International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
5,348 topics in this forum
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- 1k views The government's sorta-kinda-maybe logic By David Harsanyi It could be argued that the most useless job in Washington, D.C., is held by John Walters, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. He's otherwise known as the country's Drug Czar. And when you consider the spectacular number of useless jobs in Washington, that's quite an accomplishment. No one is saying, of course, that it's easy being a figurehead of a cost-inefficient organization charged with implementing the biggest domestic policy disaster since Prohibition. After all, it means advocating that thousands of non-violent offenders be sent to prison — quite often after…
Last reply by grace, -
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I stumbled onto this video a week or two back, 'n showed a few in chat. Thought i betta post it for others to see, if they haven't come across it yet. Too much weed for me, but you have to admire one's efforts. Huge Pot Field Found in Afghanistan
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 420 Crew
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(Angus Reid Global Monitor) - Adults in Canada believe the consumption of cannabis should be allowed in their country, according to a poll by Angus Reid Strategies. 53 per cent of respondents support the legalization of marijuana. Less than 10 per cent of respondents believe other drugs—such as ecstasy, powder cocaine, heroin, crack cocaine and crystal meth—should be legalized. In July 2002, Canada became the first nation in the world to regulate the consumption of cannabis for medical reasons. In the 2004 federal election, the Marijuana party—which seeks the outright legalization of the substance—received 0.3 per cent of the popular vote. In November 2004, the C…
Last reply by DRkush101, -
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Author: ? Date: 13/05/08 Source: SMH Copyright: © 2008. The Sydney Morning Herald.
Last reply by everest, -
- 420 Crew
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Author: James Slack Date: 13th May 2008 Source: The Mail Copyright: 2008 Associated Newspapers Ltd Now cannabis dealers will escape jail despite government pledge for tougher punishments Cannabis dealers will escape jail, despite Gordon Brown's decision to reclassify the drug, it emerged last night. The U-turn was supposed to signal tougher punishments for those who flout the law. But, under papers issued by the Sentencing Guidelines Council yesterday, magistrates will still be advised that a community order may be satisfactory for those who push Class B substances, the new grade for cannabis. This is despite the maximum penalty being a 14-year pri…
Last reply by mega, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Government set to defy its own experts and upgrade cannabis again! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Government has finally confirmed cannabis is being restored to Class B status - bluntly snubbing the views of its own experts. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith insisted the U-turn was necessary to safeguard "the future health of young people". She also unveiled a crackdown on cannabis "paraphernalia" such as pipes and even potentially posters that "glamorise" its use. However, critics insisted Ms Smith was "crazy" to defy expert opinion, and accused her and Gordon Brown of "dithering" over how to deal with the drug. The P…
Last reply by Frazz, -
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada 30,000 people Queen's Park NO ARRESTS 12noon to 8pm Check us out... Marc Emery and I spent hours in the Media Tent doing Interviews for everyone from our National Newspaper the National Post, to the Nation's leading Music station MTV Canada. My Interview with MTV should be out this week so stay tuned... Hope your Global Marijuana March turned out well in Australia... Happy Monday guys and thanx again for all of your support.... Love and a squish, Alison xx
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
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I had a quick look through the topics and didn't notice that anyone else had posted this so here 'tis. It is from 2006 so I wouldn't be surprised if it's already been sourced but it is a good refresher Interesting article about the largest marijuana study ever done and there being found to be no correlation between smokin' weed and cancer. Apparently THC actually kills aging cells and stops them from becoming cancerous. I haven't read much deeper into the study or the studies that show there is a correlation but at the moment this article makes me happy and I suppose that's what counts. Take that right wing fascists . Fism Author: Marc Kaufman Date: May 26, 2…
Last reply by mega, -
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Some members of Minnesota's law enforcement community are lying in order to kill MPP’s medical marijuana bill in the state — in other words, in order to keep patients in pain. This small but vocal contingent is claiming that marijuana has no medical value, that “every prosecutor in every medical marijuana state” opposes its use, that you can “overdose” on marijuana, and more than a dozen other outrageous lies. We’re fighting back. Yesterday, MPP held a news conference at the Minnesota statehouse to refute the outright false testimony that law enforcement officials have been providing the legislature and the news media. And we distributed to reporters and legislators an …
Last reply by Cleptow, -
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- 623 views;gonew=1#UNREAD Canadian Rights and Freedoms are at Risk An Important Notice Regarding Bill C-51 On April 8th, 2008, the Canadian Minister of Health introduced Bill C-51 into the House of Commons. This Bill proposes significant changes to the current Food and Drugs Act that will have wide-ranging negative implications for Canadians. Bill C-51 will: * Remove democratic oversight, bypassing elected officials to vote in laws and allow bureaucrats to adopt laws from other countries without our consent. * Remove more than 70% of Natural Health Products from Canadians and many others will be available by prescri…
Last reply by littlbit, -
- 1 reply
Here are some pix of our day in Niagara Falls and Hamilton, Ontario on April 20th, 2008... Hope you enjoy! Love and a squish, Alison xx
Last reply by mega, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Mein Gott. ich bin scheisse Haschisch..... This is rough very rough!!! Just another reason to legalise!!! ABC News Lead-Tainted Marijuana Poisons Users Drug Experts Warn Other Illicit Substances Often Cut With Dangerous Additives By DAN CHILDS ABC News Medical Unit Apr. 10, 2008— Reports of German pot smokers sustaining severe lead poisoning from tainted marijuana suggests that illicit drug users may be getting a lot more than just a high from the substances they abuse, health experts warn. The cases, documented in an article in the current issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, involve 29 young adults, ages 16 to 33, who were hospitalized in Leipzig,…
Last reply by germangirl, -
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"R.I. compassion center bill heading to the Senate floor — act now This has been an amazing week for the move to improve medical marijuana access in Rhode Island. On Wednesday, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee unanimously passed a compassion center bill (5-0, with three absent). That means the next Senate vote on S.B. 2693 will be the full floor! On Tuesday, the House Health, Education, and Welfare Committee heard compelling testimony on a twin House bill, H.B. 7888. If you haven't done so yet, please let your legislators know you support protecting patients and ask other Rhode Islanders to do the same. Constituent calls and e-mails were key to passing …
Last reply by Cleptow, -
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- 1.5k views Thai police arrest Aussie party pooper Sunday Apr 13 12:56 AEST Thai police have arrested a 51-year-old Australian after he was hospitalised for a severe stomach-ache caused by 65 condoms packed with hash lodged in his lower intestine. Surat Thani hospital authorities alerted police to the unusual nature of John Paul Jones' ailment on Friday after an X-ray revealed suspicious "sausage-like" objects jammed in his stomach, the Bangkok Post said. "Before the operation, Mr Jones looked nervous and asked whether police would be notified," said Surat Thani Hospital doctor Worapob Sutiwatanaruput. An operation revealed th…
Last reply by Rose Gardener, -
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Here is my most recent Blog... Enjoy! Alison xx LEAP Blog… April 10th, 2008 Dying for Compassion Hi. Been a rough last while reading stories in the last few weeks like the one I’m going to write about here. The story that I’m going to tell you here is the story of Jayci Yaeger and is one of both triumph and sadness. Hopefully people will take much from this Blog, including the fact that people who are caught up in the world of illegal drugs - do not belong in the legal system. How many times do we have to say, “there is no room for drugs in a legal realm!” Where in the Lord’s name - is Compassion?? This week I will reiterate things I have said in p…
Last reply by Alison Myrden,