International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Cannabis users will escape with £80 fixed penalty fine Mathew Hickley 14 January 2009 Daily Mail Drug users caught with cannabis will be given £80 on-the-spot fines and will not get a criminal record or have to appear in court under government plans. The use of controversial fixed penalty fines - originally created to deal with minor 'nuisance' offences - is being expanded to take in 21 new crimes. These include stealing petrol from a filling station, making threats to destroy property and drunken and yobbish behaviour on trains. Magistrates attacked the plans at a crisis meeting with Justice Secretar…
Last reply by grace, -
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One More Chance for Religious Marijuana Jacob Sullum 13 January 2009 Reason Magazine Last week the Arizona Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal by a man who argues that his conviction on marijuana charges violated a state law protecting religious freedom. Daniel Hardesty, a member of the cannabis-centered Church of Cognizance, was arrested in 2005. His religious freedom argument was rejected at trial and by the Arizona Court of Appeal, but now he will get one more chance. Arizona's Free Exercise of Religion Act allows the state to impose a substantial burden on the exercise of religion only if it is "the least restrictive means"…
Last reply by grace, -
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Marijuana Monopoly Maintained Jacob Sullum 13 January 2009 Reson Magazine Yesterday, with a week to go in the Bush administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration officially rejected an application to establish an alternative source of marijuana for medical research, a role currently monopolized by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The application was filed seven years ago by University of Massachusetts at Amherst plant scientist Lyle Craker and the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), which is trying to facilitate research aimed at making marijuana an FDA-approved medicine. In turning Craker down,…
Last reply by BongsAway_Cherry, -
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Man banned from leaving home at night 13/01/2009 The Press and Journal AN ELGIN drug dealer will have to stay in his house overnight for the next 10 weeks after being convicted of supplying almost 10oz of cannabis resin. Michael Stanford, 25, of 4 School Brae Place, appeared at Elgin Sheriff Court for sentence after pleading guilty during a court appearance last month. He had been charged with being concerned in the supply of cannabis resin and possession of the drug at his address between August 1 and November 25 last year. Fiscal depute Shona Duncan had previously told the court that police were acting…
Last reply by grace, -
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Pain relief dope crop costs paraplegic 12 January 2009 A man who became a paraplegic after a logging accident 10 years ago turned to cannabis for pain relief because he did not like the effects of his prescribed medication. But that has landed 48-year-old Graham Coote in Tauranga District Court on a charge of cultivating the class C drug and cost him a $600 fine. "Regrettably the law does not allow that," Judge Christopher Harding told the wheelchair-bound man who had to sit alongside the dock. "Any sympathy I might have has to be put aside." However, Coote was entitled to be dealt with as a first time drug offende…
Last reply by grace, -
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Sat, Jan 10, 2009 1:10 pm Source: Coed Magazine For the stoner sect, working on a pot farm must seem like the equivalent of a fat person winning one of those contests where they get to stuff their shopping cart with as much food as they can in one minute. But I–your faithful blogger—have actually worked on a pot farmer in Mendocino County (part of the Emerald Triangle) and the fantasy isn’t always the same as the reality. So here are 7 truths and fictions about working on a pot farm: There is a shitload of weed on a farm: TRUE! You better believe it. Bushels and bushels of freshly trimmed weed stacked to the ceiling, with exotic na…
Last reply by BongsAway_Cherry, -
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Jury Duty as Gigantic Waste of Time David Warner 8 January 2009 I love jury duty. I really do. Civic pride, the American way, whodunnits, sitting in judgment — what’s not to like? But I didn’t love jury duty today. Because today, at the Pinellas County Criminal Justice Center, I had to witness the gigantic waste of time, money, labor, energy and brains that is expended on taking a single individual to trial for the alleged crime of “trafficking in cannabis.” I never got to find out how the case turned out. Maybe that’s because, when the prosecuting attorney asked if any of the prospective jurors would have…
Last reply by grace, -
