety issues surrounding the medical use of cannabis has just been launched. Known as the COMPASS study (Cannabis for the management of pain: assessment of safety study), the research initiative will follow 1400 chronic pain patients, 350 of whom use cannabis as part of their pain management strategy, for a one-year period. Seven participating pain clinics across Canada are now enrolling patients for this study. "Patients in COMPASS will typically have pain resulting from spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, arthritis or other kinds of hard-to-treat neuropathic or muscle pain," explains Dr. Mark Ware, princ…
Last reply by Spurious, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Things look good today for the USA Medical MJ laws Post to follow for more info
Last reply by Yoner, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
The Netherlands: Maastricht cannabis coffeeshops contradiction. Dutch smokers only or a coffeeshop boulevard near Germany? Source; NOS Teletext, Nov. 19, 2004 Donner: Experiment to prohibit drugstourism. Dutch Justice Minister Donner wants to start an experiment to prohibit the sales of softdrugs (cannabis) to members from other EU states. He wants to run the experiment in Maatricht. Donner has previously been looking into possibilities to decrease the drugs tourism in the municipalities in the border areas with Belgium and Germany. He plans to introduce a system with passes and ID cards to ban sales of cannabis to citizens of other EU states. Donner has agreed on …
Last reply by Rheinpirat, -