Discussions regarding methods for creating hashish
206 topics in this forum
Does anybody know of anyone selling or has sold BHO. What did they charge & for how much. Any info would be great.
Last reply by iTiC, -
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
Heya Guys, a beautiful Sunny Day here, scoffing heaps of hash..... .... actually... off me chops.... Thought it would be nice to have a bubble hash thread, sorta show off ya mad skillz with the bags.... Bubble Hash Picture Thread Anyway, I'm Nibbler and this is my I just finished 2 runs, 1 of Tangerine Dream, 1 of Acapulco Gold. I got some really excellent results using pretty much chopped up popcorn, and not any leaf except the frostiest........ ya get out what ya put in. I did 4 mixes to each run, of 10 minutes each mix. Here's the Bag full of heaps of Ice and me coles bag of trim...... Next we have some Acapulco Gold 90 micron just scooped outta the…
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 7 replies
I've finally got motivated to process last season's trim. I've a bit over 70g of trim including popcorn buds. I've done too much reading and over-thinking the process so haven't actually started yet. I'm concerned that I won't get all the trichomes off the buds if I don't blend/process it first - is that necessary or do the buds break up in the water when you start mixing? I watched a Jorges Cervantes video and his trim looked like it was all ground up but he didn't say so specifically. I don't really want to process it first because I imagine that would result in a lot of trichs getting stuck to my food processor! Also is it necessary to freeze the trim…
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 420 Crew
- 23 replies
Collected some triches. Here is the result Well, some of it. I aint finished pressing it all Now........to smoke it. hee hee Merl1n
Last reply by merl1n, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hey everyone Just thought I'd ask as Ive seen heaps of posts about the curing time of canna and was just wondering about hash Does it improve with time or deteriorate? Is it better pressed or left to cure prior to pressing or better left unpressed altogether? I have a chinese takeaway container full of dust here and am presently collecting more(I got sick of pressing ) I store mine in cigar tubes after pressing, sealed and dark. I have some (Very old 10yr+) still in the cigarette wrapper. Sealed from the air but not so much the light. My hope it doesn't deteriorate too much or I've got a shitload of smoking to do and in a hurry Any info would be muchly appreciated …
Last reply by TrichomeChief, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hi all, I have been gone from Oz Stoners for 2 years as I had a child and have been a full time stay at home dad, so my life has been really busy as anyone with kids knows and the thing in my life that took the biggest hit (besides a social life was being bake to be online and be active in forums like this one). I really missed hanging out on here and have lots of friends on here and hope to get back to being more active. That being said, I am still running the Bubble Bag Australia business and this will be my 15th year selling the products and having a passion for them and i have wanted to fix up my website for sometime and finally got around to it, You can still acces…
Last reply by Bubble Bags Australia, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Guys... this is gonna be the most basic beginner question of all but I've never had any hash before... but with my new grow I plan on turning the majority of it to hash (probably using XPAT's method), just to save space mostly... But once its in hash form, what do you do with it? put it in a bong and smoke with it? Use it in recipies like normal weed cooking? Let me know all your fun ways of getting the hash into your body
Last reply by supnewbz, -
- 420 Crew
- 41 replies
I have decided to start a poll on preference to using fresh or dry trim for making bubble hash. I have only made it once before, I used dried. Please feel free to post an image or two of your product. Cheers Puka THis is a pic of my last effort, using dried trim, I am planning on using fresh next round ..
Last reply by Ser Jory, -
hash tumbler 1 2 3
by Skunkxxx-
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
OK, I have all the parts and I will show you how I made a cheap Hash tumbler for less than $70 us. If you already have an ice cream machine and some of the tools then the price will be lower. BE WARNED: THIS IS NOT GOING TO THE FAIR TO WIN A PRIZE!! but it gets the job done on the cheap. Also if you are not good with tools and such, then do not try this, as with anything you are converting, you break it - you buy it..... They make a very good tumbler and bho oil extractor Be careful working with tools, sharp edges,and anything electrical. Ice cream machine $45 (new) screen from DickBlick $12 Garlic press $13 Hash--> pricless Tools needed: nibbler - or somethi…
Last reply by ethnoman, -
A day of pressing 1 2 3
by merl1n-
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
I've been having a bit of a battle with someone and I think its about to turn legal So I decided to do a clean up. Pulled everything apart and put things away. The last thing to stash is the hash tumbler and as I had some to tumble I did so yesterday Today was spent pressing it up Not too bad for a days work I must say
Last reply by ethnoman, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
What are Trichomes? Although cannabis resin glands called trichomes are structurally diverse, they come in three basic varieties: Bulbous: The bulbous type is the smallest (15-30 micron). From one to four cells make up the "foot" and "stalk," and one to four cells make up the "head" of the gland. Head cells secrete a resin - presumably cannabinoids, and related compounds which accumulate between the head cells and the cuticle. When the gland matures, a nipple-like protrusion may form on the membrane from the pressure of the accumulating resin. The bulbous glands are found scattered about the surfaces of the above-ground plant parts. Capitate-Sessile: The secon…
Last reply by buzzo, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hello all, I know I have not been on the forums in a long time, I have been away in Vancouver Canada for 6 months at Bubble Bags / Fresh Headies HQ, hanging out there and took a side trip to Amsterdam as well, lots of fun.... I am going to be doing Bubble Bag demonstrations (using lavender) at Mardigrass this year once again and here is the schedule: Sat 4 May 3pm Workshop: Make your own Hash - Bubble Bag demos [Medical Tent in Town Hall Garden] - 60 minutes Sun 5 May: 1pm Workshop: Make your own Hash - Bubble Bag demos [Medical Tent in Town Hall Garden] - 60 minutes Look forward to seeing you all there....
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 8 replies
I posted this in the Pic Dump and thought it shud be ere Quick tute Bunnings Hash tumbler Required Rotiserie BBQ with 240v motor, you can get battery operated things but they chew the batteries Screen mesh Sewerpipe with 2 plastic end caps. Method Find the centre of the end caps Heating up the end of the rotiserie sharft push it thru the centre of the caps. The sharft is square and by heating and pushing it thru hot you get a nice seal. Take your pipe and cut the sides out leaving enough space for the caps on the end and two thin strips from end to end here is the size of one of the two holes I cut Cover the holes with the mesh, connect the caps on th…
Last reply by Syb3 rm3nt41_%20, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
I have about 1/3 cup of powered keif but I have no scale to weigh with, and I can't find anything to even guesstamate the weight with... Anyone have any idea of weight by volume? FYI I've added 2Tbs of coconut oil to the 1/3c keif and 'decarbed' it yesterday. Today I am going to make some kick-arse edibles but need to have an idea how many 'doses' to make... Thanks!
Last reply by Matanuska Thunder, -
heya all .. well i finally treated myself to some bubble bags...got the 4 20Ltr.. and must say im bloody stoked with my efforts for the last two days.. not going into details with how, what, and why as there are plenty of great tutes on bubble.. started with bout 150-170 grms straight leaf...got 2.7 grms outta 25 bag in 2 runs new batch 180 grms of pineapplechunk i pulled couple weeks early...6.3 grms from 25 bag...1 grm from 70 bag in 4 runs last batch was 100 grms of slightly moldy WW/affie.and frosty trim..3.9 grms from 25bag.. 1.3 grms from 70 bag from 3 runs wish ya could smell the pc it is a insanely strong fruity smell and super sticky first batch is just low qua…
Last reply by Ernie420,