International Cannabis News
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- 420 Crew
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7 October 2008 Cannabis and Politics
Last reply by Frazz, -
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How Come "Joe Sixpack" is an American Hero, While "Joe Stoner" Gets Arrested? Posted in Chronicle Blog by Scott Morgan Mon, 10/06/2008 - 7:34pm Paul Armentano at NORML points to Sarah Palin's glorification of "Joe Sixpack" in the vice presidential debate. Indeed, one could scarcely overstate the naked hypocrisy of portraying daily drinkers as American heroes, while our nation continues to arrest nearly a million Americans each year for using marijuana. I usually leave the alcohol analogy alone, assuming that it often speaks for itself, and when it doesn’t, the guys at SAFER can be counte…
Last reply by grace, -
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Harvest Fest participants march for smoking rights Julie Strupp Monday, October 6, 2008 An enthusiastic crowd gathered under “Smoke ‘em Bucky” banners for the 38th annual Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival in downtown Madison last weekend to protest the prohibition of marijuana and foster solidarity among fellow dissenters. The three-day-long festival began Friday night with a benefit concert at the Cardinal Bar and continued through the weekend. Speakers and bands vocalized their support Saturday in Library Mall to “end the war on drugs” and urged listeners to vote for change. Madison Police Lt. Jo…
Last reply by grace, -
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Oct 5 2008 by Matt Aplin, Wales On Sunday What bothers me the most about THIS article is the atypical rolling out of the usual propaganda . . . s'pose it ain't gonna go away in a hurry huh? Wonder how these 'journalists' [to use the term disparagingly] sleep at night knowing they're peddling lies in the guise of quoted statistics [we all know 90% of statistics are made up, don't we?] and regurgitated clap-trap!
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
- 420 Crew
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5/10/08 AFP Copyright © 2008 AFP. All rights reserved KNAYSSEH, Lebanon (AFP) — With his pony tail, long sideburns, tight jeans and cowboy boots, Noah Zaayter cuts an odd figure as he struts through this tiny Lebanese village trailed by his own militiamen. The 37-year-old is one of about 50 drug barons who operate with near total impunity in the Bekaa, a lawless region controlled mainly by Hezbollah and for years synonymous with drug trafficking and militancy. Zaayter sports a baseball cap, worn back-to-front, and a chrome-plated pistol on his waistband, but his men -- nicknamed "tiger", "scorpion" or "bin Laden" -- are armed with machine-guns, some equipped wi…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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The Big Question: Is it time the world forgot about cannabis in its war against drugs? By Michael McCarthy Friday, 3 October 2008 THE INDEPENDENT UK
Last reply by tempo., -
- 3 replies
New British Report: Cannabis Less Harmful Than Drinking, Smoking Tobacco
Last reply by Major Overgrow, -
- 1 reply
Police Discover World’s Largest Marijuana Plants Scott Morgan Wed, 10/01/2008 - 8:39pm Drug enforcement officers never tire of their overpowering compulsion to exaggerate marijuana seizures to the point of absurdity. Again and again, we’ve caught police making ludicrous claims that contradict basic math and science. The latest example comes from California, where local narcotics officers found some large marijuana plants and tried to frame it as some sort of unbelievable shocker: Marijuana plants seized Monday in Browns Valley and Live Oak "are the largest I've seen," a drug enforce…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
- 1 reply
2/10/08 © News Group Newspapers Ltd, 2008 A German artist today claimed to have obtained Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain's ashes and revealed she plans to SMOKE them in a cannabis joint. Barmy Natascha Stellmach won't reveal how she came by the remains of the iconic singer - saying only that it's "kind of magic". We revealed earlier this year that they had been stolen from wife Courtney Love's home. There has been no confirmation that the ashes are genuinely those of the dead rock legend. Kurt, DAVE GROHL and KRIST NOVOSELIC mesmerised the music world in the 90s with hits like In Bloom and Smells Like Teen Spirit. The band has…
Last reply by jojothepotfiend, -
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Thursday, 02 October 2008 © Macquarie Radio Network Limited 2007 A British research group has called for a "serious rethink" of drug policy after finding that cannabis is less harmful than alcohol or tobacco, and that banning the drug has no impact on supply. The Beckley Foundation, a charity group featuring senior British and international academics as its advisors, said outlawing cannabis only acted to turn users into criminals. "Although cannabis can have a negative impact on health, including mental health, in terms of relative harms it is considerably less harmful than alcohol or tobacco," the report by the Foundation's Gl…
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
- 2 replies
Report urges regulated market for cannabis to replace prohibition Duncan Campbell Thursday October 2 2008 The Guardian A report on cannabis prepared for next year's UN drug policy review will suggest that a "regulated market" would cause less harm than the current international prohibition. The report, which is likely to reopen the debate about cannabis laws, suggests that controls such as taxation, minimum age requirements and labelling could be explored. The Global Cannabis Commission report, which will be launched today at a conference in the House of Lords, has reached conclusions which its authors sugg…
Last reply by freddie, -
- 420 Crew
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Drugs a 'pernicious evil' - Judge Ingram 1 October 2008 PR Cannazine News Drug offending is "a pernicious evil in our society", a Tauranga District Court judge said today when sentencing a 43-year-old Paeroa mother to a year behind bars on several cannabis related charges. Emma Esma Sadlier admitted cultivating cannabis to dry, package and sell as "tinnies" to supplement her benefit. Defence lawyer Peter Attwood told Judge Thomas Ingram she knew it was wrong but had no idea jail would be the outcome. "Anyone who believes that is living in a dream world," the judge replied. "If you did not know people who deal in…
Last reply by Token Jet, -
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By ninemsn staff 19:00 AEST Wed Oct 1 © 1997-2008 ninemsn Pty Ltd - All rights reserved A Catholic priest and a drug counsellor have been charged with possessing and dealing marijuana after the scent of the joint they were smoking wafted into a nearby police vehicle. A patrolman in the US state of West Virginia was on patrol in the town of Charleston over the weekend when he became aware of the smell and pulled over the silver minivan in front as it was the only vehicle in sight, the Charleston Daily Mail reports. He claimed Father James O'Connor and Michael Deegan were found to be smoking a hand-rolled joint and…
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
- 1 reply
Dustin Walker September 30, 2008 © Times Colonist (Victoria) 2008 NANAIMO -- After a couple years of dismal outdoor marijuana harvests due to rainy weather, Vancouver Island could see a bumper crop this fall. Some growers have already harvested their pot plants, often hidden deep in the woods. But the optimal time to harvest marijuana is normally the first week of October, said Ted Smith, who teaches a free course about hemp and cannabis -- called Hempology 101 -- at the University of Victoria. He thinks if current weather holds for the next few weeks, this season will mark the start of the crop's recovery o…
Last reply by Zaknefain, -
- 5 replies
Cannabis Culture by Mike Adams, Natural News (24 Sept, 2008) If you like using natural, raw, organic products, you will find this story quite bizarre and distressing This story is just insane! Noted that Cannabis Culture comment that this story is indeed another example of insane Drug War nonsense . . . no apologies from the Police either for their interrogation of these innocent people [not once but twice!?!?!] And yet law enforcement the world over it seems insists on using 'testing' devices that are proven to be totally unreliable over and over again . . . I'm just gob-smacked that the powers that be continue to sink SO LOW . . . sad, sad state of aff…
Last reply by Dragonfan,