Cannabis Hemp News
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Ottawa — Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham said Sunday he's not worried that "a fresh source of tension" with United States officials would arise should Canada decide to decriminalize marijuana. "I'm not concerned," he said on CTV Question Period. "It will certainly be an ultimate item of discussion. Some people in the United States have said it will raise problems on the border, so we'll see if that's true. "I honestly, in the end, don't believe it will, because I think we'll do it in a way which reduces the tensions the way we've handled the 30-point border program." On Thursday, a parliamentary committee released a report recommending fines rather than crimin…
Last reply by boulder, -
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U.S. drug czar John Walters says Ottawa's push towards decriminalizing marijuana could make Canada a major supplier of drugs, a situation he says will "complicate" efforts to secure the world's longest undefended border. "Frankly, I'm worried about Canada beginning to look like Mexico as a major supplier of drugs into the United States," Walters told CTV's Question Period Sunday. "We want legitimate trade and movement but we cannot ignore the threats that are serious -- terror and drugs -- to become an increasing problem." Earlier this week, a Commons committee recommended decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use, saying current p…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Police and the government will milk the proposed decriminalization of pot like a cash cow, warns the leader of the Marijuana Party. "The day that the government realizes there's money to be made by fining marijuana users, I guarantee there's going to be an increase in repression," said Marc- Boris St-Maurice. Agreeing it's a step toward legalization, St-Maurice is fuming about a Commons committee recommendation that would see those caught possessing 30 grams or less get off with a ticket and no criminal record. Justice Minister Martin Cauchon says he's ready to roll on the decriminalization of marijuana for personal use by early next year. St-Maurice, a former Mont…
Last reply by boulder, -
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In a highly unusual move, the Supreme Court of Canada refused yesterday to proceed with three constitutional appeals to Canada's pot law because Justice Minister Martin Cauchon says he is on the verge of decriminalizing marijuana. One after another, several of Canada's top judges grilled federal lawyer David Frankel, who wanted to go ahead and defend the criminal law that outlaws simple possession and argue that marijuana is a harmful substance. But the judges interjected that Cauchon has said the law's penalties are too harsh and its enforcement too uneven, and appeared baffled by Frankel's explanations that the minister was expressing "a personal view." Cauchon h…
Last reply by boulder, -
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On Dec. 12, the House of Commons special committee on the non-medical use of drugs released a report calling for the decriminalization of marijuana, and Justice Minister Martin Cauchon has said he plans to put forth a decriminalization bill early in 2003. It is a safe bet that the U.S. government reaction will be hostile, just as it always seems to be when people talk about reconsidering marijuana laws. Canadians should understand that on drug policy, the U.S. government is increasingly out of step with Americans. Canadians should use their own good sense, make their own judgments, and disregard U.S. bullying, as most of our drug laws were made on a racist foundation…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Source: Barrie Advance A proposed mellowing of Canadian marijuana laws has sparked a heated debate between friends and foes of the illicit weed. "It's encouraging that they are talking about it, but I still say we need full legalization," said long-time cannabis advocate Ron McInnes. The recommendation that possession of small amounts of pot no longer result in criminal charges was among several released Thursday by a Special Parliamentary Committee tasked with studying illegal drugs. It comes just days after federal Justice Minister Martin Cauchon hinted that his government may introduce legislation to decriminalize pot early in the new year. For its part, the …
Last reply by boulder, -
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Source: Ottawa Citizen The Supreme Court of Canada judges have written a letter questioning whether they should proceed with a federal government case against marijuana smoking today, given that Justice Minister Martin Cauchon says he is going to decriminalize the drug. As soon as the judges read about Mr. Cauchon's announcement earlier this week, the court wrote lawyers for the federal government and three marijuana enthusiasts, asking whether the case should be put on hold in light of the developments. At the same time that Mr. Cauchon is planning decriminalization, his own Justice Department lawyers are scheduled to argue in the Supreme Court today that mariju…
