Cannabis Hemp News
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Under the cover of dawn, squads prepare to swoop BROOKE JACOBSON Thursday, 27 May 2004 Most of Dubbo slept as more than 200 police gathered before sunrise yesterday to take part in one of the State's largest drug bust operations. Local police and detectives joined officers from the State Crime Command, NSW gangs squad as well as drug squad officers and dog squad handlers for a briefing at a secret location. Outside, a large contingent of local and national media impatiently stamped their feet against the cold and waited for the orders to move out. The officer in charge of the operation, Detective Superintendent Ken McKay from the gangs squad, and former Orana …
Last reply by Tom, -
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A Darwin man has been charged with possessing $10,000 worth of cannabis after police raided his alleged "retail drug shop" in Arnhem Land. Police allege the 29-year-old was operating from a "retail shop" from one of the rooms in the house at Numbulwar, complete with a cash register. And police say cannabis, cigarettes, clothing, toys and lollies were all being sold from the house. Police allegedly found 380 grams of cannabis inside, with a potential street value of $10,000. Information from the public tipped the police off to the alleged operation. The man was taken to Alyungula police station and interviewed while Palmerston police executed a search warrant at th…
Last reply by free choice, -
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Cannabis kingpin feared murdered By NIGEL HUNT 25may04 A MISSING Ethelton man was a major supplier of cannabis to dealers on the state's West Coast, it has been revealed. Police investigations into the disappearance of Eric Lynch, 45, have discovered he is ranked in the "top handful" of suppliers of hydroponically grown cannabis. Investigators believe Mr Lynch, missing since February 10, made regular drug runs to Port Lincoln. Although locally grown cannabis is freely available in West Coast towns, there is a lucrative market for hydroponically grown cannabis because it is stronger. Port Lincoln CIB Detective Senior Constable George Fenwick said yesterday investig…
Last reply by lsd, -
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Drugs seized in raid May 25 2004 Shepparton News Members from Shepparton's Regional Response Unit assisted Bendigo Police in a major drug operation at the weekend. Twenty-five search warrants were executed in Bendigo and outlying areas, resulting in 26 offenders being charged. Police laid 181 charges, including a number for serious drug offences. Speed tablets, ecstasy tablets, ecstasy powder, prescription drugs including Valium, morphine and Viagra, four cannabis plants and about 85 grams of cannabis were seized from various premises during the raids. The raid was the second in two weeks, both of which have been of similar size. Regional Response Unit Sup…
Last reply by Tom, -
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A bumper cannabis crop is being blamed for a Wairarapa school recording one of the highest suspension rates in New Zealand. Makoura College handed out the punishment 62 times last year, with 24 students suspended for drugs in February and March when a surplus of cannabis flooded the market, Education Ministry student support manager Peter Norton said. As a proportion of its 402 students, Makoura recorded its highest ever suspension rate last year and the fourth highest rate in New Zealand. The school had since joined a project involving iwi, which had resulted in suspensions dropping to four in the first term this year, Mr Norton said. College principal Chris …
Last reply by Oz, -
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By AAP Date: 21/05/04 Source: The Australian The Australian
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University life and dope smoking are not synonymous, according to research done by fourth-year health and science students at the University of WA. Luke van Zeller, a health promotion student at UWA, said students had often been labelled "dope smokers" because of the relaxed atmosphere at university and the drug-related history of the '70s protest movement. But he said they had disproved the theory, showing only 2.1% of students regularly smoked cannabis and 56.8% had never taken any drugs. Luke said: "These are very encouraging results. "We intend to use these results to encourage students not to start taking drugs because they feel a need to fit in." In 2001, …
Last reply by jonbrown, -
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A biscuit is not always just a biscuit, as Marion Chitty found out when her home cooking landed her in court on drug charges this week, along with her partner who grew the special ingredient. But it was the age of the offenders ? not their crime ? that surprised New Plymouth police. Chitty is 67 years old, and her partner Ronald John Henry Stratford is 56. They were caught with 6kg of cannabis, some of which was frozen and stored in a deep freeze. Drug squad boss Detective Sergeant Greg Gray said two of the local police's biggest cannabis seizures recently had involved elderly people. "It's not the first time people in the older age group have been caught w…
