International Cannabis News
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Miracle Marijuana? 4 Instances Where Pot May Have Helped Cure Disease From tumors to seizure to hate, the healing powers of marijuana are gaining acceptance in the medical community. December 12, 2012 | Now that marijuana has been legalized in Colorado and Washington state, a growing number of doctors and patients are paying attention to stories of medical marijuana being used to help in the treatment of everything from tumors to seizures. There is no conclusive research, but these anecdotal examples open up a host of possibities that can and …
Last reply by loves420, -
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The Unbiased Voice of the People: Marijuana and States Rights Posted: 11th December 2012 by bjdavis in Marijuana 2 Marijuana legalization is a state’s rights issue. Federal resistance to state-lead marijuana policy reform is an affront to the Tenth Amendment’s assertion that states have the right to decide their own laws outside of the Constitutionally granted powers given to Congress. So often you hear the arguments about the morality or economic analysis of marijuana legalization. You hear talk of drugs falling into the hands of children or supporting cartels and terrorists…
Last reply by loves420, -
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Americans Want Federal Gov't Out of State Marijuana Laws Overall support for legalizing marijuana use is split December 10, 2012 by Frank Newport PRINCETON, NJ -- Sixty-four percent of Americans are against the federal government's taking steps to enforce federal anti-marijuana laws in states where marijuana is legal. Americans who personally believe that marijuana should be legal overwhelmingly say the federal government should not get involved at the state level, along with four in 10 of those who are opposed to legalized marijuana. …
Last reply by loves420, -
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Joe Biden Will Ensure Obama Administration's Tough Drug War Stance: Former White House Official The Huffington Post | By Nick Wing Posted: 12/11/2012 6:31 pm EST | Updated: 12/11/2012 8:42 pm EST ticism over the United States' role in the war on drugs is increasingly making its way into mainstream discussion. As prominent officials such as former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter come out and publicly concede that the policies they followed to bolster a broad system based on drug enforcement and prohibition didn't work, drug policy reformers are clamoring to know why President Barack Obama is continuing to neglect the lessons of the past and present. Bu…
Last reply by loves420, -
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Smugglers Are Literally Shooting Drugs Out Cannons Towards the US UMA, Ariz. (AP) -- U.S. Border Patrol agents say smugglers have come up with yet another creative way to get drugs in the country - a cannon. Authorities say 33 cans of marijuana were spotted Friday in a field near where the Colorado River crosses the U.S.-Mexico border. They believe the cans were launched about 500 feet into the U.S. using a pneumatic-powered cannon. After searching the area, agents recovered a carbon dioxide tank. Mexican authorities were also notified and searched their side of the border. The 85 pounds of marijuana found in the cans had an estimated value of $42,500. Authorities say B…
Last reply by loves420, -
- 420 Crew
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Colorado and Washington voters recently passed new state laws legalizing marijuana for recreational use, marking a new step in states decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana, but the federal government has acted as a barrier, declaring federal law prohibiting drugs to be supreme to state law. Dallas marijuana defense lawyer Richard McConathy says the federal government is acting improperly and ... View the full article
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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Colorado and Washington were just the beginning. View the full article
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
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Lost in the impasse over the fiscal cliff is the standoff between the states of Washington and Colorado and the Obama administration over marijuana laws, which may get a push from Colorado's early decision to legalize pot. View the full article
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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Amsterdam's mayor said Wednesday he would formally ban students from smoking marijuana at school, making the Dutch capital the first city in the Netherlands to do so.Eberhard van der Laan's introduction ... View the full article
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 420 Crew
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A 50-year-old man has been charged with drug offences after police found 117 cannabis plants in the garage of his Blue Mountains home. View the full article
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
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Here: Don't mind me...trying to keep up with love420.... "V"
Last reply by loves420, -
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How much do you know about marijuana? Enlarge Tony Avelar / The Christian Science Monitor In November 2012, Massachusetts became the 18th state to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Voters in Washington and Colorado passed initiatives that would make their states the first in the country to allow recreational use of the drug. But under federal law, the sale of cannabis remains illegal. And the US Food and Drug Administration states that marijuana has "no currently accepted medical use in treatment i…
Last reply by louise, -
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So Where Will All That 'Legal' Pot Come From? Sale Of Pot Stymied Washington State's new law makes it legal for adults to possess up to an ounce of marijuana, but some speculate the federal government will prosecute those who use marijuana on federal land because federal law prohibits marijuana use. NBC's Kristen Dahlgren reports. By M. Alex Johnson, NBC News Washington and Colorado say you can legally smoke marijuana for fun now, but here's the catch: You can't legally buy it. M. Alex Johnson is a reporter for NBC News. Follow him on Twitter and …
Last reply by Faith, -
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Convicted Montana pot provider makes White House history Posted: Dec 11, 2012 8:29 AM by MTN News Updated: Dec 11, 2012 8:29 AM WASHINGTON D.C. - A groundswell of support for convicted Montana medical marijuana provider Chris Williams has surfaced in a petition for a Presidential pardon. This weekend, the White House petition to pardon Williams became the first of its kind to reach the 25,000 signatures required for a response from the Obama Administration. In September, Williams was convicted of eight federal felonies connected with his Montana Cannabis business. Wi…
Last reply by loves420, -
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Bill Clinton Joins World Leaders In Declaring Drug War Failure By Nicole Flatow on Dec 10, 2012 at 5:30 pm Former President Bill Clinton and a number of other world leaders are declaring the “War on Drugs” a failure in a new documentary about the remarkable violence, illegal activity and mass incarceration caused by worldwide drug prohibition. The free online film notes the immense “taboo” for politicians against discussing shifts in drug policy. Below are some of the most noteworthy statements from national and world leaders, including Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, the first sit…
Last reply by Son Of Abraham,