International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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AlterNet By Phillip S. Smith, Drug War Chronicle. Posted December 12, 2008 For more than 30 years under the policy of "gedoogbeleid," which could best be translated as "pragmatic tolerance," the Dutch have allowed the sale of personal amounts of marijuana through the coffee house system, even though doing so is technically illegal. But lately, especially for those of us on this side of the water, a black cloud appears to be hovering over the coffee shops. The number of coffee shops has contracted from about 1,500 in 1995 to 720 now, as successive governments have tightened the screws. The current national government is hostile, if somewhat divided on the issue, and re…
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
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NORML December 11, 2008 - Baltimore, MD, USA Marijuana use is prevalent among patients suffering from chronic pain, many of whom are likely using the drug in order to self-medicate, according to findings published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology. Investigators at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland analyzed a total of 13,948 urine specimens from patients at 31 pain clinics in six states. A total of 10,922 specimens tested positive for at least one licit or illicit substance. Nine-hundred and sixty-seven samples (8.9 percent) tested positive for the presence of cannabis metabolites. Authors speculated that the high prevalence of ca…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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NORML 11 December, 2008 Toulouse, France Marijuana use is not an independent predictor of delinquent behavior by young people, according to data to be published in the journal Addictive Behavior. Investigators at the French University de Toulouse-Le Mirail reviewed survey data from 312 high-school seniors. Researchers performed multiple regression analyses to investigate the potential contribution of cannabis use and other cofounding variables in delinquent behavior. Investigators concluded, “Cannabis use was no more a significant independent predictor of delinquent behaviors after adjustments for alcohol use and [other] variables.” Authors did cite an assoc…
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
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NORML Blog President-Elect Obama, The People Have Spoken; Will You “Answer” Their Question? December 12th, 2008 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director Marijuana is #1. To follow up on yesterday’s post, (the website of President-Elect Obama’s transition team) has now closed the webpage “Open for Questions.” NORML wishes to thank all of you who took the time to visit the website and demanded the incoming administration to reform America’s marijuana laws. Your message got through loud and clear. After receiving nearly 100,000 total votes on more than 10,000 separate public policy issues, the most widely voted on question for Obama is: “Will you co…
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
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Africa: Debate Over Marijuana Legalization in Morocco Hits the Airwaves 12/12/08 Drug War Chronicle, Issue #564, Since at least the 15th Century, farmers in Morocco's Rif Mountains have been growing marijuana, which they typically process into hashish. For decades, Moroccan hash has been a mainstay of European marijuana markets. In recent years, production reached a peak of 135,000 hectares in 2003 before declining to about 60,000 hectares this year and last in the face of aggressive government efforts to eradicate crops and break up trafficking organizations. Moroccan hashish fieldBut while the half-decade…
Last reply by grace, -
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- 577 views December 9th, 2008 MARIJUANA REDUCES MEMORY IMPAIRMENT COLUMBUS, Ohio – The more research they do, the more evidence Ohio State University scientists find that specific elements of marijuana can be good for the aging brain by reducing inflammation there and possibly even stimulating the formation of new brain cells. The research suggests that the development of a legal drug that contains certain properties similar to those in marijuana might help prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Though the exact cause of Alzheimer’s remains unknown, chronic inflammation in the brain is believed to contribute to memory impair…
Last reply by Martvic, -
R v Long
by Guest niall- 3 replies
R v Long appeal decision was just announced, the decision was overturned on appeal. In a nutshell this means that the lower Courts have not accepted that Canada's cannabis laws have indeed fallen and have not been in operation since 2003. I haven't read the decision yet and still waiting for more detailed analysis on in the next 24 hours. PDF of the decision is attached. Long_Reasons_for_Judgment_Dec8.08.pdf
