International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Taking the fun out of pot By Connie Littlefield Ottawa Citizen Low rates of use in the Netherlands demonstrate that the best way to assure teens will try marijuana is to tell them it's illegal Teens smoking marijuana.Photograph by: Getty Images, Getty ImagesIt's official: the Dutch have managed to make pot smoking uncool. The Dutch don't smoke nearly as much cannabis as Canadians, which is surprising because cannabis use is legal in the Netherlands. What can we learn from this? Cannabis is not taboo, as it is in North America, under prohibition. That could be why there is no real attraction for Dutch youth to ta…
Last reply by BigGod, -
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By Marcus Gilmer in News January 5, 2009 10:55 AM 2003-2009 Gothamist LLC. All rights reserved Add Samuel Randall to the list of "Chicago People Who We Need To Party With." Randall was arrested yesterday for possession of six pounds of cannabis. That amount has a street value of $18,000 or enough to get one through an East Coast leg of a Phish tour. Zing! Randall was pulled over by police after he was spotted driving the wrong way down a one-way street yesterday afternoon. During the stop, officers spotted two bags of the wacky weed in one of the car's cup holders and smelled the rest in a shopping bag on …
Last reply by konflikt, -
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Recreational Cannabis "No Problem" Say Boston Police Bill Stone PR Cannazine 4 January 2009 On January 26th 2009 the British government is set to increase the penalties for simple cannabis possession, up from 2 years jail time, to 5 years. According to the Home Office this action is being taken to "send a message" that cannabis is dangerous, and is therefore unacceptable in the United Kingdom. Meanwhile in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States of America, State police have today announced they will no longer ticket people caught in possession of cannabis, and regardless of whether they are actually caught smoking …
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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Disabled man grew cannabis for pain relief Andrew Pugh Jan 1 2009 Port Talbot Guardian A WHEELCHAIR- BOUND Sandfields man grew 17 cannabis plants at his home to use as pain relief for his chronic back pain. Desmond Humphrey, 43, admitted cultivating the plants when he appeared before Port Talbot Magistrates on Tuesday, December 23. The court heard that at 9.42am on December 16, police executed a search warrant at his home in Sandpiper Court, Seaward Avenue. On their arrival Humphrey indicated where the drugs were, directing them to a wardrobe. There, police found three stashes of the plants. In total,…
Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
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Singapore sentences Ghanaian drug trafficker to death: report 3 January 2009 SINGAPORE (AFP) — A 20-year-old Ghanaian has been sentenced to death in Singapore for trafficking 2.6 kilograms (5.73 pounds) of cannabis, the Straits Times reported Saturday. The High Court convicted and sentenced Chijioke Stephen Obioha on Tuesday after a 21-day trial held last year, it said. Under Singapore's tough anti-drug laws, the death penalty is mandatory for anyone caught trafficking more than 15 grams of heroin, 30 grams of cocaine or 500 grams of cannabis. The death penalty is carried out by hanging. Narcotics offi…
Last reply by Frazz, -
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Author : Samantha DeWitt Posted: January 2, 2009 All content and source © 2008 The Inquisitr Would you buy marijuana flavored Listerine breath freshener? Fancy a hit of THC or marijuana goodness with your breath freshner? Then Med-Strips is for you. This herbal, keep fresh and smiling past the sniffer dogs treat, are like the Listerine breath strips you buy at the supermarket, except that each one of strips comes loaded with 625mg of mind altering, munchie inducing THC. The label claims the strips will be “like totally effective, discreet and convenient, man.” Results may vary. You can get them in …
Last reply by kiwi kush, -
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Farm has high hopes for homes made with hemp By Alexandra Wood 31 December 2008 Yorkshire Post ONCE farmers had to grow it by Royal decree to ensure Britain ruled the waves. Hemp, the plant said to have 25,000 uses, including making ropes and sails, has long since fallen out of fashion. But a Yorkshire family farming business is now not only cultivating hemp but are turning it into modern-day eco-building materials. Martin and Nick Voase, who farm near Leven, started growing hemp six years ago to supply a Suffolk-based company called Hemcore. But the contract fell through because of prohibitive haulage …
Last reply by grace, -
