Cannabis Hemp News
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- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Drug Traffick Charge A South Australian man has been charged with drug trafficking in Singapore. 38 year old Michael Karras was allegedly caught with 495 grams of cannabis in his apartment. If found guilty, Karras will face between 5 and 20 years in jail. Australian officials are providing him with consular assistance. Source: Sky News Active... this story was edited before i got to copy it down, but the death penalty for cannabis in Singapore starts at 500 grams so this guy should be thanking his lucky stars that he wont die for having a bit of pot on him
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
- 1.5k views,9282,page=1 There are 21 pages in this thread- from about Sept 2006 to the present day-- frightening
Last reply by DownUnderDoper, -
- 2 replies
Here is bright spot to cheer us up a bit! Law Enforcement Against Prohibition speakers are making 'head' way... Hello Allison. Met a friend of yours today. Hints: saw her vid on U Tube- & "When the rain falls the cookies all get baked" and so do some people! OK OK here's the news! Hempy New Year every one!! mM
Last reply by medMUser, -
- 14 replies
A man caught bringing a cannabis plant into a Brisbane court says he will fight drug charges as part of his long-running campaign to have marijuana legalised. Peter Till, 39, of Nimbin in northern NSW, appeared in the Brisbane Magistrates Court charged with possessing a dangerous drug. Security officers said they seized the 50cm-tall cannabis plant at a screening machine in the Brisbane Magistrates Court's entry foyer on Monday. Mr Till said the plant was "evidence" for a court appearance. After the plant was seized, he still faced court on drug charges stemming from his arrest in October last year for smoking a cannabis cigarette in the city's Queen Street Mall. Desp…
Last reply by euph0rix, -
- 15 replies
I love to get at those seeds. And then scattered handfuls of that all over to let them grow. NB xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (an extract of that article) By MARK STEVENSON, Associated Press Writer Wed Dec 20, 8:29 PM ET LAZARO CARDENAS, Mexico - Soldiers trying to seize control of one Mexico's top drug-producing regions found the countryside teeming with a new hybrid marijuana plant that can be cultivated year-round and cannot be killed with herbicides. Soldiers fanned out across some of the new fields Tuesday, pulling up plants by the root a…
Last reply by nimbin1997, -
- 1 reply
Guess this post could go under a lot of different headings. I love this article. It's on the Church of the Universe, based in Canada, that claims pot as their sacrament. Not surprisingly, they've been busted recently.
Last reply by snitter, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
Any one seen the ads on Ch9 for WEEDS starting Tues 5th Dec ? Theres nothing on 9MSN about it however I've seen quite a few ads so far( during Letterman Monday morning 3:00am 27-11-06) ,theres a bit on the net WEEDS TV Show ,from memory the show does not portray cannabis in a negative way,its just by-the-way dope sales as they go about there lives.A single mum I believe this could be interesting in view of the current "Reefer Madness" hysteria in OZ at the moment. As you can imagine its cable only in the US however so is the Sopranos&the Simpsons and we get those uncensored, the US audiences would never get this sort of stuff free-to-air ,remember the Janet Jacko BS…
Last reply by thc24, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Author: William Dolphin Date: Jan 4, '07 Source: Americans For Safe Access Copyright: Unknown, probably on the page posted Lord, when will this stupidity end? With all the real crime in this country the Feds are picking easy, innocent targets. Such criminals! These "bad" criminals seek to help folks who are suffering. What do they get for their efforts? Jail! How can these idiot pigs sleep at night? Chalk up another one for the big $$ pharma police...wheather they know it or not these lumpheads are protecting the synthetic chemical companies, the worst, most deadly pushers in history. Like Steppenwolf said, God damn the pusher man! I do not 'cuss' online, but these g…
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 2 replies
Thinking of blog ideas, like everyone, I thought I’d share my favorite moments from 2006. Of course when I started thinking, I quickly concluded, I didn’t do anything this past year. Something most people suffer from, but it’s worse for me. Right now I’m down to my last few grams of marijuana and remembering what I had for lunch is difficult. It’s not short-term memory loss from cannabis, it’s a symptom of MS. With my last few crumbs of cannabis and my day timer, I present my highlights of 2006. Jan. 06. – American refugee Renee Boje came to Toronto as part of Peace Summit 2006. Together we participated in an amazing women’s circle. Thirty very important ladies i…
Last reply by medMUser, -
- 0 replies
Last year the USA's Federal courts overruled the States rights to allow medical cannabis - they basically said Cannabis has no medical properties. BUT for many years the federal government has been growing and suppling a handfull of patients with tins of up to 300 pre-rolled reefers. youTUBE: Interview with George McMahon - federal pot patient
Last reply by Brash, -
- 1 reply
Was just sent this by the Reverend Brothers whom I love dearly... Enjoy! Love and a Squish, Alison xx Heaven Hemp Us On October 26th, 2006 the police raided a shop in the Beaches district of Toronto. The owner was arrested and is currently held in the prison at Penetanguishene. He was accused of trafficking and running a grow-op. The operation was both part of Health Canada's medical marijuana program and a branch of the Church of the Universe where they consider marijuana to be their sacrament. The media coverage of the raid was more than enough to pique my curiosity. As I began research…
Last reply by mull, -
Any of our South Australian brothers & sisters catch this little piece of hysteria from 'your ABC' the other night? -- Brash Research reveals greater risks for pot smokers Type: Transcript Show: Stateline (South Australian edition) Channel: ABC Broadcast date: 01/12/2006 Reporter: Ian Henschke NEWS FOOTAGE: The joint has come nearer to social acceptance than the reefer, an older name for the same thing, ever did. It is often hard to find any moderate opinion on the subject, its opponents claim it leads on to more serious drugs and is itself a dangerous sex drug. IAN HENSCHKE: Puffing pot became a permanent part of our popular culture in the 60s and so the oldest…
Last reply by gman, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hey every one! Check this out! I got it from Jini at Christians For Cannabis. Even the Police, the honest few any way, are starting to oppose the stupid war on humanity. Later & theree cheers for this brave man! mM
Last reply by medMUser, -
- 0 replies
Here is a link to the Los Angeles Times. Author, copy right ect on the LATimes page. I usesd the link as the story is fairly long & I don't want to take up too much memory here. Here is a story that we can learn from. I just wish the rest of the citizanry would get educated, then a lot of this BS would dissapear. Be safe every one. mM
Last reply by medMUser, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
Looks like some little snot in the Federal Government has decided its time make an example of harmless potsmokers again. I realise the Government singles out minority groups to walk all over but this is going to hurt them in the next election. Over half of the population have smoked Cannabis at some point in their lives or still do and we all know the draconian prohibitionist laws originally made to destroy the hemp industry are a croc. What is the point in going after water pipes? For crying out loud I can make one out of an orchy bottle and a few inches of garden hose. Trying to prevent the sale of bongs will only leave us with more money in our pockets to buy pot. Th…