Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
Everyone Enjoying the rain..?
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 4 replies
Hey ppls i wish we had this rain in sydney during the oct period... for all outdoories Ele
Bongs, Trippy Glass Designs
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 2 replies
Hey ppls i was wondring if any1 knows where to buy online new bong designs..? i know theres a few aussie companys that blow glass bongs and have wicked designs.. any1 got links to em.. and since im on the subject on online buying.. i was wondering.. dose any1 here buy online dvd's or movies.. and can suggest a good online store.. respect Ele
Last reply by ganjilla, -
- 5 replies
I found this on the net, it's a petition. I thought I'd share it with ya'll.
Last reply by decreade, -
- 1 reply
If you want to have a look at how the Dutch celabrate "Queensday",.. 30th April,.. CLICK HERE!
Last reply by Rokerijdude11, -
Ridiculous Laws From the U.S
by Guest bacchus- 7 replies
I received this in an email recently, thought I would share it with you all...... Ridiculous Laws II Arkansas: 1. A man can legally beat his wife, but no more than once a month. California: 1. In, LA, a man may legally beat his wife with a leather strap, as long as it is less than 2 inches wide, or she gives him permission to use a wider strap. 2. It is a misdemeanor to shoot any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale. Florida: 1. Unmarried women who parachute on Sunday's will be jailed. Georgia: 1. In Quitman, it is illegal for a chicken to cross the road. 2. In Columbus, it is illegal to sit on one's porch in an i…
- 3 replies
It maybe take a little while downloading,...IT'S WORTH IT!! Philosophy of Liberty
Last reply by sols, -
- 0 replies
- 704 views Christians for justice and peace They have this form where you can also fill in your own country, it's not just for the U.S. I filled in the Netherlands offcourse... ...and I'm not even Christian,..or whatever, but I do believe in justice and peace.
Last reply by Ferre, -
HELLO, I just thought I'd let everyone know that Dope Wars could have a trojan virus in it that reads information from your computer and sends it to a place on the internet... Read more the virus is called CyDoor putard
Last reply by Tom, -
Why 69 isn't always the best position 1 2
by Guest Urbanhog- 13 replies
Found this funny picture, why 69 isn't always the best position :: Felt sorry for the guy under the lady :: Urbanhog
Last reply by BlackBeauty, -
- 17 replies
In order to celebrate our fine victory in the world cup i hope all you stoners on are gonna light up some phatt joints and toke some cones and in order to give praise to our boy warnie we should change the stars on the aussie cricket jerzery to Ganja leave's
Last reply by Cronic_la_jar_jar, -
- 2 replies
- 899 views Our Mission Our Mission is to promote unity and community for Earth people of all origins. We wish to restore respect for the proud tradition of Liberty and Justice for All. Our goal is to diminish the stereotype that members of the cannabis culture are second class citizens to be denied access to equal opportunities and The American Dream. We aim to do our part in this massive public education effort with this website and the 536 Genuine Hemp US Flags that have been made and distributed as of February, 2003. hehe, looks like spam, doesn't it? well, it's not, yours truely is admin/moderator at this new site and I hav…
Last reply by Ferre, -
Ganja Games
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 9 replies
hey guys ages i ago came accross sum online weed growing games dose any1 know where i can find any these days.. all the links r old an not working anymore..? cheers Ele
Chaos Story
by Kimba- 2 replies
This story once again demonstrates the reasons for the birth of apathy, why trying to co-ordinate any system with flawed objects is always doomed to chaos or as I have frequently quoted before from A Einstein “There are two fundamental infinities, the first the size of the universe and second being human stupidity and I’m not sure about the first.” Also very funny K . . I think the Help desk attendant should have been promoted, not fired. This is a true story from the WordPerfect Helpline which was transcribed from a recording monitoring the customer care department. Needless to say, the helpdesk employee was fired. However they are currently suing the WordPerfect organ…
Last reply by Brainstorm, -
- 0 replies
Global Candlelight Vigil for Peace: Sunday, March 16 -- 7:00 PM Shrine of Remembrance Botanical Gardens (101 registered participants) St Kilda Rd, Melbourne Melbourne, VIC I thought it would be good to meet at the Shrine of Remembrance (excuse the irony) and if the group feels like a walk head towards Federation Square, while we wait for it to get dark enough. If not will will stay in the area of the Shrine. Open to doing something afterwards if people feel like it. To contact on weekend or afterhours call 0408 612 241 Sunday, March 16, 07:00 PM Bondi Beach (91 registered p…
Last reply by Ferre, -
herb grinders 1 2
by elessar- 10 replies
hey i had no idea where to put this post sorry I dont know much bout herb grinders at all, are they for u to put bud/etc, in the grinder before smoked. Are they worth getting. Wot are the advantages/disadvantages? thanks!
Last reply by pipeman,