International Cannabis News
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Thu, Oct 23, 2008 11:25 am An argument over the hogging of a cannabis cigarette resulted in a man suffering a broken leg. Christopher Lawson, 19, had been drinking with a group of people in the Elizabethan pub in Welford, on Friday, April 25, when they decided to go to the reservoir to smoke cannabis. Rebecca Wade, prosecuting at Northampton Crown Court said the party of four included James Niven, who asked Lawson to pass over the cannabis spliff but Lawson refused. They got into an argument, during which Lawson punched Mr Niven in the face and, as he fell to the ground, he stamped on his leg "once or twice", causing it to brea…
Last reply by SinnSmokah, -
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Fri, Oct 24, 2008 11:57 am JOHOR BARU: A 56-year-old kindergarten janitor tried in vain to escape with his marijuana tree after police raided his home. The suspect pulled out the tree from its vase and ran during the police raid at about 6am in Layang-Layang, Kluang on Saturday. However, several policemen managed to tackle the suspect before he escaped. Johor deputy police chief Senior Asst Comm I Datuk Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah said that the suspect is believed to have grown the tree over the last six months. “Being in possession, let alone growing this tree, is against the law. “We are not ruling out the possibility that …
Last reply by SinnSmokah, -
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Ottawa's grip on medical marijuana loosened -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Canadian Press October 27, 2008 TORONTO — A Federal Court of Appeal decision on Monday that upholds a lower-court ruling loosening Ottawa's tight grip on access to medical marijuana is being reviewed, the federal government says. A three-judge panel dismissed an appeal from government lawyers who argued Ottawa's monopoly on medical pot was the only way to provide a safe and reliable supply. The panel strenuously challenged arguments made by Justice Department lawyer Sean Gaudet that there was a lack of hard evidence to back up a Jan. …
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 420 Crew
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Ottawa's monopoly on pot over – Court dismisses federal appeal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By BRETT CLARKSON, SUN MEDIA 28th October 2008 Alison Myrden, who eats, drinks, and smokes 50 grams a day of medical pot, couldn't be happier that the federal government's marijuana monopoly has gone up in smoke. Myrden, 44, was one of several medicinal marijuana users who yesterday watched as appeal court judges dismissed Ottawa's bid to keep the medical pot supply chain limited to one grower per smoker. The controversial Health Canada one-grower-per-patient regulation was struck down in January by federal court Justic…
Last reply by Naycha, -
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Another Interview I was in for a U.S Podcast called TIME4HEMP at with a good friend of mine, Casper Leitch... Please go to the left hand side of their Home page and click on Time4hemp podcasts. Then go to the next page and you will see an Interview with LEAP Speaker Jay Fisher and one titled "Raise Your Awareness" - THIS - is my most recent interview at TIME4HEMP... Please check these out and pass them on when you have a second... Enjoy! Thank you... Love and a squish, Alison xx ----- Original Message ----- From: "Casper" <> To: "'Alison Myrden'" <> Sent: Saturday, Novemb…
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
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Treatment for Drug Addicts Works and Jail Time Doesn't - Here Are the Stories to Prove It Matthew Palevsky, AlterNet. October 30, 2008 AlterNet DrugReporter Treatment graduates ask CA voters to give others the opportunity they had, to get treatment and turn their lives around. The following video by Prop 5 supporter Matt Palevsky puts a human face on the benefits of rehabilitation rather than incarceration for illicit drug consumption: Matthew Palevsky is the Chairman of Students for Sensible Drug Policy, a drug policy reform organization with over 100 chapters on college campuses across America. Formerly a producer at The Real News Network, Matthew left TRNN to organ…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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For the past 15 years, lawmakers have pursued tough-on-drugs policies in an effort to create a "drug free America," ploughing billions of dollars into prosecuting and imprisoning drug offenders. Is it working? Not according to many drug policy observers. AlterNet DrugReporter Who's Getting Rich Off Prohibition? Just Look Who Opposes CA's Prop. 5 Posted by Paul Armentano, NORML, November 1, 2008
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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10/28/08 06:39 AM © 2008 The Buffalo News LOCKPORT — Danny Chapman, of Goodrich Road, Clarence, says he has been smoking marijuana for 30 years and doesn’t plan to stop now — even if it means going to jail. That’s where City Judge William J. Watson sent him Monday, sentencing Chapman, 52, to 30 days for violating his conditional discharge for attempted seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance. He was arrested in May in Lockport with crack cocaine in his possession. Chapman said he’s not going back to crack, but in a lengthy argument with Watson, he defended his use of marijuana and his drinking…
Last reply by pisspotgrower, -
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By MINDELLE JACOBS Wed, October 29, 2008 Copyright © 2008, Canoe Inc. All rights reserved Ottawa must have a heck of a pot headache after losing its latest medical marijuana case in the Federal Court of Appeal. Remember years ago when sick people who needed cannabis to relieve their symptoms had to get special permission from the federal health minister to smoke pot? Since then, it's been one legal fight after another to bring in common-sense reforms on the issue. On Monday, the Federal Court of Appeal upheld a January ruling that quashed Ottawa's pot monopoly. Under Health Canada's insane regulations, l…
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
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29/10/08 Copyright © 2008 The Press Association. All rights reserved Recreational cannabis users must not be treated as criminals, a leading social campaigner has said. Fr Peter McVerry said users of the illegal drug should not be targeted for prosecution. He told a conference on addiction and young people a clearer distinction must be made between class A drug abuse and recreational use of cannabis. "There needs to be a difference in our response to those using a smaller amount of cannabis for recreational use to help you get to sleep and using drugs such as heroin or cocaine that are extremely harmfu…
Last reply by Kali Mist, -
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Manitoba Harvest 27 October 2008
Last reply by BongsAway_Cherry, -
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US ABC News Health Kate Barrett and Joanna Schaffhausen 15 October 2008
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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- 862 views from correspondents in The Hague October 24, 2008 09:11am
Last reply by Mernahuana, -
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10/20/2008,585240,00.html © SPIEGEL ONLINE 2008 A marijuana joint smoulders in an ashtray in a coffee shop in Rotterdam. The Netherlands' marijuana tolerance policy was meant to prevent use of harder drugs. But Max Daniel, who heads up the Netherlands police unit charged with combatting the organized crime behind the cannabis trade, says a violent industry has developed with exports of €2 billion. NRC Handelsblad: Officer Daniel, what is so wrong about growing cannabis? Daniel: For a long time, we've had the image of people growing a few plants in the attic. It began in the 1970s, when idealistic young people w…
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
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The Chronicle-Telegram Staff 20/10/08 © 2008 Chronicle-Telegram LORAIN — Asking a stranger to hold your weed when you spot a police car is never a good idea. Asking a stranger, who happens to be an off-duty police officer, is probably the definition of a bad idea. Yet Saturday night outside the Broadway bar Dimacchia’s on the Corner, that’s what police say 35-year-old David LaViena of Lorain did, which resulted in his arrest for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. LaViena, who police say was highly intoxicated at the time, was outside the bar when he spotted a police cruiser …
Last reply by kiwi_farmer,