International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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from voxy news engine Friday, 23 January, 2009 - 12:19 Pigs are the same the world over it seems PS Phone No's edited, dont want to make it easy for the dogs out there.
Last reply by brick, -
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By Trish Regan Anchor CNBC updated 5:29 p.m. ET Jan. 22, 2009 © 2009 MicrosoftMSN MENDOCINO COUNTY, Calif. - Two hours from San Francisco, Northern California’s Mendocino County is a world away from the urban bustle. At first glance, it’s a picture postcard of the far West. But beneath its beauty lies a controversial, profitable and increasingly violent criminal enterprise. The marijuana trade is an exploding underground industry. Marijuana is being grown in homes, backyards, even in our national parks. Since the 1960s, the so-called Emerald Triangle — Northern California's Mendocino, Humboldt and Trinity counties — has i…
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
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23/01/2009 1:00:00 AM Copyright © 2008. Fairfax Media. A baby playing with a telephone inadvertently called police to his house in western Canada and to his ''very surprised'' father's marijuana-growing operation inside, police say. Royal Canadian Mounted Police responded to an emergency call in which the caller hung up without speaking, Constable Janelle Canning said yesterday. Officers entered the White Rock house, near Vancouver, after knocks at the door went unanswered, she said. ''The father was very surprised to see us and insisted he hadn't called police,'' she said. ''The officers then obs…
Last reply by Innocent criminal, -
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Police make marijuana bust in former military underground bunker Date: 22 January 2009 Author: Carly Timmons Source: ABC Copyright: 2009 The E.W. Scripps Co.
Last reply by grace, -
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A baby playing with a telephone inadvertently called police to his house in westernmost Canada and to his "very surprised" father's marijuana-growing operation inside, police say. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police responded to an emergency 911 call in which the caller hung up without saying a word, Constable Janelle Canning told AFP on Wednesday. The officers entered the White Rock residence, after knocks at the door went unanswered, she said. "The father was very surprised to see us and insisted he hadn't called police," she said. "The officers then observed his 11-month-old child playing with a cordless phone, pressing buttons randomly." The mystery caller was…
Last reply by BigGod, -
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South African Airways cabin crew arrested over drugs haul Agence France-Presse January 21, 2009 07:42am FIFTEEN South African Airways cabin crew members have been arrested after 50kg of cannabis was found onboard a flight from Johannesburg to London. A London Heathrow airport customs spokesman said the drugs, worth $322,000, were found by officers of the UK Borders Agency. The drugs were seized by officers of the UK Border Agency, a newly established force set up to control smuggling and illegal immigration. The drugs were discovered in three pieces of baggage, the spokesman said. Those held were both flight crew and cabin crew. HMRC spokesman Bob Gaiger …
Last reply by konflikt, -
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Sheriff Patrick Hedges’ involvement in the Charles C. Lynch medical marijuana case sparks a citizen complaint regarding possible misconduct. Lynch, the former operator of the Morro Bay medical marijuana dispensary, Central Coast Compassionate Caregivers (CCCC), faces up to 100 years in federal prison. Federal Judge George H. Wu scheduled Lynch’s Sentencing for Monday February 23rd 2009 at 8:30 AM SLO County's Sheriff Hedges The complaint alleges Hedges wasted untold amounts of California tax-payers’ money, beginning in March 2006 to present, to subvert California State law in favor of his own political agenda. Stacey Warde, publisher of the Rogue Voice, urges overs…
Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
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A few weeks before Barack Obama was elected president, Mary Beth Buchanan, the U.S. attorney for western Pennsylvania, filed criminal charges against the makers of the Whizzinator, a fake penis used to deliver clean urine for drug tests. The strap-on phallus, which comes in assorted “natural, lifelike skin tones,” is connected by a tube to a hidden bladder containing urine (sold separately) that is untainted by marijuana metabolites. According to its manufacturer, Puck Technology of Signal Hill, California, the Whizzinator is so realistic that “we can’t show you the whole thing,” which is why ads for it in publications such as High Times had to be censored, with a marijua…
Last reply by Budman2012, -
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Pot, Postal Service -- A Bad Combination Postal inspectors intercepted and opened a suspicious-looking package that had been mailed from San Diego and was bound for Naperville. A narcotics dealer has been sentenced to six years in prison for his part in mailing a package that contained $80,000 worth of marijuana to an associate's Naperville home. Paul T. DeLong, of southwest suburban Midlothian, was recommended as a candidate for enrollment in the Illinois Department of Corrections' "impact incarceration" program, or boot camp. The recommendation was made as part of DeLong's sentencing Wednesday in DuPage County Circuit Court. He was also ordered to pay $8,100 in f…
Last reply by grace, -
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Rationalitate Wednesday, January 7, 2009 Possible Surgeon General Sanjay Gupta's tortured logic on marijuana prohibition Word on the street is that Obama's choice for surgeon general is CNN medical journalist Sanjay Gupta, which is an interesting twist on an otherwise irrelevant cabinet position. The criticism of him on his Wikipedia page ain't too shabby – he's angered The Nation over his healthcare policy coverage and pissed off Michael Moore in his criticism of Sicko. But reading this article that he wrote for Time in 2006 on marijuana legalization makes me doubt the man's competence. Despite the fact that I know he's not an expert on marijuana, either scientifi…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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Denver Post 18 January, 2009 Posted by CODeist2009 The question of is smoking Marihuana dangerous will largely depend on who you ask, where they get their information, the reliability of the information, and whether or not the individual has actually partook of the ‘herb’. Furthermore to what do we compare the alleged dangerousness of this plant; hashish, heroine, cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol, tobacco, narcotics or physician prescribed FDA approved medication? The idea that Marijuana is harmful to the health of an individual is based on studies done in the 1960’s and 1970’s. In the book “Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts:” Dr. Lynn Zimmer and John Morgan add…
Last reply by entheofarm, -
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Good news from italy...not too much but better tha nothing (ANSA) - Rome, January 14 - Italy's top court caused a flap on Wednesday when it said it was OK to grow marijuana as long as people didn't let it get big enough to have any of the drug in it yet. Overturning the conviction of a Marche man caught with 23 small plants in 2003, the Cassation Court said police should only step in when there was a concrete threat. Politicians pounced on the verdict, with Isabella Bertolini of the ruling People of Freedom (PdL) party saying: ''The Cassation judges really seem to be living on another planet. The next t…
Last reply by fr3no, -
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16/1/09 Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved DENTON, Texas (AP) — A man in Denton, Texas who was expecting a shipment of tools instead received a 30-pound brick of marijuana that police say is worth more than $10,000. Officer Ryan Grelle says the man opened the box Monday night, realized it contained drugs and contacted police. The package from the Pharr area was handled by UPS in McAllen on Jan. 6. and apparently was intended for a Dallas address. The Denton Record-Chronicle reports no such address exists in Dallas, so the package wound up 40 miles to the northwest at the similar a…
Last reply by Innocent criminal, -
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A 60-year-old defense attorney had been smuggling marijuana and cigarettes into Cook County Jail as part of a scheme orchestrated by an inmate, authorities said. Dave Compton was arrested Wednesday afternoon after Cook County Sheriff's officers caught him making a transaction with the unnamed inmate's girlfriend, Angela Bell, and an undercover officer outside a courtroom at 26th and California, according to prosecutors. The sheriff's intelligence unit initiated an investigation when another inmate, Armond Williams, was spotted with a package containing the items on Jan. 7, assistant Cook County state's attorney Russ Baker said. Williams told authorities he received …
Last reply by BongsAway_Cherry, -
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Cannabis Protest London: Date set 12 January 2009 PR Cannazine Jim (Pinky) Starr is the founder of , and someone who is a self-confessed medicinal user of cannabis. But try as he may, Jim Starr has failed to find out why he and other cannabis users deserve 5 years in prison for smoking cannabis and can face up to 14 years in prison now, just for sharing a spliff! Pinky is unable to sit back and relax after already calling protests against the government in 2008 to give medicinal and recreation users the right to use cannabis without the fear of prosecution. If the mountain won't come to Moha…
Last reply by grace,