International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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By ADAM NICHOLS DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER They're Generation Rx. Today's teenagers are more likely to pop prescription pills to get high than snort cocaine or drop acid, experts say. A survey of 7,300 American teens shows the nation has had success in tackling illegal drug use. But it also reveals a new trend of kids raiding their parents' medicine cabinets for chemical kicks. "It's a new category of substance abuse that we see emerging, and it is frighteningly large," said Thomas Hedrick, director of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. The organization's 17th annual survey found more teens had abused a prescription drug such as Vicodin, OxyContin or Ritalin i…
Last reply by Tom, -
Txt and email
by Tom-
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Workers distracted by phones, emails and text messages suffer a greater loss of IQ than a person smoking marijuana, a study revealed today. The constant interruptions reduce productivity and leave people feeling tired and lethargic. But the fact that people constantly break their concentration in order to answer and check these messages shows Britons are obsessed with technology. Almost two out three people check their electronic messages out of office hours and when on holiday, according to the study carried out by TNS Research and commissioned by Hewlett Packard. Half of all workers respond to an email within 60 minutes of receiving one while one in five will …
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
An American teenager has been arrested for stealing the head from a corpse to use as a bong to smoke cannabis. The 17-year-old boy has been arrested for breaking into a Vermont crypt and removing the head from a man who had recently been entombed there. Police were informed of the boy's plans by a friend who was disturbed by his proposal to steal the head and use it as a smoking device. Officers initially thought the story was a hoax, but disbelief turned to shock when they discovered a local tomb had been broken into and a head was missing. Police department spokesman Richard Keith said: "We had the funeral director come to the scene and we pulled the casket out…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
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April 14, 2005 - Honolulu, HI, USA Honolulu, HI: Behavior suggestive of schizophrenia generally precedes the onset of cannabis use, according to survey data published in the current issue of the journal Psychiatry Research. One-hundred and eighty-nine volunteers responded to an anonymous questionnaire inquiring about cannabis use and schizotypal traits (behavior suggestive of schizophrenia but not of sufficient severity to warrant a diagnosis of schizophrenia). Among recent cannabis users, average age of schizotypal symptoms significantly preceded age of first use of cannabis. When cases were analyzed individually, authors affirmed that the majority of respondents i…
Last reply by Pure, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
April 14, 2005 - Belmont, MA, USA Belmont, MA: Heavy, long-term use of cannabis appears to have a negligible impact on cognition and memory, according to clinical trial data published in the current issue of the American Journal of Addictions. Researchers at Harvard Medical School performed magnetic resonance imaging on the brains of 22 long-term cannabis users (reporting a mean of 20,100 lifetime episodes of smoking) and 26 controls (subjects with no history of cannabis use). Imaging displayed "no significant differences" between heavy cannabis smokers compared to controls. "These findings are consistent with recent literature suggesting that cannabis use is not as…
Last reply by rosscopico0, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
A PLUMSTEAD man is on trial accused of being part of a gang of cannabis farmers who converted four homes into state-of-the-art factories producing bumper crops. Tuan Nguyen, 29, of Plumstead High Street appeared at Southwark Crown Court on Friday with four other Vietnamese men. The court heard the gang boosted profits by powering its suburban farms with stolen electricity. The homes, including one in Wricklemarsh Road, Blackheath, were equipped with hi-tech hydroponics systems that yielded harvests of 40kg - worth £120,000 - every six weeks. Special light bulbs, air filters and extractor fans were powered with energy stolen through the main street cables. Electrical…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
A man who until yesterday was responsible for promoting Rotorua as a tourist destination has been charged over a sophisticated indoor cannabis growing operation. Blair Harvey Graham made a brief appearance in Rotorua District Court yesterday on charges of cultivating cannabis and possessing cannabis for supply. The 34-year-old's court appearance came shortly before he resigned as the conference and incentive manager for Destination Rotorua Tourism Marketing. Graham did not enter pleas to the charges and has been remanded on bail to appear again on April 20. His court appearance follows the discovery by police on Thursday of an underground bunker at a property …
Last reply by raverspec, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
A CANNABIS-EATING granny was given a six month suspended jail sentence after admitting possessing the drug with intent to supply. Former Edinburgh restaurant owner Patricia Tabram, 66, ran a cookery club for her elderly neighbours and put the cannabis into recipes for medicinal purposes. She has since become the public face of the campaign to legalise cannabis, appearing on chat shows such as Richard and Judy and intends standing at the forthcoming General Election. But at Newcastle Crown Court yesterday she pleaded guilty to having 242 grammes of high quality cannabis at her home at Humshaugh, near Hexham, Northumberland in December. When police raided the ho…
Last reply by raverspec, -
Cannabis may slow heart disease.
by Guest Eikel- 3 replies
Swiss Boffins have found that Cannabis has positive affects on mice with heart-disease by causing an "anti-inflanmatory" affect.,10117,12780368-13762,00.html
Last reply by Chev, -
Britain to rethink Cannabis policy...
by Guest Eikel-
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
This shits me... You don't find them classifying alcohol as a "dangerous drug" because of it's affects on people who are pre-disposed to mental disorders
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
Project for distributing medical marihuana failed. By our parliamentary redaction. The Hague, Friday, March 18. - Health Minister Hoogervorst will most likely stop the distribution of softdrugs for medical use. Yesterday, during a debate in the Second Chamber, he stated that doctors hardly prescribe mediweed because of their lack of confidence in the drug. The cannabis is supposed to relieve the pain of patients suffering from cancer, for instance. On top of that, the medical grade cannabis that is being produced under the supervision of the department has nasty side effects, like psychosis. An other reason to stop the project is the competition by coffeeshops, whic…
Last reply by Rheinpirat, -
- 2 replies
Translation: Nol van Schaik. Leers wants to tolerate growing weed too!! Maastricht. Mayor Leers of Maastricht wants to tolerate the production and supply of softdrugs. That should decrease criminality. At present cannabis can be sold from coffeeshops, but production and supply of the shops is forbidden. According to Leers this stimulates criminal activities. Tolerating the production must come with serious check-ups on quantities and quality of the drugs. This can only take place if the neighboring cities in Belgium and Germany cooperate in this culture of tolerance. Source: Teletext NOS, Dutch News Broadcaster. So much for those who announce the end of the Dut…
Last reply by Rheinpirat, -
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Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
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End of last year, the German Supreme Court overruled the government by saying that a 0 Tolerance policy with respect to cannabis does not conform to the constitution. Hence, finally, corrections are made to it. Basically the German Medical Association proposes a limit of 1,0 Nano gram THC per mililitre blood whereas it used to be 0,0. HOW this revision happened is quite funny. For an awful long time, it has been to calm with respect to this matter. No political discussions, and even institutions such as the Deutsche Hanf Verband (DHV, German Hemp Association) or the Verein fuer Drogenpolitik (VfD, Association for positive Drug Politics) were rather reluctant to touch…
Last reply by Rheinpirat, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hello together, Since the first of February this year, Belgium has updated their cannabis laws. They already did so in May 2003, yet because of severe shortcomings the court overruled those changes in October 2004. Therefore those laws were being revised and now accepted. Generally, it is to be pointed out that Belgians who are caught with less than 3g are allowed to keep their dope and do not have to fear a sue as the police is demanded to set different priorities. Same applies if you are caught with one plant. However this law does not apply for foreigners or minors, yet it is a sign that changes have to be done. Unfortunately this law originally aimed to decri…
Last reply by Rheinpirat, -