Stealth and Security
204 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Found this on my travels, fantastically written! Jimbo In any war, intelligence--information about the enemy--lays the groundwork for attack. So, the less police know about growers the better. Law enforcement collects most of the information about the enemy from the enemy. By controlling their activities and surroundings, growers minimize what law enforcement knows about them and the accompanying aftermath. Your activities--where you go, how you go there, what you buy, how you pay for it, who you talk to, what you say--are all things you can control. Your surroundings--your home, growroom, outside property, electrical use, air quality, and visitors--are also part…
Last reply by little wing, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
I have a funny story to relate,i think you will appreciate.My stepson came home one afternoon complaining about the new guy working at the local surf shop was coaxing kids (teenages)into talking about pot.I let a mate know,he approached him offering a bag of gunga(aregano)for sale.within 5 minutes or less the jacks crashed in and apprehended him needless to say my bud got off,and the cop didnt turn up for work no more and the shop owner went broke,had to sell,well shit what did he expect
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
I heard an interesting story recently where a new hydro shop has popped in NSW A few people are paranoid that the new shop is actually a set up with the cops or that they are cops. Apparently if you go in for supplies, and you get talking, you will get offered cuttings and the offer that they will get rid of any excess produce. I have never heard of anything like this before, but I did seriously doubt that the cops would legally be allowed to go to these lengths. Does anyone know the legal stand point on this issue, as my mate is seriously thinking about doing the long drive out of town for another hydro supplier as they are scaring people away.
Last reply by grok, -
power bill $800 1 2 3
by hulio2- 20 replies
Ive just got my power bill of 840 dollars. fuck. the one before was only 180 and all i ran was one 400watt for veg and 3 400 watters for flower. how could it have jumped this much and will it look a little suspicious? such a sudden jump in power consumption. there happens to be a chopper flying round and around the house now so im a bit jumpy. should i be worried or just paranoid and relax. its adelaide anyway
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
anyone got any good ideas? I'm not that keen on just chucking it in the wheely bin.
Last reply by dsyfer, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hey anyone got any info on the foils, i hear some can beat the eye in the sky, and infared... is this true and would you need to do this for melbourne?
Last reply by leafy, -
nq growing
by hulio2- 3 replies
Is anyone currently growing indoor or have recently grew in north queesnland? im thinking of moving up there but think it might be a bit more dangerous with power consumption. i dont think ergon energy is the same as etsa. I only know of people up north groing in small cupboards using only a 400 or 600 watt light, not 3000 or 4000 watt like in adelaide and perth.
Last reply by Ford, -
- 4 replies
Hi guy's, finally found an Electric drying cabinet on the junk piles and gutted the electricals out of it and have positioned it. I will be lead lining the top of it so it can't be detected ..will this work? I have bought the plastic panda film to line it with and my ladies have been under 4 x 30 watt flouro's with a square magnifying lens out of an over head projector to concentrate the light for 24/24 for about 10 weeks now, they are short but branching out to the max and looking extremly healthy! I'm planning a 400 Watt light..any recomendations would be good! The cabinet is 630 mm wide x 420 mm deep and about 1.600 mm high and is fully enclosed and sits on 4 x 50 mm h…
Last reply by Token Jet, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys I thought I would post a formula for how to work out how much extra power your grow will cost. kiloWatthours per item = Wattage of item(kW) * Total Time in hours per day that the item is on.(T) * Number of days that the item is on.(D) Lets say you've got a simple setup with just a 400w light and a fan. We'll start with the light. Convert Watts to Kilowatts by dividing the wattage of your light by 1000 kW = watts / 1000 kW = 400watts / 1000 kW = 0.4kW kWh = kW*T*D kWh = Wattage 0.4KW(it will actually be about .55Kw when you allow for energy that is lost by the ballast, but we'll go with .4 to keep it simple, see note at bottom)*18hrs per day(for …
Last reply by Token Jet, -
- 1 reply
How can you tell how used up a carbon filter is without running it? When I tap it with my fist there is black carbon dust coming out of it. And how much does it cost to have them refilled? It is a large filter to match a 250mm fan. Jimbo
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
OK so here's my story: Up untill yesterday I had a potential mother in a cupboard in my shed and a plant (only about a foot tall) at 6 weeks 12/12 (both were bagseed) in my spare room in the cupboard (the light still leaks through the cupboard door and you can hear the fans) .On Friday I thought there was a possability I was getting a non mj cool visitor to stay on the weekend, so I put the budding plant in the mother cupboard and changed the timer to 12/12 just in case they came and had to stay in the spare room. All was well the visitor never came and Monday morning before work while it was still dark I transfered the budding plant back into the spare room cupboard…
Last reply by Token Jet, -
- 7 replies
I burnt a plant slightly with an ozone gen by placing near the plant and then have a fan blow it directly onto the plant. Yeh stupid I know. When it was harvested I thought it was as normal, but the other half said it was shitty, and not very strong. Trouble is we know someone who killed a plant with ozone years ago, and I was thinking it was mind over matter, or I may be kidding myself? Can anyone say whether ozone does actually degrade thc is the plant was damaged by it, it was only a small patch of burn aussie1
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 4 replies
This is a dropout circuit with manual reset made from materials in my junkbox. RELAY 2 can be an SPST or an unused set of contacts in RELAY 1 should you happen to have a multipole relay. What you do with the contacts in RELAY 1 is up to you, but the important part in this ckt is how RELAY 2 functions. In this dwg, the ckt is shown in operating mode after a reset. Contacts are shown in the Normally Open position, where they are when the coil is energised. VSOURCE A is running the 12V power pak which is providing voltage to the relay coils. When power is first applied to the ckt, the coils are de-energised; both relay wipers are in the position opposite to that sh…
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
hi long time and i,ve not been around , thats because i,ve been doing P.D (250 hours ).... well the update is its over fucking done what ever you want to call it its finished!!!! YES . its takeing me 4 months and ive hated every min of it been told what to do.. i hate that shit...but hay at least some cunt had free work done.. right? Or maybe its just modern day slavery for cunts who dont want to do the shit jobs? any way guys its over ... live can start again!!! tt P.S i had my first smoke since the bust ..... boy i love it!!!
Last reply by two2time, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Are you a garage grower like myself??? Is your grow getting close to harvest??? Does your garage just stank like sweet sweet buds???? Are you getting worried about old Mrs Mangle next door???? Is paranoir getting the better of ya???? well you sound like you need stoneys you bout cheap as piss dodgy ghetto odour control tis very simple all ya need is a big 16kg bag of Organic Xtra or Dynamic lifter Now that ya got it spread a dam good amount around the outside of ya shed or garage make sure to leave some left. give it abiot of water but dont water too much now leave and wait for the smell to build now with the left over put it in the middle of ya ga…
Last reply by Stoney, -