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9/12/08 Copyright © 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. MUNCIE, Ind. (AP) — Police said a woman was arrested after asking a state trooper whether she could smoke — and then trying to light up a marijuana joint. Honesty Knight, 32, was a passenger in a vehicle that Trooper Eric Perkins pulled over for a traffic violation early Friday. While the trooper was talking to the driver, Knight obtained the trooper's permission to smoke. Police say Perkins then asked to see the cigarette, which contained marijuana, not tobacco. Knight faces a preliminary charge of possession of paraphernalia. She was re…
Last reply by Nooby, -
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Saturday, December 06, 2008 1:58 PM (Source: Press, The; Christchurch, New Zealand)By McCRONE John copryright 2008 all rights reserved Cannabis has become part of ordinary Kiwi life. We lead the world in both usage and in drug arrests and convictions. Next year the Law Commission will review the 33-year-old Misuse of Drugs Act. JOHN McCRONE considers the public debate. -------------------- Two youths in baseball caps and work boots are in earnest discussion with the shop assistant about the $195 bottles of liquid fertiliser. It's a kitset system, they are told. You need the Growzilla to get the lush v…
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
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Amsterdam wants to halve prostitution windows, coffee shops 7 December 2008 AFP THE HAGUE (AFP) — Amsterdam plans to halve the number of prostitution windows and cannabis-vending coffee shops in its historic city centre in a revamp it hopes will curb rising crime. "The ambition is to turn (the city centre) into a safer, more beautiful and liveable area," states a strategy proposal released by the city council on Saturday. Hot on the heels of a country-wide ban on hallucinogenic "magic mushrooms" and plans by some cities to close their coffee shops, this is the latest example of a hardening in the tradition…
Last reply by grace, -
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by J.D. Tuccille December 6, 2:03 PM © 2008 Copyright I've long thought that too many civil liberties advocates (myself included) are reactive -- forever chasing the last horrendous abuse, only to be blind-sided by the next one. What we need are more pro-freedom advocates who are confrontational and take the battle to the authorities. Of course, that would probably require somebody with a bankroll to spend on good deeds, or else some way to make such confrontations into a commercial opportunity so they're self-financing. Sort of like what ex-cop Barry Cooper did when he set a trap for Odessa, T…
Last reply by danoz, -
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Author: Ethan A. Nadelmann Date: 05/12/08 Source: The Wall Street Journal Copyright: ©2008 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Last reply by Oz, -
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- 607 views Friday, December 05, 2008 By TOBY STERLING, Associated Press Writer Amsterdam will fight national efforts to crack down on marijuana cafes _ arguing that the city's establishments are so strictly regulated that it is unnecessary to comply with a government ban on having them near schools. Mayor Job Cohen's promise to lobby the Justice Ministry to give Amsterdam an exception came after city leaders overwhelmingly voted to challenge the issue. They argue the cafes are already so closely watched they don't need new rules to keep children away. Cohen told national broadcaster NOS that "if there are other possibilities" to an outright ban, "then we'd like…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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ENCOD 3 December 2008 - Yesterday the Cannabis Tribunal in The Hague ended with the final conclusion that a ban on cannabis does have more disadvantages than advantages. Representatives of the Christian Democrat Party (CDA) did not succeed in convincing an independent judge of the opposite. On behalf of the organisers Joep Oomen, spokesperson, launched a call to the Members of the Dutch Parliament to request the Dutch government to abolish this ban as soon as possible. An amount of 200.000 euro had been made available to the political party that would be able to convince an independent court of the positive effects of a ban on cannabis. The organisers had had troubl…
Last reply by lightning, -
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AlterNet DrugReporter A New Approach to Drugs Would Save New York Hundreds of Millions of Dollars By Gabriel Sayegh, AlterNet. Posted December 2, 2008. Let’s stop spending over $500 million every year on ineffective and wasteful policies like the Rockefeller Drug Laws. While New York reels from the most severe budget crisis since the Great Depression, Gov. David A. Paterson and the legislature are scrambling to close ever-expanding deficits. "We're not going to get out of this quagmire we've built until we reduce our spending," said the governor during a Nov. 12 press conference. Precisely. So let's stop spending over $500 million every year on ineffective and w…
Last reply by Dragonfan,