Discussions regarding methods for creating hashish
206 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I was just wondering if you have to dry out the material (leaf / bud) you are going to use to make ice hash ? Can you simply cut the leaves / bud off the plant and start making hash with a set of Porche Creations bags strait away ? Thanks gunjaponic
Last reply by gunjaponic, -
- 2 replies
in lasy i made some thing near 2 the hashish in its smell and its look but it miss some things one thing from it it still crumble and not from plante material coz i clean it 2 much and enught but i think i have problem in the pressing so i want 2 know the best way 2 can press a good part from hashish and i hope any one try it befor not just telling it and thanks
Last reply by tripy spiral, -
- 2 replies
can i use cotten to filter out any remaning plant material after straining without filtering out any of the good stuff. Just whan't to try for a better quality 2nd wash
Last reply by tripy spiral, -
- 5 replies
Last reply by quizywig, -
- 6 replies
I'm having trouble finding where to buy hash bags . How much are they ? I've heard the term "bubblehash" alot now . Can someone tell me what it is ?
Last reply by FrankWills, -
- 4 replies
Ok i now there are a few posts here about other ppls hash making and know i wanna do it but cant seem to find a topic that JUST TELLS YOU THAT!!!! Im going to do the ice method and have one of those slender bender things im going to get 2oz of hydro leaf so will this be enough?? With the 2oz how much water/ice should i put in the bucket to mix it around with, can you put too much or too little in?? Thanks for any replies i know this may seem stupid but i dont want to fuck it up
Last reply by FrankWills, -
- 9 replies
Forget hash bags. If your serious about your hash you need to check out www.exactorextractor.com They ship world wide.
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 4 replies
hi there its me again i wana ask What is the best way to make hashish at home ? ice water and cold water , alcoholic or with oven ? and if there r any another methode better than this i hope 2 know it any can help 2 tell me wich is the best way and how exactly 2 make it ? thanks
Last reply by Rottweilerpunk, -
- 9 replies
OK, I'm going to make some Hash with my current grow. Do you guys dry and keep every leaf that comes off your plant through out the grow for hash ? and if you do, how do you store it etc. I'm kinda thinking that that the only useful leaf would be the stuff you get at the end of the grow because the early stuff wouldn't have any thricomines on it ? Regards Gunjaponic
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 1 reply
hi 4 all again its the thired time i try with making hashish at home sure its better resultes more than last 2 times but its little green color and too weak and crumble i dont know if any body see how moroco hashish look like its really strong u can drop it and it dont crumble but mine is 2 weak i try press with hot and cold ways but nothing happend its weak so if any body know a good way 2 press ill b thankfull 4 him look 4 this pic wich i put it over there do u see how its color and how its strong ? the color not important but this strong is 2 importnat soi hope any one tell me what exactly 2 do 2 make my hashish strong and not 2 crumble when i catsh it thanks again
Last reply by tecnos, -
- 4 replies
hi there its my first time 2 post , i like this site 2 much and i come in it every day :mellow: however i try cold water and ice subes methode but the problem that my hash is 2 weak and if any one tuch it , it can to crumble easly and return poweder again any can help and tell what 2 do ? another that its green color and hash is browen how 2 make this ? thanks any way
Last reply by tecnos, -
Making Hash With Nasty Sulphur Weed
by Guest Calimister- 0 replies
I have about six ounces of super dank herb that tastes like crap because it was treated with sulphur too soon to harvest. I want to make hash with it. Will this get rid of the nasty taste? What is the best method in this case? I was thinking about making an extract with ethyl alcohol and turning that into an oil. Would this work?
- 15 replies
gday everyone, my first post. i had a whole lot of trash weed all leafy and shit fair few fucked lookin buds too. i read on erowid how to do this... i chopped it all up into a powder and soaked it in 100% isopropyl alcohol for 3 days in the dark. i just strained it out then and now i have to wait for the alcohol to evaporate and leave a residue behind i think, but the liquid is dark green. all the hash ive seen around is brown, is this sorta right ??? thanks fellas!
Last reply by mabraxas, -
- 8 replies
just a liittle question, do I have to remove the seeds from my mix b4 I make it into hash, Im using ether alcohol i think its called from my local hydro shop. MADOGA
Last reply by quizywig, -
- 10 replies
Hey all .. This is my first post here What I would like to know is if anyone knows where I can pick up some fine mesh or silkscreen, suitible for screen'n some kif, in Aus or from an Aus website? You know the type 150 - 200 micron, 75 - 100 micron etc.. Any info would be great! Thanks Later -AB
Last reply by Watson,