International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Cannabis blunts prostate cancer threat: study Posted Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:01pm AEST Updated Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:00pm AEST Chemicals in cannabis have been found to stop prostate cancer cells from growing in the laboratory, suggesting marijuana-based medicines could one day help fight the disease, scientists said. After working initially with human cancer cell lines, Ines Diaz-Laviada and colleagues from the University of Alcala in Madrid also tested one compound on mice and discovered it produced a significant reduction in tumour growth. Their research, published in the British Journal of Cancer, underlines the growing interest in the medical use of active chemical…
Last reply by need4weed3, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
By Moira Kerr Aug 17 2009 Copyright and Trade Mark Notice © 2009 owned by or licensed to Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd DRUGS police raided a pensioner's plot after her parsnips were mistaken for cannabis. Officers searched Wilma Watts' polytunnel following a tip-off that she was growing drugs. But they were left red-faced when all they found was vegetables. Community council secretary Wilma, 61, said: "They sent two policemen and when they said it was about the polytunnel, I thought, 'Oh, the community police are going to have a polytunnel'. "But then they said, 'It's not about yo…
Last reply by pisspotgrower, -
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What is going on in our world when Canadian Church of the Universe Reverends, among others, have their home taken from under them due to proceeds of crime for selling $60.00 worth of cannabis? And when Marc Emery, Canada's Prince of Pot, is given a minimum five year sentence for selling cannabis SEEDS? I remember years ago sitting in court while working, waiting for all of the trials of the day to get under way, wondering just who would lose what that day and who if anyone would go home. I can`t imagine how the good Reverends felt having no home to go to. And what it's like for Marc Emery, who will not be allowed to go home for the next while. Maybe years.... For the …
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
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Date: 14 August 2009 Source: AFP
Last reply by grace, -
- 10 replies
ANKARA, Turkey -- The gendarmerie destroyed a record 2 billion cannabis plants in eastern Turkey on Monday (August 10th). The drugs were seized last week near the town of Baskale in Van province, near the border with Iran. Several hundred soldiers helped authorities clear the area. The amount seized could have produced around 50 tonnes of hashish, worth an estimated $34m on the street. (Cumhurriyet - 11/08/09; Anadolu news agency, BTA - 10/08/09) Date: 11 August 2009 Source:
Last reply by bullseye, -
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It’s true story: these are three talented farmers are perched atop pile of Amsterdam’s finest weed. This big bags of buds are their ticket to early retirement – or jail. It is not paranoia, the Dutch state has unleashed a high tech war against the cannabis industry which has a major impact on growers and consumers alike. AS an result of the Christian government’s cannabis crackdown, coffee shop prices in Amsterdam almost doubled in the past two years. It’s impossible for growers not to be paranoid when the Dutch government has commissioned a company specifically to root out weed plantations. The private firm is called SEON. They have the power to use devices like an elect…
Last reply by Alchemist, -
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We want to thank some of the hard working music-activists who have stood by 'Time 4 Hemp' over the past few years by sharing with you some of their songs. Joint-Host for this segment is Alison Myrden. Music artists in order of appearance: IQ - Los Marijuanaous - The Tall Brothers - Geroge Carlin Muck Sticky and Chief Greenbud - Jet Baker Johnny Reeferseed and the High Rollers - The Individuals You can get this FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD at htt:// or click on the link below. Please pass this information on to everyone you feel would enjoy it. Thank you. Casper Leitch Time4Hemp
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
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- 863 views Oh Dear why do they warn against cannabis because of 2 already majorly floored reasons my god even the UN is in to Human Injustice it never ends. Hmm AFP that must mean Australian Federal Police if im not mistaken. They simply ignore the fact that iregardless of any dangers it still should be our choice to make no one elses.
Last reply by Thylacine, -
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California has three initiatives filed to legalize marijuana Previous articles compared two marijuana legalization initiatives filed in California and discussed the California initiative process and the relationship of initiatives to laws passed by the state legislature. One of these initiatives has been amended and a third filed. The newest addition to California's marijuana legalization initiatives is the Common Sense Act of 2010 by Common Sense California. This initiative, which was filed 4 Aug 09, repeals marijuana prohibition in California, gives the legislature a year to pass laws to regulate and tax marijuana, and calls for California members of Congress to …
Last reply by jabez, -
- 1 reply
hey all stumbled upon this.. hope it in the right place.. sorry wasnt able to paste it here.. if anyone knows how to paste it so ya dont get all the other shit on the page, feel free dont think they aint doin this shit here.. (or will be soon) is also nice to know they can fuck up and raid ya with the wrong info..
Last reply by mull, -
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- 581 views Hello my name is Joseph Malone and I would like to share my story with you as well as ask for Court Support on August 20th, 2009. In late March of 2008 I consulted with a San Diego attorney to discus the laws, policies, and procedures to operating a legal (under state law) medical marijuana dispensary. On April 2nd 2009 I went to the San Diego Board of Equalization (BOE) to apply for a sellers permit (for dispensing medical marijuana to qualified San Diego residents/patients requesting help to obtain medical marijuana). After filling out my application I was directed to BOE agent Mr. Pagan. Mr. Pagan reviewed my app…
Last reply by Mull-a-matic, -
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Hi guys... I'm slowly coming back to life after a few REALLY rough months and have been keeping very busy again... My good friend Casper Leitch at "Time4Hemp" has a NEW Show just out today.... ;D He is now hooked up with American Radio at: has a new Radio Show called "Time4Hemp Radio" at: Excellent debate between Actor Stephen Baldwin and Politician Ron Paul on "Legalizing cannabis and other drugs" on Larry King Live posted on their Home Page along with my banner for The Medical Marijuana Mission. I just ADORE Casper..... Please check it out and pass it on. Love and a…
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
Source: Copyright: 2008 Contact: Website: BMW and Mercedes Use Hemp in Their Cars | Stop the Drug War (DRCNet) Remind me why hemp is illegal to grow in the U.S.: if you drive a BMW or a Mercedes Benz, or wear Armani jeans or Patagonia shirts, you could be consuming hemp. Its fiber turns up in car door panels, insulation and clothing. Its seeds make tasty granola and frozen desserts, its oil expensive cosmetics and ecologically friendly soap. If you use these products, you won’t be jailed for possession. But would-be hemp farmers’ fear of arrest is what keeps the U.S. importing the stuff instead of growing its…
Last reply by hashy420, -
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Author : Shaun Smillie Date : March 1, 2001 Source : National Geographic www : link
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 2 replies
greetnz check dis site forward ever cali cannabis crusaders free cannabis free the people free the land
Last reply by Radic,