Last reply by LuvBuds, -
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- 420 Crew
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It looked like an ordinary suburban home, but inside it had been turned into an enormous greenhouse growing marijuana plants more than a metre tall. Police discovered 850 plants during a raid on the single-storey Canterbury residence yesterday. The crop, with a street value of approximately $1.7 million, was hydroponically grown in four rooms and the roof cavity of the property in Banna St. "The house was set up for the sole purpose of cultivating these plants," Ashfield Detective Acting Inspector Brad Monk said. "There were few signs that people were actually staying at the premises." A team of 16 officers arrived with a search warrant at 9.20am. They were acting…
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
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Potent dope causing problems for Hawke's Bay Hospital 13.05.2004 2.10 pm A particularly potent crop of marijuana has been putting pressure on Hawke's Bay Hospital's psychiatric unit, with unexpected numbers of young men admitted after smoking the drug. Hawke's Bay District Health Board chief executive Chris Clarke told a meeting yesterday the sudden influx of patients was almost entirely due to cannabis use. "Apparently this year's Hawke's Bay crop is particularly potent," he said. The 22-bed mental health unit has a history of overcrowding, with patients in the past often required to sleep on mattresses on the floor. With improved staffing and clinical …
Last reply by F420, -
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Chubby potheads with lots of rooms 15.05.2004 By DIANA McCURDY Scared of walking in the dark, dedicated to smoking pot, poor and fat? That's the picture of New Zealanders that has emerged from a new Australian book, How Australia Compares, which measures 18 developed democracies against the lucky country. In a series of league tables, authors Rodney Tiffen and Ross Gittins deal the New Zealand ego a savage blow. Among other things, the book reveals New Zealanders are the most likely to fear burglary and the least likely to feel safe walking in the dark. But we do have some justification for our anxiety. New Zealand's crime rate is second highest after Sweden …
Last reply by F420, -
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Which side is winning war on drugs? By Doug Bandow May 13, 2004 The war on drugs is going badly. A D V E R T I S E M E N T The current and previous presidents of the United States used marijuana. So has presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted to drug use. Radio host Rush Limbaugh, who once beat the drums for jailing white junkies, has been through drug treatment. Some 75,000 Californians now use marijuana under a doctor's care. The U.S. Supreme Court let stand a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling barring Uncle Sam from punishing doctors who prescribe medical ma…
Last reply by free choice, -
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Nepali Caught With Cannabis A women who hid cannabis worth US $ 1.45 million in the heels of her shoes was arrested as she attempted to shuffle past customs officers at Hong Kong’s international airport. The Nepali woman, who had 9.1 kg of cannabis resin stashed in her footwear and luggage, was apprehended on Friday (May 7) on arrival from Kathmandu after high-tech scanners pinpointed the contraband. She was scheduled to appear before magistrates on Monday on charges of trafficking dangerous drugs. If convicted, the woman faces a possible life prison sentence. The Himalayan Times daily reports. Source
Last reply by free choice, -
Customs Seize
by Tom- 1 reply
Customs seize £3.5m of cannabis The seized resin has an estimated street value of £3.5m Customs officers have seized cannabis with an estimated street value of £3.5m from a freight lorry entering the UK at Poole ferry port. The vehicle was stopped and searched on Thursday evening after arriving on a ferry from Cherbourg, France. Officers found about 1.3 tonnes of cannabis resin concealed in two commercial air conditioning units. The driver, a 52-year-old UK national living in France, was questioned and later released. Customs spokesman, Bob Gaiger, said: "Poole ferry port should not be seen as a soft touch by smugglers." Inquiries were continuing, he sai…
Last reply by free choice, -
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The Howard Government's drug taskforce is launching a new offensive against marijuana, with a booklet that the taskforce's head says will "tell the truth" and combat the "trivialisation" of the drug's dangers. Australian National Council on Drugs chairman Brian Watters yesterday said a "pro-marijuana lobby" had successfully promoted the idea that cannabis was no more dangerous than alcohol and should be legalised. "I think there has been a really concerted effort in some quarters to trivialise its effects," he said. "The pro-marijuana lobby have done very well. They are very, very active." Major Watters said the booklet would counter these perceptions by bringing t…
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