Discussions regarding methods for creating hashish
206 topics in this forum
- 11 replies
I feel like such an idiot for throwing all my trimming away from this years harvest as i wanted to try and make some hash with it.... lucky i kept about 5 - 6 grams of leafy bud i was just gonna give to a mate.... but thought to my self fuck him im gonna try make a mini batch of hash So the method that i used is called the gumby hash method check it out on youtube if you want to see how it is done well here are the pics i managed to take.... sorry there is really only the end of the process i was hell shroomed at the time and couldt work out my camera so had to use my trust phone cam hehehehe
Last reply by thc24, -
- 2 replies
made some hash last week and left it in me tin but i find now it is very dry should it be very dry? not crumbly just hard and dry and is there a beter/best way of storeing it? thanks stinky only seen and smoked hash at the pub and was usuly pissed but i remember it being softer than the rocks i have
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
Bubble Thread 1 2 3
by subcool-
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
I am going to show you guys how I make Bubble. Before I get started lets look at some of the pieces I have made to see why anyone might possibly would want to learn how we do it.
Last reply by wallyduck, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Two screens top one is stainless steel 110mc which allows the 110mc size triks to pass thru bottom one is silk 50mc it will catch the 110 triks and allow the smaller dust and fungi spoors thru to fall into the aquarium http://www.earthreggae.com/img/ganga/Screen1.jpg herb is dry and crushed tap the screen for 5min till the herb bounces up and down and the 100 triks are captured here http://www.earthreggae.com/img/ganga/Screen2.jpg in the bottom of the aquarium is the mould spores and dust on the top of the silk screed is the irey hashish triks scrape dem up with a card http://www.earthreggae.com/img/ganga/Screen3.jpg sive one more time tea strai…
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
I was just watching Discovery channel and again I heard this bizzare rot that the word "assassin" comes from the word "hashish". That the Assassins were a wild group of buggers who smoked a lot of good hash, and made a living renting themselves out to kill people. They claimed they would smoke up big on the hash, enabling them to be stealthy and ruthless in their endevours. Now I don't know any "assassins", but if the hash tey're smoking enables them to be stealthy, and causes them to go rabid for blood, I don't think we're talking about the same "Hashish" are we? I mean hells bells, if I were to smoke the hash I've read about in those areas, and I imagine in those da…
Last reply by rickjamesbitch3, -
- 11 replies
Does anyone use the Pollinator for dry screen resin collection ? There was once an Overgrow article on how to construct a similar one but I could never get my head around it. Anyone care to venture an opinion on dry vs. wet collection methods ?
Last reply by merl1n, -
hi all, i have just gotten back to me garden after almost a month away visiting friends and family and altho a mate has been checking in on things picking up the mail etc, the girls are looking shitful. here is how i get to the hash bit...the vent. fan in the room shat itself while i was gone and the buds started to grow a little mold and what looks like some kind of lumpy growths in the spots with the mold. i picked off all the spots i could find with the mold and now i dont want to smole it....usualy i'd compost it, but was wondering if anyone has any thought on just how bad bubble hash with buds with some mold. farily pissed about the whole turn of events, looking …
Last reply by phineas, -
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
As my way of giving back to this site what I have received in the form of incredible knowledge on hydroponics and good ol' weed, I have to give away a limited number of 150 micron silk screens in a reasonable size, and as I believe is perfect for the job and hard to come by Unfortunately you will have to provide your own frame as I only have 1 and if your not in adelaide then im open to postage donations. That will be all.
Last reply by Radic, -
I soaked a slightly mouldy bud in 80% ethanol and stuck it in a cupboard for a month or two (sorry no pics). I then filtered all the solids out through coffee filter paper, and put the liquid in a pyrex jug to evaporate. I forgot about the jug for another couple months and when I checked it out there were dark green/black splotches on the bottom and sides of the jug. These were rock hard and nearly impossible to get off. I had kind of lost interest after all this time so i poured some boiling water in the jug so I could clean it out to use it for something else. When it had cooled down some I scraped all the shit off the jug and found I could roll all the chunks flo…
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 2 replies
I want to make some hash with the cold water method but dont have any Bubble Bags ,, what can I use instead ? Or is there another way with the cold water method ?
Last reply by danoz, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
here is a few pics of some toil and trouble from last night, camr out very blonde, did two runs, one from assorted kiff i had lying around the place and the other from red devil popcorn bud
Last reply by sunnycoaststoner, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
so i thought i'd make some hash , a mate came around and this is what we got up to
Last reply by Pam, -
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
Hi all Well i have good new sand alas bad news. The bad news out first. For work related reason i have decided to give something that has undoubtable help me through alot of bad times in my life and created many happy ones up. My beloved drug is taking a break. I am looking somewhat forward too it though. I think Its been quite alot of years now. Now with the good news. I brought some hash making bags Was bein very carefull not to call them Bubble bags . They are a 5 bag set and they came with no intructions and has no markings on the bag except 1 to 5 so am really unsure of there mesh size. Cost 2fity First run i did i used trim and it turns out ok. I didnt exp…
Last reply by Bubble Bags Australia, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
hey, Was having a brainstorm with few old mates and the idea of the stainless steel mesh tub inside a washing machine to make simple large trash to hash runs.. Just wondering if anyone has any idea where i can find some.... heres a site i googled metal wire mesh
Last reply by urbanfarmer, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
yo.. i mulled about 8-10 ounces of bottom buds and head leaf through the muller then ran them through the BubbleBags.. not a bad effort i reckon.. heres the 2 plates together... the big plate has the 190, 160, 120, 45 and the 25u bags mixed together.. the small one has the 90 and the 73u.. this will be for hot chocolates... the big plate, just a normal size dinner plate .... this will go into the peicemaker press.. and finally the 73 and the 90 mixed together.. well thats all.. not sure of the final wieght.. probably just over an ounce i reckon.. maybe 1.5...
Last reply by OldmanMozz, -