Cannabis Hemp News
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Greens back pedal on drugs policy The Australian Greens have backpedalled on their policy to decriminalise all types of drugs. Greens policy documents on the party's website state that illegal drugs should be decriminalised and regulated to improve health and well-being. When questioned about the policy on the Nine Network's Sunday program, Greens senator Bob Brown said despite criminalisation of drugs having failed tough controls were needed on those who peddled drugs. "As far as I'm concerned where criminals are involved in peddling drugs they should go to jail," Senator Brown said. Senator Brown, a qualified GP, also said he did not believe drugs should be pr…
Last reply by US_Astrolyte, -
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The current and previous presidents of the United States used marijuana. So has presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted to drug use. Conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, who once beat the drums for jailing white junkies, has been through drug treatment. Some 75,000 Californians now use marijuana under a doctor's care. The U.S. Supreme Court let stand an appellate court ruling barring Uncle Sam from punishing doctors who prescribe medical marijuana under state law. A federal district court in California has allowed defendants to introduce evidence that they were growing marijuana for medical purposes. Sa…
Last reply by Oz, -
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THE LIBERALS' BILL TO DECRIMINALIZE MARIJUANA WAS BAD POLICY AND DESERVES TO DIE ON THE ORDER PAPER. Barring unforeseen plot twists, a federal election will soon be called and a bill decriminalizing marijuana will go up in flames. As a supporter of marijuana reform, I say, goodbye and good riddance. Decriminalization was not only bad public policy, the bill's production and presentation were deceptive, even fraudulent -- as demonstrated by documents obtained under the Access to Information Act. From the beginning, Martin Cauchon, the justice minister who promoted decriminalization, promised an open discussion, a theme repeated by the throne speech of Sept. 30, …
Last reply by Tom, -
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Marijuana briefing for select committee 13.05.2004 Experts and officials from Government-sanctioned medical marijuana programmes in the Netherlands, Canada and the United States will visit New Zealand this month. Governments around the world have begun legalising the use of marijuana by patients with chronic pain and other forms of suffering. A parliamentary health select committee has recommended New Zealand consider making cannabis-based medicines available to suffering patients, and the Drug Policy Forum Trust has invited the overseas experts to brief it on their programmes. Source.
Last reply by Tom, -
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Pot bill goes ashes to ashes Janice Tibbetts CanWest News Service Friday, May 14, 2004 OTTAWA -- A bill to decriminalize marijuana has gone up in smoke, failing for the second time in six months and prompting criticism that the Martin government deliberately killed the proposal. "As we speak, it doesn't look too good," Mario Lague, a spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office, said as the House of Commons wrapped up its last voting day before an anticipated election call this month. Critics contend the Liberals lacked the political will to pass the controversial legislation proposing to decriminalize possession of less than 15 grams of pot, making it …
Last reply by Tom, -
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REFUGEES PLANT NEW AND RISKY CASH CROP Marijuana Found Among Tomatoes FRESNO, Calif. - On the edge of suburbia, the magnificent gardens of Southeast Asian refugees rise and fall. On leased ground no bigger than five or 10 acres - small potatoes to the giant industrial growers - the refugees plant their own long-shot dreams: Chinese bitter melon, Chinese broccoli, Thai chili, ong choy, su choy, daikon and kohlrabi. The best strawberries in the San Joaquin Valley are grown by a tribe of CIA-trained commandos who fled the highlands of Laos after the Vietnam War. Thai eggplant, slightly spicier than its Armenian cousin, is the specialty of the lowland Lao. Th…
Last reply by Tom, -
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Elderly couple fined for cannabis stash 14 May 2004 A biscuit is not always just a biscuit, as Marion Chitty found out when her home cooking landed her in court on drug charges this week, along with her partner who grew the special ingredient. But it was the age of the offenders – not their crime – that surprised New Plymouth police. Chitty is 67 years old, and her partner Ronald John Henry Stratford is 56. They were caught with 6kg of cannabis, some of which was frozen and stored in a deep freeze. Drug squad boss Detective Sergeant Greg Gray said two of the local police's biggest cannabis seizures recently had involved elderly people. "It's not the …
Last reply by LoveMeBucket, -
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LONDON (AFP) - The launch in Britain of a home drug-testing kit next week has led experts to caution against the over-the-counter product which, they say, will lead to parents spying on, and confronting, their children rather than offering discussion and support. The Six-Drug MultiTest, manufactured by the Irish firm Hunter Diagnostics, can detect the presence of six drugs in urine, including cannabis, heroin, cocaine and ectasy. It will cost just over 12 pounds (18 euros, 21 dollars) and some 11,000 units have already been sold in Ireland over the past year -- 50 percent of them to parents, with police, hospitals and school among the other buyers. "Obviously a child's…
