International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
Last reply by Syb3 rm3nt41_%20, -
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- 367 views A new high at parliament: pot protest on MPs' doorstep Jerome Taylor Tuesday, 17 July 2012 Medicinal marijuana users from the Netherlands are planning to hold a smoking protest outside the Houses of Parliament as part of a new campaign to push for the decriminalisation of cannabis in the UK. The publicity stunt is the brainchild of Norml, a USbased campaign group which has opened its first British chapter. Founded more than three decades ago, the National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws has played a key role in persuading 17 states to ad…
Last reply by Freakbrother, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
- 1.1k views UAE death sentence for British man on 'drugs charge' A British man reportedly convicted of supplying cannabis in the United Arab Emirates is facing the death penalty, the Foreign Office says. He has not been named but UAE newspaper the National says he is 21 years-old. It said an Abu Dhabi court heard how he sold an undercover officer 20g of the drug worth 1,500 UAE Dirhams (£262). The Foreign Office said it was in "contact with the British national and his legal team and continue to provide consular assistance". "I can confirm that a British national is facing death penalty in the UAE," a spokesman said. But he said the Foreig…
Last reply by Samurai, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hxxp:// By Steve Elliot, Toke of the Town, Friday 15 June 2012 Feds Move To Silence Platshorn, Derail The Silver Tour Federal Officer Threatens To Return The Black Tuna To Prison Robert Platshorn became the longest serving marijuana prisoner in United States history, doing almost 30 years in federal prison for importing Colombian pot in the 1970s. When he got out four years ago, Platshorn -- a weed warrior through and through -- didn't take the easy way out and opt for a quiet retirement. Instead, he took up the cause of medical marijuana, launching The Silver Tour to bring the g…
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 0 replies
Cannabis Use Associated with Lower Mortality Risk in Patients with Psychotic Disorders By Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director May 29, 2012 The use of cannabis is associated with lower mortality risk in patients with schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders, according to a forthcoming study to be published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research. An international team of investigators from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Inje University in South Korea assessed the impact of a lifetime history substance use on mortality in 762 subjects with schizophrenia or related disorders. Researchers reported, ‘[W]e observed a lower mortality risk-adju…
Last reply by louise, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Cannabis capsules failed to slow the progression of multiple sclerosis in a large British study, dealing a blow to hopes that it could provide long-term benefits. Despite promising signs in earlier, shorter studies, researchers found patients who took capsules containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a key active ingredient in cannabis, fared no better than those given a placebo. The finding is a disappointment for researchers who thought cannabis might provide a viable therapy in the disease's secondary progressive stage, when patients have few treatment options. Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients were assessed in the trial known as CUPID (cannabinoid use in progressive infl…
Last reply by jedi monkey, -
- 0 replies
DEA Can’t Enter 150 Pounds of Pot Into Evidence, Because It Illegally GPS-Tracked This Dude Posted by Easy Rider on May 25, 2012 the system works at times. Reports the AP Via ABC News: When Kentucky State Troopers stopped 49-year-old Robert Dale Lee on Interstate 75 in September 2011, they knew he would be coming their way and what to look for in his truck. The Drug Enforcement Administration had been following Lee’s truck from Chicago using a GPS — a tracking device placed on the vehicle as part of a multi-state drug probe — and troopers found 150 pounds of marijuana in the vehicle. Now, a federal j…
Last reply by IAMTHEWALRUS, -
- 1 reply
Saturday, 19 May 2012, 2:50 pm Press Release: NORML NORML - Police cuts harming community The National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws says police cuts are putting more New Zealanders at risk of becoming victims of crime. The National-led government requires police to slash $360 million dollars from their Budget over the next three years. NORML president Julian Crawford said the only way police can save this money without harming the community is to legalise and regulate cannabis. "Over $300 million could be saved if cannabis was made the lowest enforcement priority," Mr Crawford said. "While the exact cost of enforcing cannabis laws is u…
Last reply by Harry Potter, -
- 0 replies
For the first time in five years, the U.S. House of Representatives will be voting on an amendment to prevent the federal government from interfering with state medical marijuana laws. We need you to call your member of Congress and tell him or her to support this amendment. At the start of the Obama administration, it appeared as if there would be a new approach to medical marijuana by the federal government. Unfortunately, that new approach was short-lived, and it can now be said that Pres. Obama is even worse than Pres. George W. Bush on this issue. Obama’s Department of Justice is relentlessly attacking state-approved medical marijuana providers. Medical marijuana…
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Weed’s gone to my head.. Head case ... protester Published: Today at 01:03 Now that’s one joint that’s bound to get everybody jumping... A reveller with a green cannabis leaf design shaved into his hair holds a massive spliff during a demo calling for home-grown marijuana to be legalised. Protesters in the Colombian city of Medellin claim it would help to put vicious drug trafficking gangs in South America out of business. Thousands took to the streets in other marches in Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Guatemala and Argentina on Saturday. Some lit up spliffs in a show of defiance. So their demos w…
Last reply by Harry Potter, -
- 3 replies
Presenters from the hit BBC children's show Play School often went on air stoned a new BBC documentary has revealed. Rick Jones and Lionel Morton were able to go in front of the camera stoned after smoking "the biggest joint you've ever seen" because bosses at the BBC turned a blind eye in the 70's, Johnny Ball claims in the tell-all documentary. BBC Former BBC Play School presenters have revealed that they often went on-air stoned The disclosures are made in Tales of Television Centre due, to air on May 17 on BBC Four, which uncovers just how drugs and sex were able to spill onto …
Last reply by Harry Potter, -
- 0 replies
- 961 views Submitted by NORML on May 3, 2012 http://www.opposingv...ihuana%E2%80%9D © 2008-2012 Opposing Views, Inc. All Rights Reserved A fascinating new book is out entitled Home Grown: Marijuana and the Origins of Mexico’s War on Drugs by Isaac Campos. In it, he traces the history of cannabis in Mexico as the Spanish Conquistadors brought the useful fiber crop to the New World in the 16th century. East Bay Express reviews the book and touches on a subject I’ve written about – the word “marijuana”: But let’s start with the word “marijuana.” Marijuana came to the New World as…
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
- 2 replies
It's every stoner’s dream – a marijuana vending machine, preferably placed right next to another one dispensing crisps and chocolate bars. Machines will be housed in cages, and can only be accessed via a valid registration card and finger-print identification. (Picture: Splashnews) But this ‘Autospense’ machine lets registered users of the drug pick up their prescriptions, 24 hours a day. Sixteen US states – as well as Washington DC – allow patients with certain medical conditions to buy small quantities of cannabis. Hundreds of dispensaries have popped up across th…
Last reply by Cerberus, -
- 1 reply
- 614 views Reuters BAN THE BAN: Protesters march against a ban on selling cannabis to foreigners, in front of the town hall in Maastricht. Tourists puffed on spliffs in the streets of southern Dutch cities and defiant coffee-shops sold joints to visitors in protest against a ban on selling cannabis to foreigners which took effect overnight. In Maastricht, a short drive from both the German and the Belgian borders, protesters waved banners decorated with marijuana leaves and slogans such as "Dealers Wanted" and "Stop discrimination for Belgium". In the main square, a few hundred demonstrators staged a sit-in and about 50 op…
Last reply by Degenerate, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
- 536 views Sounds good. Probably the DEA was having a tug of war with the Nimbin crowd??
Last reply by Stix87, -