International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A study suggests that smoking a moderate amount of cannabis (marijuana) may relieve pain but smoking high doses may increase pain. "Previous studies have suggested that smoked cannabis increases pain," lead investigator Dr. Mark Wallace of the University of California, San Diego told Reuters Health. "This is the first study using a dose-response method that suggests smoked cannabis has a therapeutic window with moderate doses decreasing pain and high doses increasing pain." In a group of healthy volunteers, Wallace and colleagues studied the effect of low, medium and high doses of smoked cannabis or placebo on pain…
Last reply by Xtal, -
Cannabis Cup
by Tom-
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
AMSTERDAM (Reuters Life!) - Cannabis connoisseurs in their thousands have descended on the Dutch capital of Amsterdam this week to sample and select the winners of the 20th annual Cannabis Cup competition. "There's a lot of good competition this year," said 'Herbal Santa' a longtime marijuana smoker from Orange Country, California, who, when asked for his name only offered 'Jim'. Organizers said they expected about 3,500 participants. The week-long Cannabis Cup is spread out at various coffee shops throughout Amsterdam, although the main events are held in a club on the outskirts of the city, tucked behind a McDonald's fast-food restaurant and a…
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 5 replies
Marijuana chemical may treat depression: study Posted Tue Nov 6, 2007 11:15am AEDT Updated Tue Nov 6, 2007 11:18am AEDT High hopes: Researchers say the mood-elevating properties of marijuana could be harnessed to treat depression High hopes: Researchers say the mood-elevating properties of marijuana could be harnessed to treat depression (Reuters: Mark Blinch) A drug that boosts levels of the brain's own "bliss" chemical can help reverse symptoms of depression in rats, US and Italian researchers reported. The drug helps maintain high levels of a compound called anandamide, named after the Sanskrit word for "bliss," which is chemically similar to the active ingredi…
Last reply by jonx, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Rowdy drunks put end to weekly smoke-ins Judith Lavoie, Times Colonist ©Times Colonist (Victoria) 2007 Young, drunken rowdies, disrupting peaceful pot smokers, have killed the Victoria tradition of weekly marijuana rallies. The pungent smell of pot, drifting over Ted Smith's Wednesday smoke-ins, has been part of Victoria culture for 12 years. But yesterday, the last one was held on the steps of the Ministry of Health building on Blanshard Street. "Drunken kids have ruined it," said Smith, a marijuana crusader and founder of the Cannabis Buyers Club. "If we are going to hold a pot rally it has to be safe. Any Wednesday night can now be explosive because young k…
Last reply by Al Fish, -
Cannabis is Legal in Canada!
by Guest niall-
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Well as I've alluded to over the last 5 years, cannabis is now legal in Canada. Commercial production and trafficking aren't explicitly covered, yet - but legal experts believe the legality of this side of the industry can also be successfully argued based on the same sequence of case law. The Government is kicking and screaming and pretending that it isn't true, but it is. Coming to a newswire near you! OH CANADA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2007 November 14 Canada's prohibition of the possession of marijuana has once again been declared to be constitutionally invalid and of no legal force o…
Last reply by grok, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Someone got busted with a moving truck containing a grow op, rather sophisticated one too. So now we all know what truckers are doing when they are parked out the back of a service station supposedly sleeping... Jimbo
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
The Assembly of the American Psychiatric Association, a legislative body composed of representatives from APA districts throughout the country, has unanimously approved an action paper that urges the federal government to stop interfering with the medical use of marijuana in states where it's legal. The paper, which won't be official until it receives approval from the APA's Board of Trustees in December, notes that 12 states allow patients to use marijuana for symptom relief with a doctor's recommendation, but there's a catch: The threat of arrest by federal agents, however, still exists. Seriously ill patients living in these states with medical marijuana recommendatio…
Last reply by grok, -
- 420 Crew
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Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
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There are quite a few celebrities who are going to be for the interest of legalizing cannabis as medicine for an array of reasons, starting with freedom and going all the way to the fact that severely sick and dying people tend to find relief while using this plant. This week I will introduce you to some of the more noteworthy celebrities who have spoken out. First of course I will mention Montel Williams, as he and I suffer from the same disease, multiple sclerosis. Cannabis has been proven to help this and other chronic illnesses. The proof is out there. Here is a sample:\ ws_Clinica This is a great example of…
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
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This cop has over 300 felony arrests in his record, numerous drugs busts, and now he is out to help the stoners, he is against the war on drugs and he is selling informational videos onhow to beat drug dogs, areas tht dotn get searched and describing how cops target cars they will search... verygood article and i hink this cop is taking a ste in the right direction to gettin marijuana legalized or getting some kind of personal use clause added to every marijuan possession... here is the link i found the artcle at...( hope everyone enjoys this artile and learns something to keep the cherrytops of th…
Last reply by PGHGreek420, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Stun grenades used as drug raid reveals 'White Rhino' 5:00AM Thursday November 08, 2007 By Simon O'Rourke Armed police, using stun grenades, raided an apartment in central Hamilton yesterday as lunchtime shoppers watched in amazement. The raid shut down a sophisticated cannabis-growing operation, which included a variety of plant called "White Rhino". A drug team supported by armed officers stormed an apartment accessed above the Kathmandu and Vodafone stores. Stun grenades were used during the raid, blasts that could be heard from the footpath on the opposite side of the street. Police communications spokesman Andrew McAlley said about 400 plants had been seiz…
Last reply by nugget, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Source: sounds like the dutch are heading even further into the right direction lets just hope it works out for the best and makes the rest of the world take notice
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
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- 2.4k views report
Last reply by mull, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Source: the pirate bay To download the torrent directly, click here I just finished watching that a few hours ago and its well worth a watch if you are at all interested in marc emery and the BC3's case with the DEA its a 700MB download which is fairly large considering it barely goes over 40 mintues and you also get to see marc emery naked which is just wrong but the download speed for the torrent is pretty decent and i'll be seeding it for the next week or 2 so im doing my part and not feeling like so much of a leecher
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Author: AP Date: October 29, 2007 - 9:50AM Source: The Age Copyright: Fairfax Media The governor of California says marijuana is not a drug, a British magazine reported today. Arnold Schwarzenegger told the British edition of GQ magazine that he had not taken drugs. The former bodybuilder and Hollywood star has acknowledged using marijuana in the 1970s and was shown smoking a joint in the 1977 documentary Pumping Iron. "That is not a drug. It's a leaf," Schwarzenegger told GQ. "My drug was pumping iron, trust me," he added. In an interview for the magazine's December issue, Schwarzenegger refused to condemn politicians who declined to answer questions about dr…
Last reply by leafy, -