Cannabis Hemp News
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Some more info on Nicotene vs Marijuana, for those of you who are wondering about Polonium 210 in pot smoke... Produced as a public service by the University of Massachusetts at Amherst Cannabis Reform Coalition Research and written by Brian S. Julin Corrections, comments, inquiries should be addressed to: UMASS CANNABIS S.A.O. Box #2 Tobacco crops grown in the United States are fertilized by law with phosphates rich in radium 226. In addition, many soils have a natural radium 226 content. Radium 226 breaks down into two long lived 'daughter' elements -- lead 210 and polonium 210. These radioactive particles become airborne, and attach themselves to the fine hairs on …
Last reply by Zaknefain, -
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Author: Varied news staff writers Date: Oct. 26, 2006 Source: WorldNetDaily, NewsWithViews Copyright: Unknown Hi every one. And we thought the Keystone Cops were only in old movies! Check this out: “Woman’s door broken down in police goof” Here’s another: “Police raid house for garden foliage” Check it out. Ending the drug war is starting to catch on. The Last site is at They are not a pro-MJ site, but they show even non users are getting the message about how lost, dangerous &a…
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk, -
- 420 Crew
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HERALD SUN,,, DRUG dealers are putting their lives at risk by stealing electricity to grow hydroponic crops, Queensland's Parliament has been told. Energy Minister Geoff Wilson said today electricity theft was getting worse, with one drug grower dying after illegally trying to hook up power to his home. He said in the past three weeks three growers had been caught, including one in north Queensland who used stolen electricity to cultivate one of the state's largest hydroponic drug crops. Power company Ergon Energy has now appointed an inspector to head a program to tackle the problem. "People who do this are not only endangering their own lives, but also putting…
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
- 420 Crew
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HERALD SUN Dutch to roll world's biggest joint From correspondents in The Hague November 22, 2006 04:53am Article from: Agence France-Presse Font size: + - Send this article: Print Email DEFYING police warnings, a Dutch group is set to roll the world's biggest joint, sending the previous record for a marijuana cigarette up in smoke. The world's largest joint will be a 500g, metre-long monstrosity, rolled with cigarette paper and easily dwarfing the previous 100g winner, ANP news agency reported overnight. To beat the record, it must be made entirely of marijuana with no tobacco mix. "Afterwards we'll light it up," predicted event organiser Thijs Verh…
Last reply by Stoney, -
by LOGGER_KING- 15 replies
HERALD SUN 60 drivers test positive for drugs - police November 14, 2006 01:19pm Article from: AAP Font size: + - Send this article: Print Email MORE than 60 drivers tested positive to drugs in the first round of state roadside testing, police in SA said today. Releasing interim results in the drug testing trial today, Assistant Commissioner Grant Stevens said 3424 drivers were tested between July 1 and November 12. Of those, 34 tested positive for methamphetamines, two tested positive to MDMA, 13 for cannabis and 14 to a combination of drugs. Officers also detected 46 drivers over the blood alcohol limit but said no motorists tested positive for both drug…
Last reply by Budman2012, -
Bucket Bongs on the Terrace 1 2 3
by Guest niall-
- 420 Crew
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Perth's Adelaide Terrace (turns into St Georges Terrace past Victoria Ave) is home to many corporate cannabis users. Some duck out the back for a quiet joint after work, some smoke in the alleyways on the way to their Friday Beer'o'Clock local, some just toke openly while walking down the Terrace at lunchtime or on the way home. Nobody really cares, it's not uncommon and a quick glance around usually reveals smirks and winks as our favourite bouquet wafts on the air. But this week, a bucket bong was found in the toilet cistern of the building where I work Building management aren't too happy (or knowledgeable) and sent out an email to all tenants asking for the act…
- 420 Crew
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By Natasha Elkington © Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved. Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:30pm ET TORONTO (Reuters) - The use of medical marijuana has given two Toronto professors the right to something that many students could only dream of -- access to specially ventilated rooms where they can indulge in peace. The two, at the esteemed University of Toronto and at York University to the north of the city, suffer from chronic medical conditions that some doctors say can be eased by smoking marijuana. They are among nearly 1,500 Canadians who have won the right to use the drug for health reasons. Using human rights legislation, the two petitioned their employers for the right…
Last reply by Zaknefain, -
