International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Author: William Dolphin Date: Jan 4, '07 Source: Americans For Safe Access Copyright: Unknown, probably on the page posted Lord, when will this stupidity end? With all the real crime in this country the Feds are picking easy, innocent targets. Such criminals! These "bad" criminals seek to help folks who are suffering. What do they get for their efforts? Jail! How can these idiot pigs sleep at night? Chalk up another one for the big $$ pharma police...wheather they know it or not these lumpheads are protecting the synthetic chemical companies, the worst, most deadly pushers in history. Like Steppenwolf said, God damn the pusher man! I do not 'cuss' online, but these g…
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 0 replies
Last year the USA's Federal courts overruled the States rights to allow medical cannabis - they basically said Cannabis has no medical properties. BUT for many years the federal government has been growing and suppling a handfull of patients with tins of up to 300 pre-rolled reefers. youTUBE: Interview with George McMahon - federal pot patient
Last reply by Brash, -
- 2 replies
Thinking of blog ideas, like everyone, I thought I’d share my favorite moments from 2006. Of course when I started thinking, I quickly concluded, I didn’t do anything this past year. Something most people suffer from, but it’s worse for me. Right now I’m down to my last few grams of marijuana and remembering what I had for lunch is difficult. It’s not short-term memory loss from cannabis, it’s a symptom of MS. With my last few crumbs of cannabis and my day timer, I present my highlights of 2006. Jan. 06. – American refugee Renee Boje came to Toronto as part of Peace Summit 2006. Together we participated in an amazing women’s circle. Thirty very important ladies i…
Last reply by medMUser, -
- 1 reply
Was just sent this by the Reverend Brothers whom I love dearly... Enjoy! Love and a Squish, Alison xx Heaven Hemp Us On October 26th, 2006 the police raided a shop in the Beaches district of Toronto. The owner was arrested and is currently held in the prison at Penetanguishene. He was accused of trafficking and running a grow-op. The operation was both part of Health Canada's medical marijuana program and a branch of the Church of the Universe where they consider marijuana to be their sacrament. The media coverage of the raid was more than enough to pique my curiosity. As I began research…
Last reply by mull, -
- 10 replies
Hi Guys... long time no talk... Gary and I (with the good help from some people at LEAP) have been busy making the following Video for you to find some really important information in. It's about ten minutes long... If you're interested please watch the video linked here and pass it on to those whom you think might also be... Thanx tons.. Love and a Squish, Alison Myrden xx Federal Medical Marijuana Exemptee in Canada The Medical Marijuana Mission Canada Speaker for LEAP - Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Based in the United States of America
Last reply by Zaknefain, -
- 0 replies
Here is a link to the Los Angeles Times. Author, copy right ect on the LATimes page. I usesd the link as the story is fairly long & I don't want to take up too much memory here. Here is a story that we can learn from. I just wish the rest of the citizanry would get educated, then a lot of this BS would dissapear. Be safe every one. mM
Last reply by medMUser, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hey every one! Check this out! I got it from Jini at Christians For Cannabis. Even the Police, the honest few any way, are starting to oppose the stupid war on humanity. Later & theree cheers for this brave man! mM
Last reply by medMUser, -
- 15 replies
I love to get at those seeds. And then scattered handfuls of that all over to let them grow. NB xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (an extract of that article) By MARK STEVENSON, Associated Press Writer Wed Dec 20, 8:29 PM ET LAZARO CARDENAS, Mexico - Soldiers trying to seize control of one Mexico's top drug-producing regions found the countryside teeming with a new hybrid marijuana plant that can be cultivated year-round and cannot be killed with herbicides. Soldiers fanned out across some of the new fields Tuesday, pulling up plants by the root a…
Last reply by nimbin1997, -
- 2 replies
Author: Date: December 19, 2006 09:48am Source: Copyright: Copyright 2006 News Limited.
Last reply by tomemusic, -
- 6 replies
Anyone interested in adding comments regarding the pilot comedy TV series Weeds? I found it a bit disjointed (pardon the pun) but its a lot better than the usual crap we get on TV and yeah, I found it funny.
Last reply by medMUser, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Researchers say smoking pot not always path to hard drugs drug use Tuesday, December 05, 2006 By Anita Srikameswaran, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Contrary to popular belief, smoking marijuana need not be a steppingstone between using alcohol and tobacco and experimenting with illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Researchers led by Ralph E. Tarter, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh's School of Pharmacy, found that nearly a quarter of the young men they studied used marijuana before they began drinking or smoking cigarettes. It's the reverse of what's known as the "gateway hypothesis," in which drug use is thought to progress from alcohol and tobacco to m…
Last reply by medMUser, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Monday December 4, 2006 A customs officer has been arrested on drug charges and two other staff are under investigation amid allegations of theft at Auckland Airport. The officers worked at the New Zealand Post International Mail Centre, where customs staff screen mail leaving and entering the country. The Customs Service yesterday confirmed that the officer was arrested last month and charged with theft and possession of cannabis. He has appeared in court and was remanded on bail. "Customs subsequently commenced a code-of-conduct investigation and two other officers are currently suspended from duty," said Customs' group manager of trade and marine, Phil Chit…
Last reply by wildflower, -
- 3 replies
Some more info on Nicotene vs Marijuana, for those of you who are wondering about Polonium 210 in pot smoke... Produced as a public service by the University of Massachusetts at Amherst Cannabis Reform Coalition Research and written by Brian S. Julin Corrections, comments, inquiries should be addressed to: UMASS CANNABIS S.A.O. Box #2 Tobacco crops grown in the United States are fertilized by law with phosphates rich in radium 226. In addition, many soils have a natural radium 226 content. Radium 226 breaks down into two long lived 'daughter' elements -- lead 210 and polonium 210. These radioactive particles become airborne, and attach themselves to the fine hairs on …
Last reply by Zaknefain, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
HERALD SUN Dutch to roll world's biggest joint From correspondents in The Hague November 22, 2006 04:53am Article from: Agence France-Presse Font size: + - Send this article: Print Email DEFYING police warnings, a Dutch group is set to roll the world's biggest joint, sending the previous record for a marijuana cigarette up in smoke. The world's largest joint will be a 500g, metre-long monstrosity, rolled with cigarette paper and easily dwarfing the previous 100g winner, ANP news agency reported overnight. To beat the record, it must be made entirely of marijuana with no tobacco mix. "Afterwards we'll light it up," predicted event organiser Thijs Verh…
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
By Natasha Elkington © Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved. Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:30pm ET TORONTO (Reuters) - The use of medical marijuana has given two Toronto professors the right to something that many students could only dream of -- access to specially ventilated rooms where they can indulge in peace. The two, at the esteemed University of Toronto and at York University to the north of the city, suffer from chronic medical conditions that some doctors say can be eased by smoking marijuana. They are among nearly 1,500 Canadians who have won the right to use the drug for health reasons. Using human rights legislation, the two petitioned their employers for the right…
Last reply by Zaknefain, -