International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Former cop: Time for Obama to lead on marijuana legalization By Eric W. Dolan Tuesday, November 13, 2012 23:29 EST Tuesday night on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, former Baltimore police officer Neill Franklin called on President Barack Obama to push for drug policy reform. Franklin, the director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, told Maddow that the recently approved marijuana legalization referenda in Colorado and Washington state were a win for both law enforcement and users of the drug. “It’s a win-win because it has been drug prohibition like with marijuana that has driven a wedge in between police and community,” he explained. “Number one, police…
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What does the legalization of marijuana mean for workers in Colorado and Washington? View the full article
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When Colorado and Washington voters passed measures legalizing recreational marijuana last week, they demonstrated — probably unknowingly — a rueful familiarity with the failure of Prohibition. View the full article
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“Make the most of the hemp seed. Sow it everywhere.” George Washington, 1794Glenwood Springs, Colorado (PRWEB) November 14, 2012 Colorado Amendment 64 passed, allowing for the cultivation of industrial hemp. Most of the current buzz about the amendment is about legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes in the state. What has not made the national headlines is that Amendment 64 also included ... View the full article
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Waikato Police say a district-wide clean up of dishonesty offenders that resulted in the recovery of hundreds of cannabis plants and a number of firearms will prevent millions of dollars worth of potential harm in the community. View the full article
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Kentucky Initiative Seeks to Pass Laws on the State and Federal Level to Allow Widespread Growth of Industrial HempWASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Nov. 14 at 10:00 a.m. ET, representatives of the nation's leading industrial hemp advocacy group, Vote Hemp, and top-selling natural soap brand Dr. ... View the full article
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
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MJ Freeway, Leading Hosted Provider of Medical Marijuana Sales and Inventory Tracking Software, announces free webinar on "What the Election Results Mean for MMJ" by Rob Kampia, co-founder, Marijuana Policy Project, and Aaron Smith, executive director, National Director, Cannabis Industry Association, and Amy Poinsett, co-founder and CEO, MJ Freeway, November 15th at 12 pm MST.Denver, CO (PRWEB ... View the full article
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- 371 views Newsletter Announces 150% Intraday Gains on Tranzbyte CorpStamford, CT (PRWEB) November 13, 2012 The Jet Life Penny Stocks team brings its subscribers huge gains once again in one trading day. Jet Life has brought subscribers and investors 150% gains on hot penny stock Tranzbyte Corporation, a Colorado based marijuana company, that is expected to benefit from ... View the full article
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
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The integration and expansion of PhytoSPHERE’s state-of-the-art growing and extraction technologies give Medical Marijuana Inc. (MJNA) the edge in production of today’s and tomorrow’s premium hemp oil-based products.Denver, CO (PRWEB) November 13, 2012 Medical Marijuana Inc. (MJNA) has announced the integration and expansion of its PhytoSPHERE subsidiary. This move gives the nation’s premier ... View the full article
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
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Now that voters in Colorado and Washington have approved legalized sales of marijuana in those two states, the federal government is expected to aggressively confront the new laws through lawsuits saying they are invalidated under US law. View the full article
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Jerry Brown: Marijuana Laws Should Be Decided By States (VIDEO) Posted: 11/11/2012 11:13 am EST Updated: 11/12/2012 11:19 am EST by Elise Foley WASHINGTON -- California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) said Sunday the federal government should respect states' rights to decide how to regulate marijuana use, in light of votes Tuesday to approve legal use of the drug in Colorado and Washington. "It's time for the Justice Department to recognize the sovereignty of the states," he said on CNN's "State of the Union." His state has legalized medical marijuana use, which is illegal under federal law. Colorado and Washington went even further …
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Mon Sep 10, 2012 at 06:00 PM PDT Virginia judge sentenced to 30 days [DAYS!] for growing 41 marijuana plants by xxdr zombiexxFollow for DKos Cannabis Law and Drug War Reform I'd likely have gotten 30 years, my home confiscated and my wife deported. At least that's always my fear. Many have had infamous sentences for growing less than this so this is interesting. This Judge got off pretty easy and I am ok with it largely because he didn't do anything wrong. Attorney and substitute judge James H. Allamong Jr. was sentenced on Monday after the felony charges were knocked down to a misdemeanor. He reported that the plants were solely for his use and he used them to t…
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The Fight Over Medical Marijuana’ Published: November 7, 2012 200 Comments By Rebecca Richman Cohen The Fight Over Medical Marijuana: An Op-Doc profiles Chris Williams, a medical marijuana grower in Montana who now faces life in prison. Our federal marijuana policy is increasingly out of step with both the values of American citizens and with state law. The result is a system of justice that is schizophrenic and at times appalling. Though the federal government considers marijuana a Schedule I Controlled Substance and bans its use for medical purposes, a growing number of states feel differently. Today, 18 states and Washington, D.C., have legalized medical mari…
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Marijuana Legalization a Step in the Right Direction for Social Progress, Says United Patients Group PRWeb – Sat, Nov 10, 2012 The ballots have been cast. The people have been heard. But now that the smoke has cleared, how does the medical marijuana community stand on the new cannabis policies in Washington and Colorado, the first two states to ever approve ballot initiatives that legalize recreational marijuana use? United Patients Group explains. San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) November 10, 2012 On Tuesday, both Washington and Colorado became the first states to ever pass measures to legalize recreational marijuana use. Medical marijuana resource UnitedPat…
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