- 420 Crew
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Last reply by Dr Rockster, -
Huge drug bust 1 2
by postman-
- 420 Crew
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POLICE yesterday uncovered one of the most extensive hydroponic drug productions in the state's history. STAR group officers stormed a warehouse on Benjamin St, Newton, about 5.30am and seized more than $50,000 worth of hydroponic equipment and 70 seedlings. Superintendent Paul Dickson said the find was significant, as the elaborate set-up had the potential to produce 21,000 street hits of cannabis every two to three months. "It must be one of the most extensive hydroponic crop set-ups that's ever been located by SA police," Supt Dickson said. "While the plants themselves weren't that big, it had the potential." A man, 39, was arrested at the warehouse. Another ma…
Last reply by king of coke, -
- 420 Crew
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Now here's 1 battle i would love to be involved in "We tried burning them with white phosphorous -- it didn't work. We tried burning them with diesel -- it didn't work. The plants are so full of water right now ... that we simply couldn't burn them," he said. i recon if we sent in the OSA army we could easily fix that crop for them just make sure WDC is there he the master at the preharvest quick dry method Clicky Clicky cheerz :Dj:
Last reply by Dr Rockster, -
- 420 Crew
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NEW YORK -- In a city where you can get just about anything delivered to your door -- groceries, dry cleaning, Chinese food -- pot smokers are ordering takeout marijuana from drug rings that operate with corporate-style attention to customer satisfaction. An untold number of otherwise law-abiding professionals in New York are having their pot delivered to their homes instead of visiting drug dens or hanging out on street corners. Among the legions of home delivery customers is Chris, a 37-year-old salesman in Manhattan. He dials a pager number and gets a return call from a cheery dispatcher who takes his order for potent strains of marijuana. Within a couple of hour…
Last reply by dev0, -
- 420 Crew
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Child sex, drug allegations A SENIOR NSW Government Minister has been charged with buying drugs to procure child prostitution, sexual assault, and paying for sex with a 16-year-old boy using taxpayer-funded electoral funds. The allegations yesterday plunged NSW Premier Morris Iemma into a new crisis, as he was forced to sack a second minister in two weeks and announce yet another reshuffle of his front bench. Aboriginal Affairs Minister Milton Orkopoulos was arrested at 7.30 yesterday morning at his home in Belmont, Lake Macquarie, and charged with 30 offences. He was released from Newcastle Court late yesterday on $20,000 bail. Mr Iemma said he was not informed u…
Last reply by everest, -
- 420 Crew
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Marijuana Strategic Findings * Asian criminal groups3 are expanding their position relative to wholesale distribution of Canada-produced, high potency marijuana in every region of the country. In fact, increasing distribution of high potency marijuana by Asian criminal groups as well as expansion of domestic high potency marijuana production appears to be significantly raising the average potency of marijuana in U.S. drug markets, elevating the threat posed by the drug. * The amount of marijuana available to domestic drug markets appears to be increasing slightly. This increase, coupled with decreasing demand for the drug, will quite likely result in lower pr…
Last reply by dev0, -
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Drug agents have raided one of the largest marijuana operations ever discovered in Gila County. The garden, located east of Payson and about a half mile east of the Tonto Creek Fish Hatchery, contained about 30,000 plants spread out over a half-mile area. The raid on the illegal operation occurred July 29 but law enforcement officers didn't begin eradication of the plants, some of which were seven feet tall, until Aug. 3. The garden was kept intact to allow other law enforcement officers, state officials and the media an opportunity to visit the site and see the garden firsthand. Also, local officers from the Gila County Narcotics Task Force and Department of Public…
Last reply by keepleft, -
- 420 Crew
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Burger's new herb Catherine Philp, Los Angeles November 09, 2006 SOME might call it the ultimate happy meal. But two police officers in New Mexico were unamused to discover the hamburgers they were chomping through had been laced with marijuana. Mark Landavazo and Henry Gabaldond are suing fast-food giant Burger King, alleging an array of offences from battery to negligence. The two officers were in uniform and driving a marked patrol car when they stopped at a Burger King restaurant in Los Lunas, New Mexico. They were halfway through their meal when they began to suspect the presence of an intoxicating substance on their burger patties. Tests confirmed that the e…
Last reply by Ruen, -