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Man banned from park for two years over drug dealing offences 9 Janaury 2009 Islington News A MAN has been banned from a park for two years after he was caught carrying eight bags of cannabis. Highbury Corner Magistrates imposed a two-year anti-social behaviour order on Shumon Ahmed, 20, from Inglebert Street, Finsbury, after he was last week convicted of possessing the drugs at Grimaldi Park, off Pentonville Road, in October last year. He was also sentenced to 70 hours of community service. Mr Ahmed has been banned from the park and the roads around Priory Green estate until December 2010. Islington Police …
Last reply by grace, -
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By KIM THOMAS Saturday, 10 January 2009 © Fairfax New Zealand Limited 2007 NEW SPICE: An over the counter "chemical cannabis", banned in several countries, is on sale in New Zealand under the brand names Spice and Dream. A widely available "chemical cannabis" is being monitored by the Government after being banned in other countries. The chemical compound JWH-018, sold as Spice or Dream, was recently banned in Austria and was this week outlawed in Germany after tests showed it affected the brain like THC, the natural psychoactive substance contained in cannabis, but was four times stronger. Drug agencies in New Zealand…
Last reply by jabez, -
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ENCOD Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Vienna 6 December 2008 Dear Mr. Costa, On 6 December 2007 at the Drug Policy Alliance Conference in New Orleans I asked you the following question: “Why, after more than 30 years of regulated availability to adults over 18 years, is cannabis use in the Netherlands lower than in most European countries and the USA - and not higher, as would be expected if the prohibition of illicit drugs really was effective?” I am still waiting for your answer to this question. Although you made some comments about related matters, you did not answer my simple question. The basic assumption of drug pr…
Last reply by duckyduckduck, -
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11th Annual Medical Marijuana Benefit Concert at Tobacco Road 6 January 2009 James Echols On Saturday, January 24, 2009 Ploppy Palace Productions and Tobacco Road will be hosting the 11th Annual Medical Marijuana Benefit Concert to raise funds for FL NORML’s (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) medical marijuana campaign and the protection of patients’ rights. As part of this four stage extravaganza, some of South Florida's top bands, spoken word artists and community activists will join together for patients’ and physicians’ right to use medical cannabis. As a testament to …
Last reply by grace, -
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Police manage to stop only 20 percent of hashish entering Spain 8 January 2009 National Police and Guardia Civil cannot cope with the volume of drugs being smuggled from Morocco into Andalucía. The National Police and the Guardia Civil have admitted with their latest statistics that they are losing the battle against the hashish traffickers. Despite achieving an average of two large successes a week against the traffickers, it is estimated that only 20% of the drug which enters the country is caught by the authorities. Most of the drug is brought into Spain from Morocco with the main port of entry being…
Last reply by grace, -
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America begins to ease up on marijuana smokers Ian Mulgrew 8 January 2009 The Vancouver Sun For years we've heard Canada couldn't liberalize its marijuana laws without inciting a crackdown by U.S. authorities and creating chaos along the international boundary. Well, the shoe's now on the other foot with some American jurisdictions telling police forces to quit making minor marijuana arrests and instead issue tickets. In the country that four decades ago launched the interminable so-called War on Drugs? Perfidy. Imagine, American legislators have been adopting progressive drug policies while Ottawa invo…
Last reply by BigGod, -
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Written by: Cornelius Wilson January 05th, 2009 copyright - wrestling edge 2006 It is being reported that several wrestlers are unhappy with WWE's crackdown on marijuana usage. The argument people have made is that those who were fined for using marijuana have been forced to turn to heavy drinking or pain pills. The general feeling in the wrestling industry is that pain pills will destroy more lives than steroids or any other drug. Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
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05/01/2009 Copyright © 2009 Actualités-Afrique - Informations, Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie Rabat, Morocco - At least 110.8 tonnes of hashis, mainly Europe-bound, were seized in 2008 by Moroccan narcotics control services, local media reported, quoting the Ministry of Interior. In addition, they also seized 33.5 kg of cocaine, 6.2 kg of heroin and 43,510 units of psychotropic substances. Meanwhile, security forces arrested 591 foreign drug traffickers, including 122 French nationals, 21 Italians, 20 Dutch and 12 Belgians. The ministry commended the "falling trend" in cannabis plantations, from 134,000 hecta…
Last reply by grok, -