Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
just a ass link..
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 3 replies
- 1.1k views enjoy.. ele
New Car?
by Guest Field_of_Light- 2 replies
it was either on aca or today tonite - check the respective websites for the info... Anyhow thes some dude outa nsw offering 21 free cars to people that dont get ticketed or fined or crash in the coming financial year. it will be open to other states in a week or so....i figure itll have better odds than lotto....
- 1 reply
the first jrs charity auction was less than stellar. we only had two participants and raised a total of 62.50 for the habitat for humanity. thanks to all for your support. in two weeks we will have another one for the same cause, as 62.50 is not a very significant donation. over time i hope that we can gain your trust and participation for a good cause. we will keep fighting the good fight. thanks again. gds
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
we will be selling seeds tomorrow at jrs live on the chat forum. 12 pm pacific standard time. all funds raised will go to the habitat for humanity international. let's suppoert a good cause and send a message to the community, that we are good people and not criminals. jrs bb gds
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
G'day all!! This message is region specific, Terania Shire, if you've never even heard of it, you don't need to read on. My name is Wayne, I am fortunate enough to be the new editor of the Terania Shire Times, the local Channon paper. Any news of local interest to the valley and surrouding areas would be appreciated. Cameron from Community Trading in The Chanon village has opened a web page for locals, upcoming events, news, reviews, just a nice place for locals, the straight and the stoned. The Channon Forum Cool, just thought I'd put this here, 'cause even stoners know whats going on sometimes...
Last reply by generic_hippie, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I read this on about the up and coming small technology..hehe In Taunton, Kopin Corp. is now in its third generation of tiny technology products. The company, founded in the 1980s, brought out its first product for consumer applications in 1996: a 50-nanometer transistor that is used in one in four cellphones. It followed with flat-screen displays, the size of a fingernail, that are used in camcorders. And last year, Kopin introduced a new semiconductor chip, known as a light-emitting diode, that is the smaller than a grain of sand but can emit near blinding light with low amounts of power. This type of lighting, known as solid state …
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 1 reply
For anyone who's been looking out for an online glass pipe shop here in Aus, looks like we're finally going to have one here soon. The website has been updated in the last week or two I think. Ghz
Last reply by Stoned Crow, -
ICM Amsterdam
by Guest ICM President- 4 replies
Hi Guys I know a few of you from the THC-Ministry already, I'm just dropping the word about a new organisation that's going to give people even more reason to plan a trip to Amsterdam in the coming year. It's called the 'International Canna-lympic Movement' Please have a shufti at the main site and let me know what you think. Thanx Alan Mason aka "The GanjaCat" >^..^<
Last reply by Tom, -
- 5 replies
Continuing on the US goverment tip, I thought I'd post this intresting info on Bush's links with another dictatorship besides his own. And.... It's all starting to make perfect sense hey?! Buster.
Last reply by Joe, -
- 0 replies
Sorry I had to bring this subject up again... Okay so Australia is the only country to make this plant illegal (I'm still confused how plants can be illegal - dont try to explain it - I dont feel like a word war) heres a petition you can sign Wanna do more... While I am at it, has anyone tried any of the other Salvia's available??? Chief
Last reply by chief23, -
the balingup trip
by Guest stoney42o- 0 replies
so who's off to balingup for the shrooming season this year?
- 6 replies
yahoo story
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
Eye Irritation
by Guest Urbanhog- 5 replies
Have a look at the pic and see for youself Warning.... the picture may offend some members, and Urbanhog takes no responsibitly Cheers, Urbanhog
Last reply by Tulley, -
Look at this pic closer.........
by Guest Urbanhog- 4 replies
Look at this pic closer... it made me laugh! :: :: Urbanhog
Last reply by merv, -
after all this rain we had in sydney my outdoor plants are doing something ive never seen in my life,the seeds in the heads are starting to germinate.has anyone else experienced this i should take a pic of it but ill wait and see how much interest is shown.
Last reply by sols,