International Cannabis News
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- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
ok well it might not be as bad as nazi germany but its gonna be awefully close if this guy gets his way :thumbdown Cannabis Culture Story have a read and lets hope those kinds of laws dont get passed in australia or the usa for the matter :smoke
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
The legal downgrading of cannabis should not be reversed, Britain's most senior policeman said yesterday. Sir Ian Blair, the Comissioner of the Metropolitan Police, added that if the Government re-classified cannabis from a class C to a class B drug - reversing the change made last year - his force would "lobby fiercely" for the offence to be dealt with by the issuing of fixed penalty notices, rather than arrests and prosecutions. Sir Ian Blair, Comissioner of the Metropolitan Police His comments come after the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, indicated that the Government may be having second thoughts about the downgrading of cannabis, one of t…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
Assertions that our nation's drug policy minimizes cocaine and heroin while focusing on marijuana are misleading. The fallacy involves interpreting drug arrests as signals of changed drug policy, rather than as indicators of drug use. As drug use went down during the 1980s, arrests fell accordingly. When drug use climbed between 1992 and 1997, arrests followed suit. And when the cocaine epidemic struck, cocaine arrests rose steeply, only to drop as the epidemic waned. The common sense conclusion is that drug use rates and criminal justice responses are linked. Thus, the key to reducing drug arrests is reducing drug use. Important progress has already occurred - youth dr…
Last reply by Pure, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Toronto -- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients with neuropathic pain for whom conventional treatments have failed now have an alternative to Health Canada's controversial medical marijuana program. Canada has become the first country to approve the cannabis-based drug, Sativex, for the treatment of MS-related pain. That approval means the drug has demonstrated promising benefit, is of high quality and possesses an acceptable safety profile based on a benefit-risk assessment. Further studies will now be required to confirm the promising nature of the clinical evidence its approval is based upon. Despite revised medical access regulations that in July 2001 legalized the us…
Last reply by quizywig, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
United Kingsom -- Drug experts will begin debating today whether stronger "skunk" varieties of cannabis should carry higher penalties for possession. The Advisory Council for the Misuse of Drugs, which meets in London, has been asked by the home secretary, Charles Clarke, for its advice on varieties of cannabis containing high levels of THC, the active ingredient. In his letter to the committee, Mr Clarke pointed it to these forms of the plant, known as skunk, which are often grown in nutrient-rich water. "I am aware the Dutch government are taking a particular interest in very high strength strains and are considering whether cannabis above a certain strength shoul…
Last reply by F420, -
Dope 'space cake' not mama's cooking
by Guest Eikel-
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Haha, Jesus! 100 GRAMS of Hash! No wonder they got sick, talk about greening-out!!!,10117,15317034-13762,00.html
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
A grandmother who was spared jail after making cannabis-laced casseroles for herself and friends will be one of the speakers at a pro-cannabis rally. Patricia Tabran, 66, will speak at the Cannabis Education March and Rally in Trafalgar Square, central London. Ms Tabran, from Northumberland, admitted in April to possession with intent to supply and was given a suspended six-month prison sentence. The march began in Russell Square, central London, at 1300 BST on Sunday. The annual event usually takes place in south London. Drug dealers But Lambeth Council would not permit the seventh Cann…
Last reply by Pure, -
- 0 replies
hello there, the final rush to collect signatures for the Swiss people initiative for a reasonable cannabis policy has begun. We would like the deliver the initiative signature to the autorities on 20 July 2005 - this would be exactly one year after its start. That would be cool and, despite all problems, would bring back credibility to smokers!!! We absolutly need your contribution to get things done - please do your best and help us find those last signatures we need!!! For those who have filled out signature forms at home, please send them to us immediately since the authentication process takes at least a couple of weeks to complete. marco Swiss Pot Initiativ…
Last reply by cannatrade, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
By PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer Wed May 4, 7:22 AM ET WASHINGTON - Youngsters who use marijuana are more likely to develop serious mental health problems, the government said Tuesday. A private group said law enforcement increasingly is targeting people who smoke and deal the drug. ADVERTISEMENT Past medical studies have linked marijuana with a greater incidence of mental disorders such as depression or schizophrenia. But questions remain about whether people who smoke marijuana at a young age are already predisposed to mental disorders, or whether the drug caused those disorders. Government officials say recent research makes a stronger case tha…
Last reply by devus, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Tony Blair gave a strong indication today that his government's decision to downgrade the classification of cannabis 15 months ago will be reversed if Labour is re-elected. "We have asked for advice on it. What we did was perfectly sensible but I think it sent out the wrong message," the prime minister said in an interview on GMTV. In another interview ahead of tomorrow's general election, Mr Blair told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that there was emerging medical evidence that cannabis was potentially more harmful than had been previously thought. It was put to him that it was clear he was going to reverse the reclassification and Mr Blair said: "My basic hunch abo…
Last reply by everest, -
- 0 replies
Drivers who regularly use cannabis are at high risk of causing a serious crash, but not because they have just smoked a joint, a study has found. The Auckland University study of more than 1000 drivers found that habitual users - who on average smoked at least once a week - had a nearly 10-fold higher risk of having a serious crash. Drivers who had smoked a joint within the last three hours initially appeared to be at increased risk too, but this link disappeared when factors such as their alcohol consumption and driving speed were taken into account. The researchers, whose paper has been published in the British journal Addiction, do not know why habitual users …
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
Some cannabis-using teenagers are highly likely to develop mental health problems as adults because of their genetic make-up, but most face little risk, a new study says. The problems occur for genetically vulnerable adults who used cannabis while their brains were still developing, and that has prompted researchers to recommend people "delay onset of use until at least young adulthood". The finding comes from Otago University's world-renowned study which has followed 1000 Dunedin-born people for over 30 years. It says a link between cannabis and mental illness depends on a specific genetic disposition. But even then, only 15 per cent of the people with the gene …
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Q: There's a lot of information online about the effects of alcohol and driving, but not much about marijuana. Is there a certain amount of marijuana that can be smoked where it would have virtually no measurable effect on one's ability to drive? Is there a certain amount of time that could elapse between smoking marijuana and getting behind the wheel where one would not be impaired? A: Research has shown that marijuana can have some effect on one's driving performance. More specifically, research has shown that people intoxicated with marijuana may show some sway when driving in a straight line. However, at the same time, research has shown that people high on marijua…
Last reply by Shivan, -
- 1 reply
STATESBORO, Ga. (AP) — Sgt. Jason Kearney hopes all his arrests will be this easy. As Kearney was sitting in his marked patrol car Thursday, waiting for his colleagues to join him for lunch, a man named Ron Stone asked him for a ride. The Bulloch County deputy agreed to take Stone to his car, but first he insisted on searching Stone for weapons, said Sheriff Lynn Anderson. "Stone told Sergeant Kearney to go ahead," Anderson said. Kearney didn't find a gun — but he said he did find two small bags of pot. Stone, 30, told the uniformed officer he had spent the night at a friend's house and the marijuana was not his, police said. Instead of a ride to his car, Ston…
Last reply by Shivan, -
- 1 reply
Dutch Ministers clash over coffeeshops and weed. It is well known that the Dutch Justice Minister, Piet Hein Donner, does not like coffeeshops and softdrugs users, he wants to get rid of them all. That is why he visited the southern province of Limburg yesterday, so he could personally deliver his disapproval of the plans of two of his rebellious town mayors, Mayor Leers of Maastricht and Mayor Som van Kerk of Heerlen, all CDA politicians. These Mayors want to see the production of cannabis for coffeeshops regulated and legalized, they consider the War on Drugs a waste of time, funds and effort. Donner went to Limburg to declare a full war on cannabis growers and drugs …
Last reply by nolvanschaik,