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(Reporting by Lamine Ghanmi; editing by Sami Aboudi) Wed 31 Dec 2008, 14:49 GMT © Reuters 2008. All Rights Reserved RABAT, Dec 31 (Reuters) - Morocco, the world's top cannabis grower after Afghanistan, has managed to halve the cultivation area of the illicit crop, slashing production by 65 percent, the Interior Ministry said on Wednesday. Cannabis is the most widely consumed illicit drug globally. Security officials in Morocco and other Maghreb countries fear militants linked to al Qaeda could join hands with drug traffickers to carry out more violence in North Africa. "The target is to bring the cannabis cultiva…
Last reply by kiwi kush, -
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Nigeria: Pharmacists Advocate Capital Punishment for Drug Traffickers Yemi Bamidele 28 December 2008 As the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) staged a five-kilometre walk round Oyo State capital in support of its anti-drug awareness campaign, the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) has advocated capital punishment for hard drug traffickers and peddlers in the country. PSN specifically wants drastic measures to be taken against the cultivators of cannabis sativa otherwise known as Indian hemp and their barons saying they were murderers and silent killers. Speaking at the awareness rally organised by the ND…
Last reply by grace, -
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Radical alternatives proposed for cannabis controls Andy Coghlan 30 December 2008 New Scientist WHAT should we do to minimise the harm cannabis can cause to the health and welfare of users and to society at large? The answer, according to a report by a group of prominent academics and government advisers, is to change the law to allow the state to prepare and distribute the drug for recreational use. This controversial proposal comes from a commission assembled by the Beckley Foundation, a British charity dedicated to exploring the science of psychoactive substances. "The damage done by prohibition is worse…
Last reply by duckyduckduck, -
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Army seizes cars, drugs, weapons, suspects in Bekaa Daily Star staff Wednesday, December 31, 2008 The Daily Star BEIRUT: The Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) made a series of arrests on Monday evening, cracking down on wanted criminals such as car thieves, as well as arms and drug smugglers in the Bekaa Valley. "The army arrested wanted criminals, seized 22 stolen cars and unlicensed medium-size weapons, as well as mines and hand grenades," according to a statement issued by the Lebanese Army Command. "The army also seized huge quantities of cannabis, enough to fill 10 trucks, and 100 kilograms of cocaine," it …
Last reply by grace, -
Mexico’s Unsuccessful Drug War, Painfully Preserved and Hidden By MARC LACEY New York Times MEXICO CITY — At their best, museums are glorious cultural repositories, reflecting the highest flowering of human creativity, ingenuity and art. But not everything in every culture is glorious, and there are museums for those aspects, too, which is why, hidden from the public, there is an institution here devoted to Mexico’s dark side, the Museum of Drugs. At the Museum of Drugs, a farmworker mannequin was propped up under a tree with a rifle in his hands, guarding a field of poppies and marijuana. Samples of dru…
Last reply by grace, -
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- 628 views Dr. Phillip Leveque Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist and Physician. Jack Herer, author of "The Emperor Wears No Clothes", with Dr. Phil Leveque at HempStalk 2008 in Portland, Oregon. Jack Herer is possibly the biggest icon in the cultural movement to legalize and legitimize marijuana use. Some may dislike and shudder at such a name. Marijuana Leveque. I don’t. I have been called much worse – Quack, snake oil salesman. In Italy I’m Dr. Pot, here I'm "most dangerous man in Oregon", etc. After I saw “REEFER MADNESS…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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Pressure to reform Dutch drug laws as gang violence grows By Nick Meo in Amsterdam Last Updated: 11:55AM GMT 28 Dec 2008 By the time the shooting ended, the A73 south of Nijmegan was littered with bullet casings, and one man lay dead in his car with another sprawled wounded in the passenger seat. Joints containing different types of cannabis are seen in sugar jars at a coffee shop in the southern Dutch city of Bergen op Zoom Photo: REUTERS The survivor refused to talk to police, even though a hired assassin had pursued his vehicle shooting at it without hitting for several miles before f…
Last reply by Hector, -
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CelebStoner's Top 10 Stories of 2008 27 December 2008 CelebStoner, New York 1. Barack Obama elected President Without a doubt the biggest story of the year, Obama tantalized stoners with his quips ("I inhaled frequently") and statements ("we need to rethink and decriminalize the marijuana laws"). The question remains if and how he will address the nation’s misguided Prohibition of marijuana and other illegal drugs. 2. Cheech & Chong reunite Twenty-seven years after the dopey duo split up, they finally got back together for the Light Up America comedy tour, which continues through March. Another C…
Last reply by grace,