International Cannabis News
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- 554 views Repeal Day drives home the folly of the Drug War Radley Balko | December 3, 2008 This Friday, Dec. 5, is the 75th anniversary of Repeal Day, the day America repealed its disastrous alcohol prohibition. Prohibition was the pièce de résistance of the early 20th-century progressives' grand social engineering agenda. It failed, of course. Miserably. It did reduce overall consumption of alcohol in the U.S., but that reduction came largely among those who consumed alcohol responsibly. The actual harm caused by alcohol abuse was made worse, thanks to the economics of prohibitions. Black market alcohol was of dubious origin, unregulated by market forces. The …
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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Wednesday, 03 December 2008 © Fairfax New Zealand Limited 2007 Police who chased an alleged burglar through a Marlborough private property had an unplanned stop along the way when they found a man tending to his cannabis crop in his back yard. Officers and a police dog were on the trail of a man who allegedly forced open the door to a Meehan St house and stole a small hydroponic cannabis plant on Monday afternoon. As the police dog tracked the alleged offender through Elizabeth St, they came across a resident doing a spot of gardening in his cannabis patch, constable Michelle Stagg said. A short time later police …
Last reply by TheTreeBoundRat, -
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ASA December 1st, 2008 U.S. Supreme Court: State Medical Marijuana Laws Not Preempted by Federal Law Medical marijuana case appealed by the City of Garden Grove was denied review today Washington, DC -- The U.S. Supreme Court refused to review a landmark decision today in which California state courts found that its medical marijuana law was not preempted by federal law. The state appellate court decision from November 28, 2007, ruled that "it is not the job of the local police to enforce the federal drug laws." The case, involving Felix Kha, a medical marijuana patient from Garden Grove, was the result of a wrongful seizure of medical marijuana by local police in…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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Monday, December 01, 2008 01:02 IST © 2005-2008 Diligent Media Corporation Ltd JODHPUR: In Rajasthan, use of opium-based narcotics to welcome guests on special occasions like marriage and child birth is part of local tradition. However, with the campaigning for assembly polls in full swing, use of narcotics has become indispensable for politicians and their campaign managers to lure voters. While the choice of drugs offered by political parties may vary from region to region, the aim is one — to solicit their support. Campaigners of a national party candidate in Sekhawat region were seen handing out marijuana-fi…
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
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Slavery on Britain's cannabis farms Samira Shackle 26 November 2008 New Statesman Cannabis farms are being run in suburban houses by organised crime gangs, and staffed by illegally smuggled children, generally aged between 14 and 16 Children - particularly from Vietnam and China - are being trafficked to the UK to work as slaves in illegal cannabis farms. These 'farms', run by organised crime gangs, are often situated in suburban houses. The children, generally aged between 14 and 16, are smuggled into the country before being locked in the houses to water cannabis plants. They have been found sleeping in…
Last reply by Gnobong, -
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UK scientists decry moves to toughen cannabis laws 25 November 2008 International Herald Tribune LONDON: A group of senior British scientists has condemned the government's push to toughen the penalties for possessing marijuana, saying in a letter published Tuesday the move ignores scientific evidence. Britain's House of Lords voted to reclassifying the drug Tuesday, and the House of Commons, Britain's powerful lower house, already approved the measure earlier this month and the Lords' vote is seen as a formality. The Home Office said it expected the change to come into effect in January. In Britain, dru…
Last reply by Gnobong, -
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Bangor, Maine, USA Temple of Advanced Enlightenment seeks religious exemption from DEA Judy Harrison BDN Staff Every Tuesday and Sunday afternoon the living room in the Rev. Kevin Loring’s apartment becomes a tiny house of worship. The head of the 3-year-old Temple of Advanced Enlightenment earlier this week stood next to a round table as five others sat on sofas and chairs pushed back against the walls. They formed an uneven circle in the second-floor walk-up. “We use music as a form of prayer,” Loring, 28, told them as the service began. “It helps us to see a little bit more clearly.” He played Ben Harper’s “I’ll Rise” as the worshippers bowed their heads.…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
- 420 Crew
