International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Original article here: science: Study shows marijuana increases brain cell growth By Juanita King, The Muse (Memorial University of Newfoundland) ST. JOHN’S, Nfld — Supporters of marijuana may finally have an excuse to smoke weed every day. A recent study in the Journal of Clinical Investigation suggests that smoking pot can make the brain grow. Though most drugs inhibit the growth of new brain cells, injections of a synthetic cannibinoid have had the opposite effect in mice in a study performed at the University of Saskatchewan. Research on how drugs affect the brain has been critical to addiction treatment…
Last reply by freddie, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
- 1.1k views Prof. Alan Young - Incredible News For The Country!!! Just received a call from Alan and you'll never guess what - The Judge came back with a ruling - CAROSEL WON in FEDERAL COURT today!!! That means, that section (I think 33B) - 1 was struck down!!!! People are now LEGALLY ALLOWED to grow more than the originally entitled one to one grower ratio!!! This puts us back now to the Laws in 2003 according to Alan, where more than one person can grow together at one time!!! Love and a super HUGE Squish, Alison xx (as per Professor Alan Young)...
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 5 replies
Bill Richardson the Govenor of New Mexico, the man that signed the bill allowing medpot there has dropped out of the race for president... I know It might not mean much to Aussies, but I felt that this man was our best hope of getting the whole matter of MJ settled. And I had hoped that if we finaly did something positive, then the rest of the world would take notice and listen... When he signed his states medical marijuna bill into law he exclaimed that it was the right thing to do. I feel cheated by his dropping out.
Last reply by BudlessB0b123, -
- 4 replies
this might be a re-post but i thought it was interesting and worth passing on. enjoy
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 0 replies
Let's Decriminalize the Marijuana Fiasco by Hal Sisson, Q.C., Canadian Correspondent in Law As I purchased a mocha latte at a coffee shop in the Cook Street village area of Victoria, I noticed two senior citizen ladies wearing red jackets with ‘Crime Watch’ - Volunteer -- emblazoned both back and front. Because I was writing a novel, whose content involved the decriminalization of marijuana, I entered into conversation with them. “Do you find there is any significant amount of marijuana dealing or smoking around the village?” I asked politely. They invited me to sit at their table. “Not that we’ve noticed,” was the joint reply. “What kind of crime do you wat…
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
- 5 replies
My Turn: It's time to decriminalize marijuana Published: Friday, January 4, 2008 By Ken Freer We lost the so called "War on Drugs" a long time ago and it's time to introduce a little common sense. Gov. Jim Douglas' spat with Windsor County prosecutor Robert Sand brought this issue to our attention just recently. I think that the Vermont Lottery does more harm to Vermont citizens than smoking marijuana. The Lottery Commissioner always shouts, "Please play responsibly!" while he and his staff are dreaming up more games to fleece those people who can least afford to lose the money. Now the governor is talking about leasing the lottery to a private business that will pr…
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 3 replies
Published January 04, 2008 09:05 pm - Local authorities and the Drug Enforcement Administration are investigating a case where 595 marijuana plants were found at a Kaufer Lane residence Thursday. 595 marijuana plants removed from New Albany home By STEPHANIE MOJICA Local authorities and the Drug Enforcement Administration are investigating a case where 595 marijuana plants were found at a Kaufer Lane residence Thursday. Floyd County Sheriff’s Department deputies responded to a break-in report Thursday, said Sheriff Darrell Mills in a telephone interview Friday. When off…
Last reply by G_M, -
- 2 replies
This was posted at LEAP on January 2, 2008. My first LEAP Blog this year! Happy New Year! Please check it out and pass it on... Enjoy! Thank you. Ali xx The Drug War Gets Personal ( 94 reads) Wednesday, January 02, 2008 Hi everyone. Seeing as this is Christmas and the coming New Year, I thought I would tell heart-warming story of an American trustee and his courageous wife who know the magic of cannabis as medicine and recognize the value of legalizing and regulating all drugs. This week I would like to introduce you to this gentleman and his wife, whom I would love to meet one day. I will let him do most of my speaking, as he seems to be ready to take …
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
OK in California there is a guy who ran a marijuana dispensary (a legal pot shop for medical reasons) made a music video of how he is a drug dealer, saying "fuck the fed's!"..... now he sells pot legally, but he also does things on the side, and he couldn't wait to brag about what he does. Talk about asking for an arse raping from the police. California's Proposition 215 legalized medical marijuana in that state 11 years ago as a treatment for pain, the side-effects of chemotherapy, and other ailments. However, the federal government still views all marijuana use as illegal, and the Supreme Court has upheld…
Last reply by leafy, -
- 3 replies
New marijuana law not catching on with local authorities Dec. 31, 2007, 9:47AM © 2007 The Associated Press DALLAS — Many Texans busted for misdemeanor marijuana possession are still being jailed despite a new state law that allows police to issue a citation instead of making an arrest, according to a newspaper report. Texas lawmakers hoped to ease jail crowding with the new legislation, which took effect Sept. 1, but some local prosecutors worry what message getting a mere ticket for pot might send. "It may...lead some people to believe that drug use is no more serious than double parking," Collin County prosecutor Greg Davis said in Tuesday's editions of The Dal…
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
29th Dec, Today the Bacon Squad was only able to get a high score of 171 in the MJ game, and they caught a bunch of losers who didn't do a very good job of covering their ass. MARION OAKS - Marion County sheriff's deputies dismantled a marijuana grow house Thursday night containing 171 marijuana plants with an estimated street value of approximately $200,000, and arrested two of three men seen fleeing the area. The third man, who reportedly was seen discarding a .38-caliber revolver, managed to escape, according to a Sheriff's Office report. Two of the men - Jose Perez, 59, of Green Acres, and Eliezer Lo…
Last reply by iamnotacop, -
- 8 replies
Come out of the Cannabis Closet - Christmas Hi's and Lo's 2007 I'm baaack.... Check out our latest: Love and a Super sticky kiss for Christmas, Alison xx
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 0 replies
- 697 views GREENSBORO -- More than a ton of marijuana is off the streets in Greensboro this weekend. The Guilford County Sheriff’s Office teamed up with Greensboro and Winston-Salem Police for the drug bust. They found over 2,000 pounds of the drug, a number of guns and other drug paraphernalia at a home on Greensboro’s Summit Avenue. Deputies arrested 20-year-old Jose Valdez of High Point, who now faces various drug charges and has been jailed on $160,000 bail
Last reply by leafy, -
- 3 replies
- 817 views Cash, Charge or Pot? A Bel Air man found out in May cash, not marijuana, is the currency of choice in Ocean City after attempting to purchase items from a resort convenience store with a bag of dope. Michael Autry, 27, of Bel Air in May walked into the 7-Eleven on 94th Street and grabbed a bag of chips and three bottles of Gatorade. When the clerk rang Autry up, he fumbled around in his pocket and was only able to produce a $1 bill. The clerk told him that wouldn’t cover it and Autry went back to his pockets again, this time producing a baggie of marijuana. The now frustrated Autry reached into the baggi…
Last reply by Pam,