Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
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Licking toads will not give you warts or produce a fairy prince, but it might get you high. It isn't exactly an epidemic, but the Drug Enforcement Administration says toad licking is the latest way to hallucinate. "It sounds like a fairy tale gone wrong, doesn't it?" said Robert K. Sager, chief of the DEA's laboratory in San Francisco. "Now, I don't think this is going to be a great problem because people don't go around licking toads as a habit." The culprit: the Cane toad. "They're beautiful toads," Sager Said. "People like them." The Cane toad, which can grow to the size of a dinner plate, produces a toxin called bufotenine, which the toad secretes to ward off predator…
Last reply by nelly, -
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NEW laws allowing offenders to have their criminal records wiped after five years of good behaviour will be investigated by the State Government. Allow them to get on with their lives having paid their debt to societyThe move comes after peak welfare body Offenders Aid & Rehabilitation Services of South Australia called for "spent convictions" legislation to give minor offenders a "second chance". Attorney-General Michael Atkinson has asked his department to examine how similar legislation operates in other states and overseas. Mr Atkinson said the department was expected to report its findings and recommendations by June. Under the legislation OARS SA is push…
Last reply by boulder, -
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New Orleans -- A lawyer for one of two U.S. pilots who dropped a bomb killing four Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan last April says the U.S. air force had pressured the pilots to take amphetamines that may have impaired their judgment during the mission. Majs. Harry Schmidt and William Umbach face a possible court-martial for dropping the laser- guided bomb near Kandahar on April 18. A U.S. air force investigation determined the pilots ``demonstrated poor airmanship" and ignored standard procedure by not making sure there were no allied troops in the area. But Umbach's lawyer, David Beck, said he will prove at a Jan. 13 hearing on whether to court-martial the pilots …
Last reply by pipeman, -
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I was wondering what your opinions were regarding playing World Cup matches in Zimbabwe. There are a couple of different questions.... Should the ICC and/or the ACB do as the politicians ask and officially pull out of matches scheduled to be played in Zimbabwe? Do the various governments asking the cricket boards to boycott matches scheduled in Zimbabwe have a right to ask for a boycott when collectively or induvidually, they have not politically or economically sanctioned Zimbabwe? Should the various governments politically or economically sanction Zimbabwe? If the goverments did sanction Zimbabwe should the various cricket boards boycott matches scheduled in Z…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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- 1k views Hi all, are maybe wondering why you don't get any emails from me anymore? Sorry, puter was crashed (yeah,..virus again) and I have lost all my email addresses. So when you want me to have your addy back up please write me an email and we'll be in touch again. Tanx
Last reply by Ferre, -
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THE State Government will provide loans of up to $100,000 for fruit growers worst affected by devastating storms that swept across southeast Queensland last week. Minister Henry Palaszczuk has urged farmers to contact his department for help Farmers in the Wide Bay-Burnett area suffered crop damage of more than $1 million as hail wiped out mango crops. The Queensland Mango Growers Committee pleaded for government assistance yesterday. "A lot of people do not understand it's not just the growers' loss but the district's loss," a committee spokesman said. "We employ people and use carrying companies, we use carton manufacturers and that sort of thing. "The mon…
Last reply by pipeman, -
Last reply by Ferre, -
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POLICE believe they have foiled an international crime syndicate by seizing Australia's largest ever ecstasy haul, worth more than $45 million, during a Christmas Eve raid. A Federal Police officer with part of the ecstasy haul. A joint task force of Federal and NSW police and the NSW Crime Commission swooped on a unit on Mowbray Rd, Sylvania, at midnight on Tuesday. Detective Superintendent Mark Wright from the Special Crime Unit said about 750,000 pink and blue tablets were seized during the raid after a three-month surveillance operation. "The 250kg of ecstasy is about 100kg more than was seized by the National Crime Authority in the previous biggest ecstasy …
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PHARMACISTS will have the right to refuse Sudafed to customers who don't provide ID in a bid to stem the illegal amphetamine trade. A new law to start on Wednesday will require people buying Sudafed and brands of decongestants containing pseudoephedrine to provide a name and address. Pharmacists will record the date, brand name and number of packets bought. They will also be allowed to refuse the medication to any customer who does not hand over proof of identity. The changes are part of new federal regulations defining the way medications containing pseudoephedrine are supplied. Some nasal decongestants containing pseudoephedrine also will require customers …
weird e-mail 1 2
by wall- 16 replies
just got this today how gullible do these idiots think we are? cheers the other wall PS did you know that any money over 10k that is deposited in the bank is automatically reported to the fed gov under the cash reporting act.
Last reply by Pete, -
- 3 replies
Found this link....WOODY ROCKZZ! Woody Harrelson and Laura Louie's Voice Yourself.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 5 replies
MARIJUANA STATE The Marijuana Market Is Currently Innovative, Competitive, Efficient And Free. Decriminalizing It Will Make It An Overregulated Government Oligopoly. Decriminalizing marijuana will mean taking a currently unregulated -- if illegal -- activity that has developed a sophisticated supply chain and inexorably bringing it under the ambit of the post-modern administrative state. Government means, at minimum, taxation. Revenue Canada will scoop each economic gain, and then some, won by gradually erasing the risk premium associated with the criminal marijuana industry. Look at the tax rate on tobacco, alcohol or gasoline. Once cannabis is just another state-…
Last reply by Tom, -
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The prevalence of mental health problems among the Dutch is considerable. Almost one in four adults struggle annually with some mental disorder. A third of them seek the help of a general, practitioner or another qualified primary care giver (27%) or go directly to mental health care specialists (15%). The annual turnover in the specialised mental health care sector is about 5 billion Dutch guilders, which is 9% of the total cost of health care. The sector employs more than 60,000 people, roughly 90% of whom work in institutions, the others in private practice. The Netherlands has a population of 15 million. In the Netherlands 41% of all the people between the ages of…
licking toads?! 1 2
by Ferre- 12 replies
Hehe....the Dutch will do anything to get high! 22) THE DRUG ADDICTS, THE PET SHOP BOYS AND A TALE OF MISSING TOADS [snip] Dutch pet shops have been warned to be on the lookout after the theft of a number of South American giant cane toads ( Bufo marinus ) The toads, measuring up to 30cm long, excrete a milky white liquid from behind their bulging eyes which, when licked, causes hallucinations described as 12 times stronger than LSD. The effects can last for up to seven hours. Police in the city of Leeuwarden, capital of the province of Friesland, are hunting drug addicts who raided a shop specialising in toads and reptiles, and stole …
Last reply by oldhippie, -
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I was just wondering if she would have been SWABBED for DRUGS if the POLLIES introduced these DRACONIAN SWAB tests. Also, if the fuzz conducted a search of her and her vehicle,by which seems to be the "NORMAL" procedure up here in QLD. So let us all wait with BATED breath as to see what "JUSTICE"will be done,or will it get swept under the carpet FOR which it seems to a lot of us is the "NORM" for pollies and the leo's.
Last reply by notgail,