Cannabis Community News
Cannabis community site news, competitions and updates
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
We have added casino software to the forums just for a little bit of additional fun whilst your here It's a growing project so we will keep adding games to it much like the arcade. The key difference between the two is that the casino needs some sort of point system , because we wanted everything to remain fun and not involve money we have activated the forums Point system for members, it is quite an extensive system and there are allot of ways to get points . I have outlined the methods of point collecting that we have come up with so far in the annoucement link below . Anyone that has any additional suggestions or ofcourse comments please make a topic in the feedb…
Last reply by Pure, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
We have now added the ability to view the site through either an encrypted and unencrypted connection. By default the site will still use SSL ( https://) however for those people who want to speed up their connection a bit and are not so concerned about the security provided with an SSL connection the option is there. Personally i recommend that people continue use SSL to view the site despite the slightly slower connection to the server, the recommendation and request has been made allot so we decided to leave the decision in the hands of the end user but are keeping our preferred choice as the default in place. For those people who would like to use this feature a…
Last reply by Pure, -
Canna Porn Winner 1 2
by Oz-
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
We are proud to announce the winner for the January - March 2008 Canna Porn cannabis photo competition and once again thank all those who entered this Canna Porn for your support, if you missed out then make sure you get clicking and enter the July - September 2008 Canna Porn Competition now open for entries. Congratulations goes to nitram for his winning Canna Porn entry: Outdoors Is In The Canna Porn prize pack for January - March 2008 is pictured below however the shirt is now a green print print on black, and special thanks goes to Mad Hatter Productions for their sponsorship. Again congratulations nitram an…
Last reply by torture, -
- Admin
- 0 replies
Hey Everyone, Finally we're happy with the updates to our cannabis strain guide software and re-opening it again for all. If you should have any problems or notice any bugs while using the cannabis strain guide then please let us know with the report bug option found on both the cannabis strain guide and the cannabis seed bank guide. Should you have any suggestions on the cannabis strain guide in any way then please let us know about them in the Cannabis Strain Guide Suggestions Thread so we can continue to improve the cannabis strain guide in any ways possible. We've also added another new Memorial Hall forum to help keep the memory of all walks from the counter cultur…
Last reply by Oz, -
Hey everyone, just a quick post to let everyone know that we now have a blog section available and open to everyone... To help you get started check out my first blog on blogs.
Last reply by Oz, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Canna Porn January - March 2008 Top 5 Vote! Jack The Ripper by Slayer Celtic Stone by bongonaussie Bagseed Outdoors by Macster Unknown by torture Outdoor Is In! by nitram For our Canna Porn prize pack details past and present please visit CANNAPORN.COM Voting Closes 30th June 2008 Thanks to everyone that entered the Canna Porn cannabis photography competition for January - March 2008, and congratulations to those of you that made it into the Top 5 this round and Good Luck! The April - June 2008 Canna Porn cannabis photography competition is now open so get out your camera and start clicking
Last reply by DEATHNIGHT, -
Two New Forums
by Oz-
- Admin
- 0 replies
Have added two new forums. One is under the Marijuana & Hemp Issues category called Television Stalkers to help everyone catch any up coming cannabis related documentaries, news clips & stories etc from the television. The other forum we've added is under the Session Rooms called The Comedy Stand and the name says it all
Last reply by Oz, -
- Admin
- 0 replies
Hey Everyone, sorry for the unexpected downtime however we we're unable to perform the update any other time. If you notice any bugs or errors please let us know. We have also adjusted the growing forums as some of you may have noticed, and they may be a little haywire while we sort any topics that need moving into their appropriate forums, if you notice any topics out of place then please report them to us also to help us sort things quicker.
Last reply by Oz, -
- Admin
- 1 reply
We apologise however Bongs N Things will be closed while we relocate it, as the current location has experienced nothing but problems unfortunately with the dispatch of orders. This has also slightly delayed our expected re-order dates sorry. Upon relocation of the shop it will also be under a new management style more suited to it. We apologise to anyone who has experienced any problems with their orders arriving and will hopefully have this solved with the move. If you have any current standing orders you have paid for and are still awaiting the delivery of it please email me along with your Order Number.
Last reply by Oz, -
- Admin
- 0 replies
As most of you will have noticed the cannabis strain guide is currently closed while we finish writing the latest version of it and fix any bugs within it... We apologise for any inconvenience however are sure you will be more than happy when it's open again. As soon as it's open again we'll let you know on here with another news post.
Last reply by Oz, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
This is a call to all members for your assistance We have just done an upgrade and bug fix release for our Seed Bank Database, and now need help from our members to test it out What we need is for the Seed Retailer Database to have some heavy testing done. The things we are looking for are bugs in the software or layout , suggestions for what enhancements/functions the software still needs . We also hope to add missing Seed Bank listings and most importantly we need to know that ALL seed bank reports Being submitted are being added to the database and to the appropriate area. It doesn't matter when you used the Seed Bank all reports even from 5 -10 years ago are jus…
Last reply by Pure, -
Canna Porn Winner 1 2
by Oz-
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Thanks once again to everyone that entered the October - December 2007 Canna Porn cannabis photography competition. We are pleased to annouce that White Russian 70days by jimbojones5678 is the winner of the October - December 2007 Canna Porn as voted by you. Congratulations jimbojones5678 please PM me with a delivery address to send your prize to. Got a camera? Then enter the April - June 2008 Canna Porn Cannabis Photography Competition for your chance to win the Canna Porn Prize Pack.
Last reply by Cleptow, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
Hey Everyone, Once again it's time to vote for your favourite image from the Canna Porn cannabis photography competition Top 5 from October - December 2007. As always here they are listed in no particular order good luck to you all, and thanks again to everyone that entered the October - December 2007 Canna Porn. Enter now for the January - March 2008 Canna Porn cannabis photography competition to win. Afghan by spaceleaf Sunset by Ausbud Night by Ausbud White Russian 70days by jimbojones5678 "Break some off" by sunnycoaststoner Click Images to View Full Size (Voting Closes Midnight February 29th 2008) January - March 2008 Canna Porn Competition. Plea…
Last reply by Ausbud, -
- Admin
- 0 replies
Hey Everyone, is currently running a 3 week sale on selected currently stocked items to help clear them out as the shop is being relocated. Click here to check out what's on special at Have also added a few new upcoming items including StickyPoint Magazine issue 4, and a Vaporstar Kit. Also when ordering any clothing now you have the option to select you colour and size when adding it to your cart. Any items out of stock should be available again early March and may still be pre-ordered to ensure you don't miss out. Unfortunately is still only accepting Australian Postal Money orders or securely sent cash as paymen…
Last reply by Oz, -
Canna Porn Winner 1 2 3
by Oz-
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
Thanks once again to everyone that entered the August 2007 Canna Porn cannabis photography competition. We are pleased to annouce that Skunkweed Buds by billopuffalot is the winner of the August 2007 Canna Porn as voted by you, congratulations billopuffalot please PM me with a delivery address to send you prize to. Got a camera? Then enter the October 2007 Canna Porn Cannabis Photography Competition for your chance to win the Canna Porn Prize Pack.
Last reply by Stoney, -