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Author: AAP Date: 13:48 AEST Fri Apr 22 2005 Source: AAP/NineMSN National Nine News Copyright: ©AAP 2005
Last reply by Pickle, -
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Magistrates express alarm at drug use TWO magistrates presiding in North East courts have expressed grave concerns about the upward trend in drug use. One of them, Mr John Murphy, has described the prevalence of cannabis in the community as “a nightmare for parents and frightening”. Mr Peter Couzens said there was an enormous number of cannabis-related matters coming before him. “It is in my view a very dangerous drug,” he said. But Mr Couzens also believes amphetamine use in the North East and particularly Wodonga is more prevalent than other areas of the State. Both have spoken out about the impact of drugs on families because of what they see as furth…
Last reply by raverspec, -
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Police in central Australia say they have found about $75,000 worth of cannabis in two separate raids in Alice Springs. Police say they found $50,000 worth of the drug at a home this week. A 30-year-old man was arrested during the raid. He has been charged with possessing and supplying a commercial quantity of cannabis. The man has been released on bail and is due to appear in court at the end of the month. Last week, police arrested a 35-year-old man during a raid of his home in Gillen, where they allege they found almost 500 grams of cannabis. Author:ABC Date:Thursday, April 21, 2005. Source:ABC Copyright:© 2005 ABC A quick calculation show that they hav…
Last reply by Tom, -
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Hey guys... Long time not talk... I have been reading a few of the Posts on the Compass Study and Cannasat. Some very exciting stuff happening in Canada that I am proud to say I will be a part of. Having fought for over twelve years in this issue for help because of an excruciating pain in my face 24/7 and having ONLY Cannabis work - some relief is FINALLy on the way. :thumbsup What people I am hoping will understand is that ther is room for EVERYTHING. People like me will STILL smoke, eat and drink Pot. Not everyone will do what I do. Some choose only Pharmaceuticals. We have to make BOTH available. I will fight to my death before I give up my Licen…
Last reply by budsville, -
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Three men will appear in a court in north Queensland today after a large cannabis crop was found growing in bushland near Mareeba in north Queensland. Police said a search yesterday of an area north of Mt Surprise near the Lind River revealed more than 1,000 plants. Three men will appear in Cairns magistrates court today, each charged with one count of possession and one count of production of a dangerous drug. Police said they were seeking a fourth man. Author:AAP Date:Tue Apr 19 2005 Source:AAP Copyright:©AAP 2005
Last reply by Tom, -
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ENERGEX has faced many unusual disputes about electricity costs but rarely in a Supreme Court criminal sentence. In the Supreme Court in Brisbane yesterday, Shane Andrew Collier, 39, pleaded guilty to producing and possessing cannabis sativa at his Gold Coast home on March 3 last year. Collier also admitted diverting electricity from powerlines to his home to generate artificial light used in five hydroponic systems to grow cannabis sativa. Prosecutor Ken Spinaze asked Justice John Muir to impose a cumulative sentence for stealing the electricity on any sentence Collier received for producing the drugs. Energex estimated the value of the electricity at $7185 fo…
Last reply by Tom, -
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The Western Australian Opposition has renewed its attack on the State Government's cannabis laws after the release of a new study warning of the dangers of the drug. The study by the Institute of Psychiatry in London found cannabis use increased the likelihood of psychosis in people already prone to illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Under Western Australian law, people caught with a small amount of the drug can escape a criminal conviction. The Opposition's drug abuse spokesman, Graham Jacobs, says the new research is further proof the laws must be repealed. "Not only these studies, but from a practising doctor's point of view there are a numbe…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
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April 14, 2005 - Belmont, MA, USA Belmont, MA: Heavy, long-term use of cannabis appears to have a negligible impact on cognition and memory, according to clinical trial data published in the current issue of the American Journal of Addictions. Researchers at Harvard Medical School performed magnetic resonance imaging on the brains of 22 long-term cannabis users (reporting a mean of 20,100 lifetime episodes of smoking) and 26 controls (subjects with no history of cannabis use). Imaging displayed "no significant differences" between heavy cannabis smokers compared to controls. "These findings are consistent with recent literature suggesting that cannabis use is not as…
