International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Fri, Jul 31, 2009 5:55 pm Source: A 911 call leads Nebraska State Troopers to stop an erratic driver on I-80 in Hamilton County. Troopers arrested a Minnesota man for driving under the influence of drugs and the discovery of a mobile marijuana grow. Shortly after 8:30 a.m., on Wednesday, July 29, 2009, a trooper with the Nebraska State Patrol Troop C Headquarters- Grand Island responded to a citizen call of a possible drunk driver in a Ford Taurus eastbound on Interstate 80. The trooper stopped a vehicle matching the description near the Henderson Interchange mm 341, in Hamilton County, Nebraska. A…
Last reply by Crunchy, -
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- 543 views A Mission Valley man who claims he was operating a medical marijuana collective has become a local test case. Eugene Davidovich is charged with illegally selling and transporting the drug, but he says he thought he was following state law. News 8's Jeff Zevely reports live downtown with the latest on the medical marijuana debate. View the video story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more information about Operation Green Rx and my case please visit my website: and my blog ---------------…
Last reply by msc008, -
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From: What a croc of absolute and complete SHIT. They spend half the article saying that it's been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that cannabis causes psychosis in healthy people, then they admit that the doctor who performed the tests has said that the findings offered "additional evidence that can elicit temporary psychotic-like effects in some people" - ie: if you are predisposed to it then you may have issues. Yet the media have blown this out of proportion as usual and have jumped to conclusions. Not to mention the fact that the doctor admits that the studies didn't look into the effects of CBD in…
Last reply by Fibrofeend, -
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- 500 views A former state prison guard today was sentenced to a year in the Bibb County Jail after pleading guilty to promoting prison contraband, District Attorney Michael Jackson announced tonight. During a routine search of guards at the Bibb Correctional Facility on Feb. 29, 2008, Kenya Morton, 27, of Marion, was caught with two bags of marijuana and hydrocodone. He was arrested. Morton resigned from the state department of corrections after he was charged, Jackson said in an interview. Birmingham News Generally the cops charge you with a felony for each individual pill in your possession. Its beyond comprehension that t…
Last reply by Girus, -
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Source: CNN Link:
Last reply by Budman2012, -
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JULY 23, 2009 With 'Med Pot' Raids Halted, Selling Grass Grows Greener Author: JUSTIN SCHECK and STU WOO Date: JULY 23, 2009 Source: THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Link: ...
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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This article is taken from the cannabis culture website, the story of a freedom fighter, Mark Emery, deemed a terrorist by the United States of America, classed in the top 50 of most wanted men in drug violations over countless amounts of gangs and organizations just one man. Fuck the U.S.A is what i say. CANNABIS CULTURE - Join 'The Worldwide Rally For The Prince of Pot', and show your support for Marc Emery, the marijuana activist who is going to jail in the United States for FIVE YEARS for selling marijuana seeds. Rallies will be on the saturday prior to the day of his sentencing in Seattle, US, expected in October. Join the Facebook Page Marc Emery i…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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Author: Lisa Leff Date: 22/07/09 Source: Copyright: © 2009 The Associated Press
Last reply by Crunchy, -
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LONDON, (Reuters) - A judge Tuesday ordered actor Jamie Waylett, who plays school bully Vincent Crabbe in the "Harry Potter" movies, to serve 120 hours of community service after he admitted growing cannabis at his mother's home. District judge Timothy Workman told Waylett, who turned 20 Tuesday, that the cannabis cultivation was on a small, but sophisticated scale. "Mr. Waylett, I accept that the cultivation of this cannabis was on a small scale, and this was not in any way a commercial venture on your part," Workman told the City of Westminster Magistrates Court. "Nevertheless you used a sophisticated growing system to do so," he was quoted as saying by the Press …
Last reply by stonerkman, -
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Cannabinoids, the active components of Cannabis sativa L. and their derivatives, inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals by inducing apoptosis of tumor cells and impairing tumor angiogenesis. It has also been reported that these compounds inhibit tumor cell spreading, but the molecular targets of this cannabinoid action remain elusive. Here, we evaluated the effect of cannabinoids on matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression and its effect on tumor cell invasion. Local administration of {Delta}9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the major active ingredient of cannabis, down-regulated MMP-2 expression in gliomas generated in mice, as determined by Western blot, immunofluoresc…
Last reply by Crunchy, -
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I'm not sure how legitimate this is, looks more like cashing in than bona fide but good for a laugh.
Last reply by Mull-a-matic, -
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Just a short video on legal pot in Mendocino count, California. Note the LED light in the greenhouse at 17 seconds. I guess its there to delay flowering? Strange choice?
Last reply by freddie, -
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California Adds Pot to List of Cancer-Causing Substances Posted on: Sunday, 5 July 2009, 10:30 CDT In a move that has the good people of California scratching their heads in perplexity, state lawmakers recently passed a measure that would eventually require medical marijuana—prescribed most frequently to alleviate suffering in patients with severe cancer—to carry a warning label telling of its potential cancer-causing risks. Last month state environmental regulators decided that cannabis should be added to its official list of substances known to cause cancer, which will likely lead to warning signs in marijuana dispensaries and cautionary labels on product packaging.…
Last reply by brick, -
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You Can Now Legally Use iPhone to Find Cannabis (LOS ANGELES) - This week Apple releases a new iPhone and iPod Touch application which allows users to locate cannabis resources worldwide including the nearest medical cannabis collectives, doctors, attorneys, organizations, and other patient services in the states, such as California, that have passed laws allowing medical cannabis -- also commonly referred to as marijuana. Imagine you are an iPhone user who has been dealing with a chronic condition that you believe can be alleviated with cannabis to improve your quality of life. You now have the ability to access all the resources you need at your finger tips to acces…
Last reply by Fibrofeend, -
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Author: Sam Leung Date: 17 July 2009 Source: Canadian Press
Last reply by Mull-a-matic,