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Europe: At Cannabis Summit, Dutch Mayors Try to Address "Backdoor Problem" of Coffee Shop Supply Drug War Chronicle Issue #562, 11/28/08 Under existing Dutch policy, licensed marijuana coffee shops can sell their wares to consumers, but have no legal means of obtaining those wares. That snag in the cannabis supply system is known as the "backdoor problem:" Marijuana can legally exit the coffee houses via the front door, but must enter illegally through the backdoor. The backdoor problem has existed for years, but now things seem to be coming to a head. Dutch mayors meeting at a weekend "Ca…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
- 420 Crew
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Scanner detects drugs use amongst clubbers The News 29 November 2008 An electronic hand-scanning device is helping to keep drugs out of nightclubs. Police have developed a hi-tech swab which can detect tiny traces of controlled drugs like cocaine, cannabis, heroin and ecstasy. The Ion Track machine is so sensitive it can detect drugs on anyone who has handled a contaminated banknote or shaken hands with a dealer. Police in West Sussex used the device at Thursdays nightclub in Chichester. Every clubber had their hand scanned on admission to see if they had handled illegal drugs. The managers of Thursdays n…
Last reply by Gnobong, -
- 420 Crew
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Here is a little add I found which sort of sums up the 'war on drugs'. cheers
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 420 Crew
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By Graham Tibbetts Last Updated: 7:21AM GMT 27 Nov 2008 © Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2008 Police raided a 79-year-old widow's Highland cottage after mistaking her tomato plants for a cannabis factory, it was reported. The officers burst in with sniffer dogs and took samples of the plants for analysis. Lulu Matheson, who has lived in the property in Shieldaig for 53 years, said she was shaken up by the encounter. Mrs Matheson told the Daily Mail: "I got a terrible fright and I couldn't understand what they were doing here because I knew we had nothing more than tomatoes in the window. I…
Last reply by Major Overgrow, -
- 420 Crew
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28/11/08 Copyright © 2008 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved OTTAWA — Researchers say they have located the world's oldest stash of marijuana, in a tomb in a remote part of China. The cache of cannabis is about 2,700 years old and was clearly "cultivated for psychoactive purposes," rather than as fibre for clothing or as food, says a research paper in the Journal of Experimental Botany. The 789 grams of dried cannabis was buried alongside a light-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian man, likely a shaman of the Gushi culture, near Turpan in northwestern China. The extremely dry conditions and alkaline soi…
Last reply by Frazz, -
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ENCOD DUTCH MP VISITS COFFEESHOP published Thursday 20 November 2008 Dutch MP Boris van der Ham buys a bag of weed of the "regulated market" - A glance of the future after the ban on cannabis has been abolished! On Thursday 27 November, at 09.15 hs, Dutch Member of Parliament of left liberal party D66 will buy a bag of cannabis at coffeeshop "Cremers", Prinsestraat 84 in The Hague. The owner of this coffeeshop, Gerard Smit, will provide him with this bag and inform him extensively on the origin of this cannabis, the methods of cultivation, the effects of it and the way in which the price has been determined. In this way it becomes clear how the cannabis market c…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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By Vanessa Mock Monday, 24 November 2008 Copyright 2008 Independent News and Media Limited The Dutch city of Eindhoven has caused a stir with a plan to set up a cannabis plantation to supply marijuana to its coffee shops. The move was announced at a "weed summit", when dozens of Dutch mayors urged the government to back the pilot project in an effort to clamp down on the criminals who supply the drug. The Netherlands, famed for having one of Europe's most tolerant policies on soft drugs, allows for the possession of less than 5g of marijuana and its sale in coffee shops, but bans the cultivation and …
Last reply by Budder, -
- 420 Crew
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Stop The Drug War Chronicle Blog Scott Morgan 18/11/2008 Here’s a substance abuse counselor describing a new diversion program for marijuana offenders: "We've had two groups go through the program now, and we are just thrilled with the results we've seen," she said. "Individuals are coming in with no real perception of how marijuana is impacting their lives." [Toledo Blade] Could it be that marijuana wasn’t impacting their lives? If you forced a bunch of people into treatment for enjoying poetry, they’d be confused too. But after 48 hours of court-mandated therapy, I bet they’d tell you whatever you wanted to hear just to get the hell out of there. People can be ter…
Last reply by Frazz, -