Last reply by Tom, -
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More evidence is required to associate cannabis use with negative psychosocial effects Posted By: News-Medical in Medical Research News Published: Friday, 14-May-2004 University of Birmingham researchers conclude that more evidence is required to determine the nature and extent of associating cannabis use with negative psychosocial effects. Their systematic review of research in this area was commissioned by the Department of Health and is published in this week's issue of The Lancet. The use of cannabis and other illicit drugs by young people is linked to psychosocial harm including psychological health problems, the use of other illegal drugs, reduced educational…
Last reply by Tom, -
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A Darwin mayoral candidate has called for drugs to be legalised to turn the city into "Australia's Amsterdam". Stuart Highway, from the controversial lobby group Network Against Prohibition, said drug tourism would attract thousands of tourists from around the world. Mr Highway is one of seven candidates vying for the top job in the Darwin City Council elections on May 29. "If elected I will use my position as lord mayor to accelerate the Network Against Prohibition campaign for the re-legalisation of all drugs," Mr Highway said. "Once this process is complete, it is hoped that Darwin will become Australia's Amsterdam. "Drug tourism will attract thousands of tou…
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff, -
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New South Wales Liberal leader John Brodgen says he does not understand why cannabis for use in a trial to help pain and suffering among terminally ill people would have to be imported from overseas. The Opposition leader has suggested the drug could be grown locally. Premier Bob Carr said that plans for the trial had stalled because of delays with pharmaceutical companies in the UK developing an inhaler, his preferred method of supplying the drug. He has raised the possibility of importing the drug from Canada, where it is already used for medicinal purposes, rather than growing it here. He has written to Prime Minister John Howard, seeking his support. But Mr …
Last reply by livebytheleaf, -
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A 23-year-old man is assisting police with their inquiries after the discovery of more than $2 million worth of cannabis in the north-west of New South Wales. Police say they have discovered 1,200 cannabis plants with an estimated street value of $2.4 million. Vanessa Allen-Erickson, from the New South Wales Police media unit, says police acted on information given to them by the public. "We've got a 23-year-old Sydney man located by police near the site of the plantation," she said. "He's been taken to Walcha police station to assist with inquiries." The cannabis was allegedly found at the Werrikimbe National Park, which is located about 85 kilometres east of …
Last reply by Quad Damage, -
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The NSW government has sought federal backing to trial cannabis as a medicinal treatment for people suffering acute pain that cannot be treated with more conventional therapies. NSW Premier Bob Carr has written to Prime Minister John Howard seeking his help in setting up the trial involving HIV, cancer and multiple sclerosis patients. Mr Carr said the Government had no intention of decriminalising cannabis, and other alternatives of accessing cannabis would have to be explored. "NSW is opposed to any scheme which involves growing cannabis in backyards or requiring sick people to buy it on the black market," Mr Carr said. "That means we need to look at the alternat…
Last reply by Brash, -
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Media Alert 7th May 2004 Darwin City Council election candidates declare war on Drug Prohibition Three members of the Darwin based Network Against Prohibition have been nominated to stand for positions in the Darwin City Council election to be held on the 29th of May. Stuart Highway, long term human rights activist, has been nominated for the position of Lord Mayor. Robert Inder-Smith, journalist and civil liberties campaigner will stand in the Chan Ward and Gary Meyerhoff, youth worker, injecting drug user and co-founder of the Network Against Prohibition will contest the Lyons Ward. All three NAP activists face between 15 and 21 months jail for their role in…
Last reply by jonbrown, -
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Pharmaceutical giant Bayer HealthCare has applied to market a marijuana-based drug in Canada. If approved, it would be the first cannabis-based drug legally available in this country for the relief of debilitating symptoms of multiple sclerosis and severe neuropathic pain. Bayer and GW Pharmaceuticals of Britain announced Tuesday they had filed a new drug submission to Health Canada for Sativex, an oral spray developed by GW Pharmaceuticals and licensed to Bayer. A spokesperson for Health Canada said it typical takes about 18 months for the department's therapeutic products directorate to review and rule on a submission. Bayer's vice-president for public policy a…
Last reply by mrbillz, -