International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Cannabis Conspiracy Uncovered 26 June 2008 It would appear that, if the Police are unable to find an offence to charge you with but they take a dislike to you, its highly likely they will make one up, as the following story illustrates all too clearly. In answer to one of the biggest conspiracy theories attached to the British cannabis debate in recent times, three Derby men have had their convictions over-turned by the country's most senior Judge at the Court of Appeals. Back in January 08 and the talk of the British cannabis community was of the three hydroponic shop workers from Derby who had been convicted of the …
Last reply by Indycar, -
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This seems a little old news now, but it's just come to my attention the coppers that pulled the raid on the terrified school kids at goose crk. USA have lost their law suit and need to pay the students 1.2 million dollars, to be divided equaly between the kids. Fuck, seems to me they deserved that much each. A racially motivated raid, a school primarily of mixed race children was raided full on with loaded cocked ready to fire pistols drawn on frightened children as they cowered from, attack trained dogs. Somebody please tell me this is not the future.. I beliveve BTW no drugs were found. So just be careful when you get tempted into believing the horror stories o…
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 420 Crew
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Cannabis convictions hit poorest, hardest PR.Canna Zine 22 June 2008 Cannabis convictions in the United Kingdom are hitting those with the lowest incomes hardest, and due to how the law is meted out, low-income family's will often find themselves punished for cannabis possession not once and sometimes even not twice, but three times, by the time the drug is paid for by the user, then confiscated by police, and then a fine (or worse) handed down by the courts. For a substance which is inherently safer than tobacco or alcohol, something isn't right about this. According to a spokesman for Pro-reform cannabis news websi…
Last reply by everest, -
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A fresh take rose perfume 03:56 PM CDT on Friday, June 20, 2008 BY CHANDLER BURR / Special to The Dallas Morning News Rose is the ultimate perfume paradigm, but today, this is strangely more theory than reality. It is universally known within the industry that the smell of rose does quite poorly in focus groups and, to perfume buyers, reads "old lady." This is why you read disproportionately more about rose in press materials (you like the idea of rose scent) than you actually smell rose in perfumes (the reality makes you think of your grandmother). But a rose revolution has been going for a while. …
Last reply by grace, -
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Not sure If I posted this already? Either way, here is my most recent LEAP Blog.... Hope you all enjoy! Alison xx Hi Folks… My apologies for not being around again for a while. Not only have I been extremely busy again, I had also run out of cannabis the past few weeks and found it difficult to get out of bed and stay awake thanks to all the pills I take when I have no cannabis. Between being so busy and then dropping like a rock I feel like I've been run over by a train! I SWEAR my Government knows this is how I become when I can`t fill my prescription for this plant. Very disheartening to say the least. Speaking of my being busy, I had another trying m…
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
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Cannabis importer's cunning plan not so clever Monday, 16 June 2008 A Christchurch man's cunning plan to spell his name backwards when he ordered cannabis over the internet was not enough to put the authorities off the scent. Michael Gary Davis, a 28-year-old technician, stood in the Christchurch District Court dock to hear his offending described as naive and amateurish. He was appearing before Judge John Strettell for sentence after pleading guilty to importing 20 seeds of the class C drug. Defence counsel Grant Tyrrell explained: "He had been consuming alcohol and was trawling through the internet and thought it …
Last reply by mull, -
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Last reply by mega, -
- 420 Crew
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- 1k views By Julian Joyce BBC News By toughening the law on cannabis the government hopes to drive a crackdown on UK "farms", many of which have sprung up in recent years. In the cellar beneath Jimmy's house, cannabis seedlings flourish under bright lights. Upstairs, taking over half the attic, more mature plants flower in lamp-lit trays, amid the hum of automatic water and nutrient delivery systems. This is "hydroponic" cannabis - grown without soil in trays. Jimmy's indoor "farm" is one of many to have sprung up behind the walls and closed curtains of houses across the UK in recent year…
Last reply by mega, -
- 420 Crew
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Willits, CA -- Voters in this rugged stretch of Northern California took marijuana laws to new heights in 2000, allowing residents to grow up to 25 marijuana plants for medical, recreational or personal use. But eight years later, some are campaigning to scale back the law, saying it's time to weed out pot profiteers. "We want to take that welcome mat away," said Ross Liberty, spokesman for Measure B, which goes before Mendocino County voters Tuesday. Opponents say they, too, want to evict large-scale, criminal operators. But they say Measure B won't address that issue and will instead go after the people who need medical marijuana. "What (Measure) B does is redefin…
Last reply by Bazza, -
- 420 Crew
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Last reply by mega, -
- 420 Crew
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Medical Cannabis: Police Recommend 3 ounces of "Skunk" per month, per patient 22 May 2008 A row has broken out over in the United States, between the law enforcement community and the medical marijuana community. "No change there then" I hear you shout. But this argument comes from a different angle to that by which the UK government agreed they would unilaterally reclassify cannabis, and in doing so go against the advice of its own advisory board of experts. In Washington State, the issue of how much marijuana a patient needs remains one of the most contentious parts of the law voters passed in 1998, which allows pat…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
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Reasons to legalise all drugs (not just cannabis) - Top 10 Transform Campaign for effective drug policy 22 May 2008 So where do you stand? Do you believe legalising drugs and letting government sort out the distribution, earning taxes, as it removes drugs from the hands of organised criminals is the way to go? Or do you reside on the other side of the fence, (the side where the grass is ALWAYS bad for you), believing the legalisation of drugs is the slippery road to rack & ruin? The fact is, there are as many experts on each side of the fence so who do we believe? Here's a bunch of reasons which, according to d…
Last reply by 67Special, -
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Turned out great! I'm SOOO Excited! Check it out... Enjoy! Love and a squish, Alison xx
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 420 Crew
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- 961 views sure pot can make your eye lids droopy which makes things harder to see and focus on, but how much of a fool do you have to be to offer pot instead of cash with cops all around you?
Last reply by Naycha, -
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The Dominion Post | Friday, 16 May 2008 KENT BLECHYNDEN/The Dominion Post DRUG TOUR: Ken Morgan, coordinator of "Mary Jane the Cannabus" tour, celebrates the conclusion of a national tour promoting cannabis use with a cheeky smoke at Parliament. The long blue arm of the law watches over the red eyes of Ken Morgan as he celebrates the conclusion of a national tour promoting cannabis use with a cheeky smoke at Parliament. Mr Morgan, coordinator of "Mary Jane the Cannabus" tour, said the restored bus that acts as a mobile "legalise cannabis" office visited 44 towns and cities around New Zealand. "We invited locals to join us …
Last reply by grace,