Last reply by rosscopico0, -
- 420 Crew
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April 14, 2005 - Honolulu, HI, USA Honolulu, HI: Behavior suggestive of schizophrenia generally precedes the onset of cannabis use, according to survey data published in the current issue of the journal Psychiatry Research. One-hundred and eighty-nine volunteers responded to an anonymous questionnaire inquiring about cannabis use and schizotypal traits (behavior suggestive of schizophrenia but not of sufficient severity to warrant a diagnosis of schizophrenia). Among recent cannabis users, average age of schizotypal symptoms significantly preceded age of first use of cannabis. When cases were analyzed individually, authors affirmed that the majority of respondents i…
Last reply by Pure, -
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A teacher who was found with 29 kilograms of cannabis in her home has faced a disciplinary hearing to consider whether she is fit to teach. Jennifer Scott, of Sherbrooke, pleaded guilty in 2003 to cultivating, possessing and using cannabis after police found 76 plants in her house. Shewas given a 12-month community-based order without conviction. Ms Scott, 45, yesterday told a Victorian Institute of Teaching disciplinary panel that she used cannabis before her arrest when she was stressed. She also made marijuana cookies to help her father, who was in chronic pain after a stroke. The panel heard there was no evidence, besides the commercial quantity, to suggest she ha…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
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A PLUMSTEAD man is on trial accused of being part of a gang of cannabis farmers who converted four homes into state-of-the-art factories producing bumper crops. Tuan Nguyen, 29, of Plumstead High Street appeared at Southwark Crown Court on Friday with four other Vietnamese men. The court heard the gang boosted profits by powering its suburban farms with stolen electricity. The homes, including one in Wricklemarsh Road, Blackheath, were equipped with hi-tech hydroponics systems that yielded harvests of 40kg - worth £120,000 - every six weeks. Special light bulbs, air filters and extractor fans were powered with energy stolen through the main street cables. Electrical…
Last reply by Tom, -
One in 73 drivers on drugs
by Guest Eikel- 1 reply
- 653 views,10117,12864928-1243,00.html I hope these things don't detect weed more than 12 hours after smoking it.
Last reply by OldmanMozz, -
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A 17-year-old on bail for firearms offences is alleged to have led a gang on a three-day crime spree which totalled tens of thousands of dollars. Goods totalling more than $70,000 were stolen during the rampage, which extended from Darwin to Katherine. Police allege the 17-year-old male and three females, aged 15, 17 and 18, broke into several homes in Darwin's CBD after attending a party together last Friday night. The gang is then believed to have stolen a vehicle in Darwin after the 17-year-old ringleader failed to report to police as a condition of his bail. The gang members then drove to Katherine, where they allegedly carried out up to five break-and-enters be…
Last reply by Warped, -
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A LAVINGTON woman who carried cannabis with her when visiting her father in Junee jail should have been sentenced to community service, a magistrate said in Albury Court yesterday. But Mr Tony Murray said Kaylah Maree Millar was deemed unsuitable in a pre-sentence report for that order because of her drug problem. Mr Murray said he regarded as serious offences involving people taking drugs into jails. He said he would take into account Millars drug problem, convicted her and put her on a two-year bond. She was ordered to attend counselling, courses or programs as directed, submit to urine analysis and was fined $400. Millar, 18, of Glenelg Drive, sought to …
Last reply by raverspec, -
- 420 Crew
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A CANNABIS-EATING granny was given a six month suspended jail sentence after admitting possessing the drug with intent to supply. Former Edinburgh restaurant owner Patricia Tabram, 66, ran a cookery club for her elderly neighbours and put the cannabis into recipes for medicinal purposes. She has since become the public face of the campaign to legalise cannabis, appearing on chat shows such as Richard and Judy and intends standing at the forthcoming General Election. But at Newcastle Crown Court yesterday she pleaded guilty to having 242 grammes of high quality cannabis at her home at Humshaugh, near Hexham, Northumberland in December. When police raided the ho…
Last reply by raverspec, -