Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
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A pigeon fancier, who claimed he grew more than 220 cannabis plants simply to feed the hemp seeds to his birds, could not be believed, a judge said yesterday. David Wallace Burgess, 55, of Devon Meadows, was jailed for at least 12 months after County Court judge Elizabeth Curtain refused to accept the dope crop, valued at more than $500,000, was merely to increase the lustre of his prize pigeons' coats. "It is incredulous to me that a person would be prepared to grow in the vicinity of 227 cannabis plants... in order to produce an uncertain or at least unpredictable quantity of hemp seed to feed to 40 birds, knowing that to do so was illegal and knowing also that ther…
Last reply by Oz, -
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- 9 replies
MURRAY Bridge police have discovered an in-creased use of hard drugs in the area recently. While it is no worse here than other regional South Australian towns, police have stepped up their approach to the situation by trying to curb the deals early on. Police believe the increase in hard drugs has stemmed from people over-using cannabis to such an extent where they do not feel the same "buzz" and instead resort to harder drugs. Acting officer in charge Sergeant Michael Towie said the situation had become somewhat of a cycle. "It is a cyclic thing where cannabis dealers get money but are going on to buy speed deals and other hard drugs, so the money from the crops…
Last reply by mrbillz, -
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Federal Justice and Customs Minister Chris Ellison says the latest illicit drug data report shows that amphetamines have become the latest front in the war on drugs. Senator Ellison released the Australian Crime Commission report for 2002 and 2003 at a drugs conference in Alice Springs. He says although there has been a fall in the number of seizures of cannabis, heroin and cocaine possession has increased. But Senator Ellison says the most alarming figures were for amphetamines. "We also have an increase in amphetamines, increase in domestic manufacture of amphetamines and use of amphetamines and an increase in attempts to try and bring amphetamine-type stimulant…
Last reply by jonbrown, -
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Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty says the Australasian Drug Strategy Conference in Alice Springs will improve understanding between international and local law enforcement agencies. Around 260 delegates from 11 countries are attending the conference which begins this week. Commissioner Keelty says conference delegates will include people from countries known as sources for drug imports into Australia. "If we have a common understanding of the problem then we're far better placed to have a solution that might have some universal applicability about it," he said. "Our problem in policing has largely been in the past, that we've dealt with these in …
Last reply by Oz, -
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A 37-year-old man found dead in a cottage in this western Quebec community amid more than 100 marijuana plants died as a result of a bizarre accident, police say. Autopsy results show the man was killed in a trap that appeared to be set to keep thieves away from his crop, police said yesterday. The body of the man, whose name is not being released, was discovered in the entrance of his cottage by his brother early last month. He died of a gunshot wound. By Bell Globemedia Date: 06/05/04 Source: The Globe & Mail Copyright: Bell Globemedia Publishing Inc. 2004
Last reply by fsagertyaef, -
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Attention head shops, party stores, gas stations, delis, smoke shops, record stores and any other outlet selling bongs, roach clips and other drug paraphernalia: The party is over. Federal and local law enforcement authorities gathered Wednesday to announce they are sending gentle reminders to more than 350 Detroit businesses that the sale of such items is a felony under federal law. It is punishable by up to three years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. Selling such material is also against state and local laws. Officials are not targeting stores in other cities. Are there no head shops in the suburbs? U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Collins said, "We're go…
Last reply by Oz, -
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Check this out, talk about getting what you pay for SYDNEY Qantas Airways admitted Wednesday that a passenger had found a live frog in a salad served on a February flight from Melbourne to Wellington. The passenger discovered the 4-centimeter, or 1.5-inch, whistling tree frog sitting on a piece of cucumber when she opened the plastic lid of her salad. A spokesman for Qantas Airways told National Radio that the airline had changed its supplier since the incident. Tree frogs are common in the area where the lettuce for the salad was grown. IHT
