International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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'ere: or 'ere In the wake of our victory in Colorado -- where 54.8 percent of the voters passed Amendment 64, a constitutional amendment to regulate marijuana like alcohol -- good people are understandably clamoring to pass similar measures in their states. Here is a listing of the ingredients of the recipe that led to the historic victory in Colorado on November 6. 1. Presidential Election: Given that no one had ever previously legalized marijuana in the history of the world, we assumed that the election in Colorado would be close -- win or lose. So we intentionally chose to place our initia…
Last reply by VOSTOK, -
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Over the weekend of April 20-21. This is the same one, High Times Cannabis Challenge, that has been held in Amsterdam for the past 25 years. Dutch are gonna be pissed but then again they can only blame themselves more 'ere:
Last reply by VOSTOK, -
- 420 Crew
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Usually Miss America contestants are talking about how they want to make the world a more peaceful place, but at last weekend's pageant, one sounded like she wanted to legalize pot. View the full article
Last reply by Cerberus, -
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- 435 views Quote: There is no taboo around pot smoking in the country – many North Koreans know the drug exists and have smoked it. In North Korea, the drug goes by the name of ip tambae or “leaf tobacco.” It is reported to be especially popular amongst young soldiers in the North Korean military – rather than getting hooked on tar & nicotine like their contemporaries in the West, they fraternize without fear of repercussion by lighting up king-sized doobies during down time on the military beat. I have some experience of Soviet politics and have to say I don't …
Last reply by VOSTOK, -
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Study: Per Se Drugged Driving Laws Have Little Or No Impact On Traffic Deaths by Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director January 14, 2013 The imposition of so-called per se drugged driving laws, which create new traffic safety violations for drivers who operate a vehicle with the presence of trace amounts of certain controlled substances and/or their inert metabolites (byproducts) in their blood or urine, do not reduce incidences of traffic safety deaths. That’s the conclusion of a just-published study by economists at the University of Colorado, Denver and Montana State University. The study is available from the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) i…
Last reply by loves420, -
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More and more Americans want pot legal By David Nathan, Special to CNN updated 10:25 AM EST, Wed January 16, 2013 A woman hand rolls joints in San Francisco for a medical cannabis cooperative. Colorado and Washington state legalized recreational marijuana on November 6. STORY HIGHLIGHTS David Nathan wrote op-ed from doctor's point of view, urging pot be legal for adults Nathan: Positive response was overwhelming, attitudes to pot are changing fast Nathan says pot might be bad for people with emotional problems and for children He says legal pot would bring in tax money, reduce…
Last reply by loves420, -
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Bill filed to legalize medical marijuana in Kansas By KHI NEWS SERVICE KHI News Service Jan. 15, 2013 Document Medical Marijuana Bill Download .PDF View Document TOPEKA — A bill to legalize medical marijuana in the state was introduced in the Kansas Senate and referred today to the Public Health and Welfare Committee. The "Cannabis Compassion and Care Act" would permit the use of marijuana to treat pain and nausea associated with a number of conditions including cancer, glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, or multiple sclerosis.…
Last reply by loves420, -
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Pennsylvania Senator Prefiles Cannabis Legalization Bill, Pennsylvanians Approve By Erik Altieri, NORML Communications Director Last week, state Senator from Montgomery County Daylin Leach announced his intentions to file legislation that would legalize the adult use of marijuana, in a way similar to the laws recently approved in Colorado and Washington. “I acknowledge that it may take a while, but like same-sex marriage,” stated Sen. Leach, “this will inevitably happen. Demographics and exposure will in time defeat irrational fears, old wives tales and bad science. This bill furthers the discussion, which hastens the day.” This legislation, if approved,…
Last reply by loves420, -
- 420 Crew
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POLICE in Zimbabwe say they've seized about four tonnes of marijuana leaf after they spotted a truck being suspiciously "escorted" by a minibus and a taxi. View the full article
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Police in Zimbabwe say they have seized about four tons of marijuana aboard a truck driven from the neighboring country of Malawi, their biggest haul on record. View the full article
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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New York, Jan. 16 (ANI): A report that suggests regular marijuana smoking during the teen years can lead to a long-term drop in IQ has been challenged by a paper that says that the statistical analysis behind the conclusion is flawed. View the full article
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
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Sickens me petition but good read
Last reply by Ferrethead, -
- 420 Crew
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Last reply by Ferrethead, -
- 420 Crew
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The son of a retired chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department was sentenced Monday to a year in federal prison and fined $6,000 for heading a marijuana-smuggling ring in which he bribed security officers ... View the full article
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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New Zealand researchers are hitting back at a Norwegian doctor who's questioning their finding that heavy cannabis use during the teenage years is responsible for lower IQ. View the full article
Last reply by Cerberus, -