International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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- 9 replies
- 3k views A man hallucinated and lost consciousness while driving after smoking artificial cannabinoid K2 Black, the Invercargill District Court was told last week. The guy was taken to hospital with chest pains. Other side-effects include extreme anger and high levels of anxiety and psychotic symptoms. The health minister of NZ reckons it will be banned soon. Screw that rubbish. I've been smoking regular weed for decades and never experienced any shit like that. This laboratory weed extract is dangerous crap. It wouldn't be around if politicians hadn't banned harmless traditional dope.
Last reply by jabez, -
- 9 replies
- 821 views Brad Pitt Blasts U.S. ‘War On Drugs’, Calls For Policy Rethink "Brad Pitt has thrown his weight behind a documentary that blasts America’s 40-year war on drugs as a failure, calling policies that imprison huge numbers of drug-users a “charade” in urgent need of a rethink." “I know people are suffering because of it. I know I’ve lived a very privileged life in comparison and I can’t stand for it,” Pitt told Reuters on Friday, calling the government’s War on Drugs policy a “charade.” “It’s such bad strategy. It makes no sense. It perpetuates itself. You make a bust, you d…
Last reply by Za7ox, -
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A woman has been convicted of giving cannabis to her 3-month old baby through her breast milk, in what is believed to be the first case of its kind in New Zealand. The 29-year-old Wanganui woman was charged with administering a class C controlled drug, namely cannabis, to a person under the age of 18. She pleaded guilty and was sentenced in Wanganui District Court last week to six months' supervision. The charges were laid after a police search of a house for drugs. The woman's partner also faced charges over the drug raid. Acting Senior Sergeant Andrew McDonald said the woman's actions amounted to child abuse. "People often believe drug-related activities are victimless,…
Last reply by kiwi_farmer, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
The answer to the question "did you inhale?" may be yes, even if you're only guilty of breathing the air in Rome. That's because a new study says there are trace amounts of cocaine and marijuana in the air of eight Italian cities. Researchers at Italy's Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research published their findings, which [...] View the full article
Last reply by brick, -
- 10 replies
- 935 views Bedford couple unwittingly grow cannabis An officer tweeted it was the biggest cannabis plant they had seen Related Stories An elderly couple have unwittingly grown the "biggest cannabis plant" police officers had seen after buying what they thought was an innocuous shrub from a car boot sale. The couple, who live in Bedford, had planted the drug in their garden. Police officers were astounded when they spotted the plant. They have collected it and a spokesperson said it would be disposed of. The couple will face no action from the police…
Last reply by major, -
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Last reply by cannarck, -
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A police officer with a man accused of harvesting cannabis in San Salvador. Photograph: Yuri Cortez/AFP/Getty Images When the Uruguayan president José Mujica was asked about his proposal to make a historic break with global prohibition and put in place a legal, state-controlled market for cannabis, he replied: "Someone has to be first." In fact, recent years have seen reforms to cannabis policy and law proceeding apace around the world. The trend for decriminalisation of possession for personal use (with civil or administrative penalties replacing criminal ones) has spread across much of Europe, Latin America, and beyond. Some countries have gone further, finding vari…
Last reply by buzz lighthead, -
- 3 replies
After being the centre of attention at London Fashion week, making her face into a small garden with a flower-headpiece that had to be seen to be believed, Lady Gaga has found herself on the front pages again after puffing on a spliff onstage in Amsterdam Gaga told the audience she was in the “appropriate place” to talk about her belief that cannabis should be legalised. “I want you to know it has totally changed my life,” the New York pop superstar told her audience at the Ziggo Dome Amsterdam. “It has been a totally spiritual experience for me with my music.” Gaga picked up the ready-rolled marijuana joint off the stage where a generous fan has thrown it. She…
Last reply by Faith, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Article from the July issue of "The Scientist" on Alternative medicines, including cannabis and psychedelics.
Last reply by Faith, -
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stoners are too easy targets from coke heads!
Last reply by weedjoy, -
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Medical marijuana patients in Los Angeles can exhale a sigh of relief. At least for now. LA's marijuana dispensary ban, which was set to go into effect in one week, has been temporarily suspended after patients and supporters delivered 50,000 signatures to force a referendum on the ban, the city clerk's office told The Huffington Post Thursday. The ban, which has the approval of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Police Chief Charlie Beck, intends to shut down about 1,000 marijuana dispensaries in the city, including those that have complied with the law. Instead of using dispensaries, groups of three or fewer marijuana patients would be allowed to grow marijuana in their hom…
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
- 1.4k views Interesting video on the link above.
Last reply by iTiC, -
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- 363 views 14 August 2012 Last updated at 18:03 GMT Italy police discover cannabis factory in Rome tunnel Police in Rome have sniffed out a cannabis factory in an abandoned metro tunnel built during the rule of Fascist leader Benito Mussolini, in the 1930s. Officers reportedly stumbled across the factory after smelling the pungent crop near an entrance, not far from the Italian central bank. The tunnel, just over half a mile (1km) long, was also being used to cultivate mushrooms. But behind a makeshift wall, police discovered rows of marijuana plants. Video released by Italy's financial police showed an underground greenhouse with thriving m…
Last reply by Freakbrother, -
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Source: (CNN) -- With the intent of undermining the market for illegal drugs, Uruguay's government presented a bill to lawmakers that would legalize marijuana under a government monopoly. The government of President Jose Mujica has argued that the war on drugs has failed, and that separating the market for marijuana from the market for harder drugs will have social and health benefits. The bill was presented to congress on Wednesday, and includes no details of how legalization would be cultivated, regulated or sold. But it makes it clear that the government would be the sole manager…
Last reply by Allotropy, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
- 512 views 3 August 2012 Last updated at 12:42 GMT Vermont farmer in tractor crushes seven police cars A farmer in the US state of Vermont who was facing a minor drugs charge is now in more serious trouble after driving a tractor over seven police cars. Roger Pion crushed the county sheriff's cruisers on Thursday before making his getaway on the farm vehicle. The 34-year-old was stopped by police in Newport city, northern Vermont, not far from the crime scene. Sheriff's deputies were unaware of the destruction in their department car park until a resident called 911. 'Monster jam rally' Orleans County Sheriff Kirk Martin said they were ini…
Last reply by buzzo, -