International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Burger's new herb Catherine Philp, Los Angeles November 09, 2006 SOME might call it the ultimate happy meal. But two police officers in New Mexico were unamused to discover the hamburgers they were chomping through had been laced with marijuana. Mark Landavazo and Henry Gabaldond are suing fast-food giant Burger King, alleging an array of offences from battery to negligence. The two officers were in uniform and driving a marked patrol car when they stopped at a Burger King restaurant in Los Lunas, New Mexico. They were halfway through their meal when they began to suspect the presence of an intoxicating substance on their burger patties. Tests confirmed that the e…
Last reply by Ruen, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
NEW YORK -- In a city where you can get just about anything delivered to your door -- groceries, dry cleaning, Chinese food -- pot smokers are ordering takeout marijuana from drug rings that operate with corporate-style attention to customer satisfaction. An untold number of otherwise law-abiding professionals in New York are having their pot delivered to their homes instead of visiting drug dens or hanging out on street corners. Among the legions of home delivery customers is Chris, a 37-year-old salesman in Manhattan. He dials a pager number and gets a return call from a cheery dispatcher who takes his order for potent strains of marijuana. Within a couple of hour…
Last reply by dev0, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Marijuana Strategic Findings * Asian criminal groups3 are expanding their position relative to wholesale distribution of Canada-produced, high potency marijuana in every region of the country. In fact, increasing distribution of high potency marijuana by Asian criminal groups as well as expansion of domestic high potency marijuana production appears to be significantly raising the average potency of marijuana in U.S. drug markets, elevating the threat posed by the drug. * The amount of marijuana available to domestic drug markets appears to be increasing slightly. This increase, coupled with decreasing demand for the drug, will quite likely result in lower pr…
Last reply by dev0, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
HHOHHO, 30 October (IRIN) - A fundamental shift in Swaziland's attitude towards the cannabis plant, or hemp, the country's most lucrative cash crop, could be on the horizon. The government is set to allow small-scale production of hemp to see if it has the potential to become an economically viable crop. "In hemp we have an alternative to cotton, which has let us down badly over the last few years. It has been because of marijuana that we have found it difficult to talk about hemp, but that is changing, and we are beginning to shape public opinion to its benefits," said Lufto Dlamini, the Swazi Minister for Enterprise and Employment. "The government is considering a p…
Last reply by Dr Rockster, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Our hirsute friends the FREAK BROS are FINALLY making a movie and you can see a ROUGH sneak preview at YouTube The preview GRASS ROOTS
Last reply by nimbin1997, -
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
80% of mentally ill patients are heavy cannabis users [link to] 8 out of 10 mentally ill patients are heavy cannabis users By STEVE DOUGHTY, Social Affairs Correspondent Last updated at 22:10pm on 16th October 2006 Eight out of ten people who suffer the onset of serious mental illness are heavy cannabis users, claims a scathing report on the effects of the drug. The report found that the huge majority of those undergoing a first episode of psychiatric disorder, schizophrenia or similar mental breakdowns are habitual users of the drug. The overwhelming evidence of a connection between cannabis and schizophrenia was confirmed in a report deliv…
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Los Lunas, NM) - Three employees at a New Mexico fast food restaurant are facing felony charges for allegedly putting pot inside two police officer's hamburgers over the weekend. The officers conducted a field test on the burgers when they noticed something was wrong. The results came back positive for marijuana. Police say officers Henry Gabaldon and Mark Landauazo decided to stop for a snack at the Los Lunas Burger King just before eleven Sunday night. They ordered a couple of burgers. Detective Cavallero said "while eating the food they detected something was very wrong. Another Sgt. came and field tested the food and it tested positive for marijuana." Los Luna…
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Now here's 1 battle i would love to be involved in "We tried burning them with white phosphorous -- it didn't work. We tried burning them with diesel -- it didn't work. The plants are so full of water right now ... that we simply couldn't burn them," he said. i recon if we sent in the OSA army we could easily fix that crop for them just make sure WDC is there he the master at the preharvest quick dry method Clicky Clicky cheerz :Dj:
Last reply by Dr Rockster, -
Stoner cow 1 2
by BentBuddha-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
- 1.6k views Polish woman caught growing marijuana for cow WARSAW (Reuters) - A Polish woman who grew marijuana to calm the nerves of her cow has been charged with cultivating a narcotic by police in the western town of Lobez. The cow had been "skittish and unruly" -- once breaking a person's arm -- until someone suggested mixing cannabis in with its feed, the woman told police. "The cow became as calm as a lamb," the 55-year-old woman said, according to the PAP news agency. The woman's plants, grown from seeds she bought at a market, reached nearly three metres (yards) tall and were extremely potent, police said. Marijuana p…
Last reply by Jaymo, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
The Full report can be found here A couple of exerts from the report ; "Confronted with the evidence that a relatively inexpensive and harmless recreational drug continues to be consumed by at least 1 in 25 people on the planet, and that it is supplied by a vast army of small growers the value of whose total economic activity is enormous, ought to make even the most diehard pot prohibitionist hesitate. Cannabis prohibition is a failed policy. In a world challenged by mass poverty, global warming, nuclear proliferation, and Islamist terrorism, what sense does it make to expend scarce government resources on enforcing th…
Last reply by free choice, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
September 13, 2006 - Washington, DC, USA Washington, DC: Recently published clinical and preclinical research on the therapeutic use of cannabis indicates that cannabinoids may curb the progression of various life-threatening diseases - in particular, autoimmune disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease, as well as neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (a.k.a. Lou Gehrig's disease) - according to a comprehensive new report published today by the NORML Foundation. The NORML Foundation report summarizes over 120 recently published trials assessing the therapeutic utility of ca…
Last reply by 67Special, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
SAN RAMON: By Bruce Gerstman CONTRA COSTA TIMES A fire and explosion in a suburban San Ramon garage in February exposed a lesser-known form of marijuana and ignited a debate about its safety. Prosecutors say three men were mixing butane with crushed marijuana leaves to extract what is known as honey oil, a concentrated form of cannabis, which was going to be used in a medical marijuana dispensary. In what county prosecutors call a first for a marijuana case, the District Attorney's Office has filed charges against the three men for manufacturing a controlled substance -- a charge usually associated with methamphetamine and rock cocaine. A conviction on the charge c…
Last reply by godonacid, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
LAZARAT, Albania (Reuters) - Cannabis plants lay stacked up like Christmas trees around a police station near this remote Albanian village, a humbling sight for growers who two years ago took pot-shots at an Italian police helicopter. "Why didn't you come much earlier?" an old woman wailed at the police, berating them for not acting before work had gone into growing the crop. "Four of our donkeys died fetching water for these plants. And now you come and the harvest's all gone." Albania has been clamping down on cannabis cultivation since Prime Minister Sali Berisha pledged early this year to "wipe it off the map". But in the southern village of Lazarat, where plant…
Last reply by everest, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
US police chief's warning over doomed drugs policy The prohibition against illicit street drugs should be ended as hard-line legislation against drugs is doomed to failure, a US police chief warned today. Jerry Cameron, a police veteran with 17 years experience, urged the Irish Government not to make the same mistakes the United States has made in its war on drugs. Mr Cameron said there was ample evidence the hard-line crackdown with severe prison sentences for possession of street drugs such as cannabis and heroin in America had failed to deal with the problem. “If someone wants to try a drug they are going to try it the law makes no difference,” he said. “In a…
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - Islamic leaders in Mogadishu on Thursday gave a woman 11 lashes for selling cannabis, the first female to receive such punishment since the fundamentalist rulers took over the capital in June. The woman, who throughout the beating insisted she was innocent, was flogged alongside five other men at the Yassin Square in Mogadishu in front of several hundred people. The small bundle of cannabis, worth around $1 on the streets of the capital, was burned before the crowd. ``The reason we punished them was that we want to stop people selling and using drugs,'' said a local security official, Sheik Omar Hussein. ``We believe as Islamists that people …
Last reply by palmtrees, -