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The price of illicit drugs has soared since drug house legislation was introduced, police said last night. The laws have hit the price of cannabis the hardest. A pound (0.45kg) of cannabis has risen from about $3800 to about $4500 in the past few months. Drug squad boss Senior Sergeant Les Martin said the rise suggested the availability of the drug in the Territory had been reduced. He said several pro-active drug squad operations, and increased powers that the drug house laws had given police, were in part responsible. "Just recently there's been an increase in the price of cannabis in bulk amounts of $500 to $1000 a pound," Sen-Sgt Martin said. "It means tha…
Last reply by LongFingers, -
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Texas School Nixes Marijuana-Laced Treats Fri Apr 30,11:16 AM ET SHARYLAND, Texas - Sharyland school officials have taken the buzz out of sharing home-baked snacks with classmates. Students in the Sharyland Independent School District can't share their sack lunches or any other food from home with others without school permission after a student was arrested for giving marijuana-laced brownies to friends. "We do not permit a parent (or anyone else) to bring in food for students other than their own children without getting permission from the building administration," district Superintendent Sandra Reed said in a letter to parents Wednesday. The …
Last reply by Chev, -
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:: I thought this was a beauty! Cracked me up anyway. An Aboriginal woman put a curse on Prime Minister John Howard as he visited the regional Victorian town of Colac today. Clad in possum skin and traditional tribal makeup, the woman stood silently outside Colac Performing Arts Centre while Mr Howard got into his waiting vehicle after addressing a crowd of more than 500 members of the local community. Embattled Aboriginal leader Geoff Clark and his supporters watched as the woman known as Moopor pointed a bone at Mr Howard, who just smiled and waved. The silent protest comes as Mr Howard last week announced the scrapping of the peak Aboriginal organisation ATS…
Wrong Pants
by Tom- 2 replies
NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- It was a case of being in the wrong pants at the wrong time. Kendrick Gibson, 26, was arrested by police Thursday after failing to surrender himself for booking on a misdemeanor citation for a suspended license charge. Authorities went to Gibson's residence to arrest him. With police inside his residence, Gibson began getting dressed, putting on a pair of blue jeans. He then suddenly took them off for another pair. The officers became suspicious and found plastic bags containing crack cocaine and a small amount of marijuana in the pockets of the first pair. Gibson also now faces charges of felony possession of crack for resale and misdemeanor m…
Last reply by jaikai, -
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Revellers at this year's Nimbin MardiGrass can feel safe in the knowledge that there will be a host of volunteers trained in first aid techniques present throughout the celebrations. In a joint initiative between the Hemp Embassy, the Jungle Patrol Community Safety Inc and Australian Red Cross NSW's (ARC NSW) HOPE program, volunteers are to be trained in first aid techniques specific to drug crisis' management. The sessions will be free of charge to volunteers in an effort to minimise any harm to individuals or the community during the three-day event. Participants will be instructed on how to effectively respond to overdose situations ranging from substance induced a…
Last reply by Oz, -
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AUTOMATIC and unconditional welfare payments to people living in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands must end to encourage young indigenous people to seek work, says the Lands' new co-ordinator. A straight-talking Bob Collins yesterday said confiscating and selling the vehicles of drug, alcohol and petrol smugglers was also needed to stamp out an "epidemic" of substance abuse. He said boredom and a lack of incentive to work or contribute to the community had led to a spiral of drug use, petrol sniffing, violence and suicide. "There is a major piece of public policy that's got to be addressed at the Commonwealth level," Mr Collins said. "If you want to give people a re…
Last reply by BULLET, -
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The pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch codnutced at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are tpyed, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit oedrer. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
Last reply by Renegade, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Well EMI and some other CD producers have introduced copy-protected CD's. (That's if your lucky not to own a Mac, as it would mean a trip to the PC store for repairs) Protected means the Windows Media Player can't play (or copy or even see the files) the CD, supposably meant to autoplay but I haven't got it going. Frustration as myself like millions of other have since incorporated my stereo into my PC and thus without the Media Player the CD is blank and useless.... I can still play the CD on the PS or my walkman, but as I never do this I doubt it, prefering compilation CD's I have burnt (in the second case, six channel sound in the first). I don't buy CD's to individual…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -