International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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MAPS Funds Security Guards to Protect Israeli Marijuana Facility Using funds from an anonymous donor, MAPS has donated $750, with another $3000 likely to follow, to Yohai Golan for security guards to protect the Israeli medical marijuana production facility that he has been operating, with previous assistance from MAPS. Our involvement in this project began with a $15,000 matching grant donation from the same donor. Harvest time is nearing and over the next two months the facility is expecting to produce approximately 150 kg of high-potency medical marijuana, with a retail value of more than $1 million (calculated at $7 a gram, which is quite a low price). All of the …
Last reply by entheofarm, -
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In 2000 and 2001 Molson breweries underwent some fairly major restructuring, some of which was reported on this site. They bought back the 49% share of the company formerly owned by Cooper's of Australia, bought Brazilian Kaiser Brewery, and closed down several major operations in Canada, consolidating their brewing. Today Police raided the massive former Molson brewery in Barrie Ontario, which was closed in 2000. It seems the plant had gone from making Coors, to making Bud. And we do not mean the stuff made famous by Anheuser-Busch! Shown here is the grow operation that was found inside one of the massive beer tanks. In a joint operation of the Ontario Provincial Poli…
Last reply by HashMakerOilProducts, -
- 5 replies
Ontario marijuana bust called largest A massive plantation of 40,000 marijuana plants has been discovered by police in a cornfield in eastern Ontario. The plants were found Sept. 18 at a farm on B Line Road in Laurentian Valley Township near Pembroke, Ont., about 150 kilometres west of Ottawa, during the execution of a search warrant, said an Ontario Provincial Police news release that described the bust as "the largest in Canada's history." It is one-third larger than the infamous 2003 operation at the former Molson brewery in Barrie, where police seized 30,000 plants. Sgt. Kristine Rae said it took officers all weekend to seize the plants, which had a street val…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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Date: 18 June 2009 Source:
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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Author: Croakey Date: 15 June 2009 Source:
Last reply by Gee, -
- 420 Crew
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This has been taken from the Winnipeg Sun Paper. When Robin Chatterjee was pulled over for having a missing licence plate, police claimed they smelled marijuana in his car. They searched the car and found $29,000 in cash and a few items commonly used for growing marijuana. The police recognized they did not have evidence to charge him with any crime. Instead, they confiscated the items, along with the $29,000. Shockingly, this happened in Canada. The Supreme Court of Canada recently ruled such forfeitures do not violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. If the police just "think" property in your possession may have come from criminal activity, it can b…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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<h2 id="k36762" class="contentStyle4">10th March 2009 Nations Should Reject UN Drug Policy</h2> New 10-Year Plan Omits Critical Protections on HIV and Human Rights The new UN Political Declaration on Drugs, designed to guide drug policy for the next 10 years, lacks critically important measures for treating and stemming the spread of HIV, Human Rights Watch, the International AIDS Society, and the International Harm Reduction Association said today. The groups said that respect for human rights and HIV prevention should be at the heart of the policy, but that critical elements had been stripped from the final declaration. They called on member governm…
Last reply by littlbit, -
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The tide is aturning the people are speaking up, US, UK NZ, next OZ....lets hope
Last reply by lightning, -
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This paper claims THC may improve symptoms of existing schizophrenia.
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
So Utah had the lowest level of Cannabis usage and the highest "serious psychological distress" I would never have thunked it........... just staggerring. Hand up all those who are shocked by this revelation.
Last reply by Budman2012, -
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Francesca Chilargi Saturday, June 6, 2009 © Copyright 2009 The News Herald TRENTON — A man who was robbed at gunpoint of his marijuana in Wyandotte at about 12:30 a.m. Tuesday called police to report that he was following the culprits south on West Jefferson Avenue. Officers from Trenton, Woodhaven and Gibraltar stopped the suspects’ vehicle at Vreeland and West Jefferson Avenue. All four of the people inside the car were arrested, but two were later released. A Trenton officer saw a bag of marijuana in the car. The driver told police her friend stole the marijuana from the caller. She said she arr…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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- 775 views Cannabis Party Has Answer To The Recession Friday, 5 June 2009, 10:09 am Press Release: Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis PartyCannabis Party Has Answer To The Recession Bill English's first budget as Finance Minister demonstrates that neither he nor the Government has any idea how to survive the recession. While other political parties debate how to deal with the Global Financial Crisis, only one party has the solution to the problem: the ALCP.Any currency is only as valuable as the primary commodity that backs it. In modern civilisation that commodity is oil. The value of the fuel backed dollar has been vital to rapi…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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From For 30 years, Donald Tashkin has studied the effects of marijuana on lung function. His work has been funded by the vehemently anti-marijuana National Institute on Drug Abuse, which has long sought to demonstrate that marijuana causes lung cancer. After 3 decades of anti-drug research, here's what Tashkin has to say about marijuana laws: "Early on, when our research appeared as if there would be a negative impact on lung health, I was opposed to legalization because I thought it would lead to increased use and that would lead to increased health effects," Tashkin says. "But at this point, I'd be in favor of legalization. I wouldn't encourage anyb…
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Zagreb - Croatia's Supreme Court has ruled to allow the use of marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a disorder that afflicts thousands of the country's war veterans, the Vecernji List daily said Thursday. Despite Croatia's harsh laws on drugs, Wednesday's verdict surprisingly acquitted a man previously sentenced to a year in prison for growing a small amount of marijuana in Virovitica, 100 kilometres north of Zagreb. 'The court took into consideration that the defendant suffers rom PTSD. ... Marijuana relaxes him and helps him overcome psychological problems,' the verdict said. …
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
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<h1 style="margin-top: 0pt;"> The cannabis debate... </h1> <h4 class="grey">Posted By Submitted</h4> <h5 class="grey">Posted 10 hours ago</h5> Dear Editor, One beneficial component of legalizing cannabis (marijuana) that doesn’t get mentioned online (Marijuana - Time To Make It Legal? Panel Says Yes, May 25, 2009) is that it will lower hard drug addiction rates. DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) will have to stop brainwashing youth into believing lies, half-truths and propaganda concerning cannabis, which…
Last reply by BaronS,