International Cannabis News
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Vancouver Sun Ian Mulgrew Vancouver Sun columnist Friday, November 14, 2008Eric Nash can barely contain his excitement waiting to hear from Health Canada whether he can start growing marijuana for 250 patients. That would be just the start. There are tens of thousands more who are ailing across the country clamouring for his organic B.C. bud. "There is a great opportunity here for the government to collect significant tax revenue currently being lost to the street market," Nash, one of the best-known legal cannabis producers, enthused. "With the current global financial crisis, this court ruling is certainly a bright light in dark economic times. We're just wait…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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Sorry I thought it desreved its own thread MAPS News - November 2008: Chicago gets MDMA research - Washington gets Vaporized Marijuana Protocol Dear MAPS Members, Supporters, and Friends, It’s the dawn of a new era. We have a lot to celebrate as we welcome President Obama and the tolerant, visionary, and empathetic leadership he represents, and say good-bye to the narrow-minded, unilateral, arrogance that has carried the American banner for the last eight years. I want to publicly congratulate supporters of the Marijuana Policy Project, including Executive Director Rob Kampia and MAPS Alumnus Troy Dayton, for their huge victories for marijuana decriminal…
Last reply by entheofarm, -
- 420 Crew
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BY JAMES PITKIN November 12th, 2008 Copyright 2008 Willamette Week Newspaper MEDICINE MAN: David Verstoppen with grandson Michael Hergenroeder. Both survived an Oct. 31 home invasion. When two men with bandana masks burst into David Verstoppen’s living room in Eastern Oregon on Halloween night, he assumed they were trick-or-treaters and reached for the candy bowl. But when one of the intruders cocked a semi-automatic pistol and demanded he hand over his award-winning marijuana crop, Verstoppen, 53, wound up in a fight for his life. While his wife and sister-in-law fled out the front door with his 2-year-old grandson, Versto…
Last reply by Frazz, -
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Aaron Falk Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2008,5143,705262156,00.html GREEN RIVER — More than 100 pounds of marijuana were shrink-wrapped, layered with alcohol-soaked paper towels, placed in plastic bags, covered with axle grease and drenched with Febreze. But it wasn't enough to throw off the dog. A Utah Highway Patrol K9 officer found the 28 bundles of marijuana Sunday inside three suitcases on a Greyhound bus traveling from California to New York. A 57-year-old Jamaican woman on the bus was arrested in connection with the incident. Police are still trying to identify the woman, who was using a fake name to travel because she was an illegal …
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
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Monday 10 November 2008 © The Dutch policy of turning a blind eye to the sale of small amounts of cannabis came under further pressure on Sunday when the leader of the Christian Democrats in parliament called for an outright ban. Speaking at the CDA party congress, Pieter van Geel said the current policy had failed and that all the cafes where soft drugs are sold, known as coffee shops, should be shut down. The CDA’s minority coalition partner ChristenUnie also supports the closure of coffee shops. Labour, the third party in the government, is opposed. Van Geel’s call comes just weeks …
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
- 420 Crew
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- 1.1k views Tim Worstall "There was one vaguely respectable argument that could be put forward on the prohibitionist’s side, that of cannabis induced schizophrenia. This has been increasing even as the general incidence of schizophrenia has been stable (or even falling, depending upon who you ask). That the rise was on the order of 500 people a year means it’s not a very important point, not when compared to 3 million regular tokers, but there are still those who will buy the argument that people should be stopped from harming themselves, even if the risks are very low. There is certainly a correlation, but we should s…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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Boston Globe David Abel, Globe Staff 8 November 2008 Boston, MA -- Advocates for the decriminalization of marijuana, savoring their success this week in Massachusetts, said they look forward to a day under an Obama administration and a Democrat-led Congress when it's no longer a federal crime to possess small amounts of the drug. They cited a bill introduced in the spring by Representative Barney Frank, which would decriminalize possession of marijuana in amounts of 3.5 ounces or less anywhere in the United States. The bill, if it became law, would end federal prosecution of such crimes, but it would not supersede state laws. The advocates said they hope the bill w…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
- 420 Crew
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By CHRISTEL KUCHARZ AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, Nov. 6, 2008 Copyright © 2008 ABCNews Internet Ventures Coffee Shops in the Netherlands Prosper Amid Global Financial Crisis While businesses all around the world are struggling in these difficult times, it's boom time for one type of establishment in Amsterdam. A joint of marijuana is lit diromg the High Times Cannabis Cup festival at Melkweg (Milky Way) club in Amsterdam in this file photo. While ordinary businesses all around the world are struggling in these difficult times one place they are booming in is Amsterdam. The coffee-shops, for which …
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
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Drug overdose kills one European per hour ELITSA VUCHEVA 06.11.2008 @ 17:42 CET EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS Although drugs consumption in Europe in the last year has remained relatively stable, its levels are still alarmingly high, and the use of cocaine has even noted an increase in some countries, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction said on Thursday (6 November) in its annual report. The use of cocaine in the last year has increased in seven EU countries. (Photo: US federal government) One European dies every hour from drug overdose, with young people being particularly vulnerable, says the document, which cover…
Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
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NORML 05 Nov 2008 Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director The politics of compassion have overcome the politics of fear. Tonight, Michigan became the thirteenth state to legalize the physician supervised possession and use of cannabis. According to early returns, more than 60 percent of Michigan voters decided in favor of Proposal 1, which establishes a state-regulated system regarding the use and cultivation of medical marijuana by qualified patients. Voters endorsed the measure despite a high profile, deceptive, and despicable ad campaign by Prop. 1 opponents — who falsely claimed that the initiative would allow for the open sale of marijuana “in every neighborhood,…
Last reply by Kali Mist, -
- 420 Crew
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Drug Czar Mixes Cannabis, Caffeine, and Cartography With Catastrophic Results Article Posted in Chronicle Blog by Scott Morgan on Tue, 11/04/2008 The Drug Czar claimed today that San Francisco has more medical marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks coffee shops. As we've noted previously, state "medical" marijuana laws breed confusion, abuse, and violence in neighborhoods and communities. Here's our latest analysis of this phenomenon. In downtown San Francisco alone, there are 98 marijuana dispensaries, compared to 71 Starbucks Coffee shops As is typical considering the source, this is …
Last reply by Naycha, -
- 420 Crew
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Hi All, just about to start first steps to new setup, live in Sydney ,can anyone advise of reliable seed company.?? best strains for first timer ?? THANKS ®ARDS Muckster
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
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Irish Examiner Cormac O'Keeffe, 29 Oct 2008 Source: Irish Examiner (Ireland) Copyright: Examiner Publications Ltd, 2008
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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Writing by Daniel Wallis; Editing by Matthew Jones Mon 3 Nov 2008, 10:15 GMT © Reuters 2008. All Rights Reserved NAIROBI (Reuters) - Elite Kenyan police who went to help a luxury 4x4 that broke down outside their base were surprised when the occupants took off on foot -- until officers took a closer look and found the vehicle loaded with marijuana. "When the occupants refused assistance and fled, officers became suspicious and searched the vehicle," finding about $20,000 (12,333 pounds) worth of the drug, Trans Mara police boss Joshua Omukata told The Standard newspaper. Members of the highly-regarded paramili…
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
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Canna Zine UK The British Cannabis Lobby
Last reply by samboo,