Last reply by boulder, -
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If Steve Treleaven had a dollar for every time a fellow inmate had told him that there was no way he could have received a 20-year sentence just for growing some pot on his land, he would be a rich man. And if he had another dollar for every time that he had been told he would never end up doing the whole sentence, he could be running for governor. Instead, he is sitting alone in the visiting room of the shiny, new U.S. penitentiary in Atwater, about 300 miles north of where he spent a carefree childhood in Van Nuys and a few million light-years away from the life he had now hoped to be living. In his letters out, he describes himself as POW number 08656—023. Like tens…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Source: National Post U.S. drug czar John Walters warned yesterday that Canadians could face problems at the border if Ottawa proceeds with the decriminalization of marijuana. Mr. Walters travelled to the Canada-U.S. border at Buffalo to deliver his message on the same day a Commons committee called for the possession and cultivation of less than 30 grams of marijuana to be decriminalized. Mr. Walters, the director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, said RCMP officials recently told him that 95% of all marijuana grown in Vancouver is sent to the United States. "The RCMP informed me that many of the organizations, some of them ethnically …
Last reply by boulder, -
Pre-schooler's dope gift
by Guest Urbanhog- 3 replies
SOURCE: Daily Telegraph, NSW, Australia heheh, this is funny..... Urbanhog
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Restore-Digest Wednesday, December 11 2002 Volume 2002 : Number 268 001 Canada: One toke over line 002 Ottawa set to ease pot laws 003 GA: Forgotten Man 004 CA: WAMM may get official city status 005 Canada: Smoke rises over pot plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 06:42:56 -0800 From: "D. Paul Stanford" <> Subject: 001 Canada: One toke over line Newshawk: CMAP ( Pubdate: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON) Contact: Website: Author: Maria McClintock One toke over lin…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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Owner protests as cops brand first drug house By EDITH BEVIN December 13, 2002 The owner of the Territory's first drug house said last night she was being punished even though she had not committed a crime. Dianne Burnett, 37, said she was being made to pay for the actions of her drug-dealing tenants. "I've done nothing wrong," she told the Northern Territory News. Iridescent green notices were put up on all entrances at 20 Spencer St at Alice Springs yesterday. The signs were erected by Superintendent Colleen Gwynne and Acting Senior Sergeant Dave Proctor of Alice Springs police. The declaration followed a court order and the issuing of three warnings by …
Last reply by Green Finned Demon, -
Judge rules 900 cannabis plants for personal use!
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
SOURCE: The Carins Post. Mena Creek is a nice green spot, plenty of rainfalls, and lots of tropical forest with similar green colour as marijuana for great hiding in the rainforest. As I used to live up Innisfail for almost 8-9 months working on banana plantations before settled in SE QLD. Urbanhog
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So we all have our personal favs but what is the best strain? The things to consider are: What do we have to do to get the results we all want? The array of strains available to the new user is staggering. What's even more confusing is that you'd be lucky to find two growers that agree on any one particular strain to buy, grow and then (if your lucky) clone. So what does a new grower do? If he or she is lucky to know some-one experienced then they can save years of fiddling and failures (Through little or no fault of their own). How? A clone. Just one. *(Any clone will do as long as it's from a healthy strong strain) Then it get's a bit technical. But this still leads us…
Last reply by Kimba, -
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Source: Globe and Mail A special parliamentary committee will recommend tomorrow that Ottawa decriminalize possession and cultivation of marijuana in amounts less than 30 grams, The Globe and Mail has learned. The recommendations, to be included in the report of the committee on non-medical use of drugs, will add weight to the suggestion of Justice Minister Martin Cauchon this week that Ottawa may move toward decriminalization as early as the new year. Sources told The Globe yesterday that the committee, which has been working for 18 months, will recommend that users not receive a criminal record if caught with less than 30 grams. Individuals would be allowed to c…
Last reply by boulder,