International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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A Tale of Two Studies For 35 years scientists have known that naturally occurring compounds in the cannabis plant possess potent and selective anti-cancer properties, a fact that I have documented extensively in previous writings here, here, and here. Yet for more than three decades the scientific study of these anti-cancer effects has remained almost exclusively limited to preclinical in vitro (in a petri dish) and in vivo (in lab animals) analysis, rather than clinical (human) study. Why? A just published review in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology provides an answer. Cannabinoid receptor ligands as potential anticancer agents - high hopes for new thera…
Last reply by CannabisMan, -
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California screaming: can stoners save the Golden State? 14/07/2009 4:46:00 PM, Stuart Fagg Next By Stuart Fagg, ninemsn The Republic of California is known for many things: Hollywood, beautiful people, violent street gangs and the Governator. It also has the eighth biggest economy in the world. With a gross domestic product of $1.8 trillion, it's bigger than the Australian, Norwegian and Saudi Arabian economies combined. That's pretty big. And now, it's broke. Earlier this month, the Golden State's budget crisis took a spectacular turn. California began this financial year with a US$26 billion hole in the books and has so little cash it's been forced to issue I…
Last reply by mistyville, -
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In the wacky world of Republicans who love liberty almost as much as they love prisons, an Illinois congressman named Mark Kirk has proposed a competing law to make selling “this new potent marijuana” punishable by $1 million in fines and 25 years in prison. Apparently Kirk is talking about something called “kush,” which I cannot personally evaluate since I am A) not currently a pot-smoker, and too crippled by college bills to afford anything that costs $600 an ounce. But for those old-fashioned reality-based types who care about scientific evidence, here’s what the guys in white lab coats say. 15 - 7 - 09
Last reply by willis2031, -
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- 951 views Kal Penn gets political This is one of the celebs I contacted requesting help for cannabis legalisation over here in Australia. Can't blame him for going into US politics instead though. Sorry I haven't been back in awhile. I live a long way from civilisation and rarely visit towns nowadays. I haven't forgotten about trying to create a grassroots movement for queensland. I've just been doing what I do best and buying up high traffic domain names. Just thought I'd ask if you wanted any free advertising. I have a funny feeling that I might be just about to make a headline or two. There is a new ICANN Preside…
Last reply by Wayne Smith, -
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- 1.8k views The19 year-old, who plays Hogwarts bully Vincent Crabbe, will appear in court later this month accused of growing ten cannabis plants. He was first arrested in April after cops stopped his Audi car in Westminster, central London, and allegedly found eight bags of the Class B drug. The actor, who has appeared as a tubby villain in all six of the smash hit Harry Potter films, and a 19-year-old friend were taken to a nearby police station. After questioning, a team of officers raided his mother's three-storey home in Camden, north London, several hours later. It is alleged further drugs were found at th…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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read this this morn was horrified at the quantity One big drug bust took place in the first hour of Monday when troopers from District 6 State Police arrested two persons for possession of more than 2,000 pounds of cannabis. Lt. Fred Winterroth of District 6 said Monday afternoon that the arrested subject was driving northbound on Interstate 55 near Bloomington at 12:30 a.m. Monday when they were stopped for a routine motor carrier safety inspection of their semi. Winterroth said during the course of the inspection, inconsistencies aroused suspicions of officers. “A search of the semi-trailer revealed more than 1…
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
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Published: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 - 09:53 in Health & Medicine so does it cure it or make it worse. It reminds me of when i saw on Today Tonight how bad everything we eat if for us even if it was picked fresh of the vine.
Last reply by CannabisMan, -
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Author: Martin Bentham, Home Affairs Editor Date: 6 July 2009 Source: London Evening Standard
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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Ok, I would never usually post a story like this. The reason I am is because this goose john english from the examiner is writing rants like this every few days and I'm just hoping to get more people on to him and comment on his anti-cannabis rants. Anyone can leave a comment, you don't need to log in or anything. Addiction to cannabis and mental disorders Marijuana users: Just picture them as lemmings, rushing toward the cliff … “Drugs are modern slavery, just ask any addict! Then ask them what was their first illegal drug. Nearly every time they will tell you marijuana. Mere coincidence? Yeah right!” Dan Bent, Former U.S. Attorney for Hawaii Users’ anti-s…
Last reply by jabez, -
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Medical marijuana transforms into big business in Israel By Haim Shadmi, Haaretz Correspondent How did Yohai Golan-Gild go from being an organizer of psychedelic drug parties to being a provider of medicinal marijuana in Israel - with the full approval of the Health Ministry? "The 90s were the golden age of chemicals," Golan-Gild said. "In every forest clearing there were people taking ecstasy and LSD and dancing themselves silly. People didn't get married unless pills were promised to the guests. Thousands protested at Rabin Square urging us to 'give trance a chance.' There was a feeling that something was about to …
Last reply by 420 HELI, -
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Date: 2 July 2009 Source: AFP
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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Author: By Mohammed Gherbaoui for Magharebia in Rabat Date: 02/07/09
Last reply by grace, -
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Source: = HighTimes = New Zealand and Australia have one of the highest rates of marijuana use in the world. The UN 2009 World Drug Report found that marijuana was used at least once in 2007 by between 3.3% and 4.4% of the global population, making it the most popular illegal drug. Usage was highest in Central America (10.5% of the population) and Australia/New Zealand (11%). The report also says the global underground markets for cocaine and heroin appear to have shrunk in 2008, but amphetamine production and use may be increasing in developing countri…
Last reply by Mull-a-matic, -
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Published: 24 Jun 09 16:12 CET A trio of middle-aged Germans produced more than 14 tonnes of marijuana by hiding it in maize fields in locations around the country, a court in Koblenz heard on Wednesday. The men, aged 49, 60 and 64, are charged with growing around 3.5 tonnes of the drug each year from 2004 until 2007, while in 2006 they harvested a bumper crop of four tonnes thanks to perfect weather conditions. The men rented fields in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, hiding their cannabis crop by growing maize around the edges of the fields, a ruse which worked for years. They also imported up t…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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Thu, 25 Jun 2009 12:56p.m Copyright © - TVWorks Limited - All Rights Reserved New Zealanders are among the highest users of cannabis per head of population in the world according to a report just released by the United Nations. The report says 13 percent of New Zealanders use marijuana at least once a year – more than in Australia and most other countries, but lower than Canada and Italy. The report says overall drug use is steady or declining, but there are still 28 million heavy drug users worldwide. 3 News
Last reply by luciddreaming,